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Bleaches Synergy Game Master Applicaton


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Bleach | Kano





How Long Have You Played On The Server[Hours]:

TC Shadow Knight Bleach has played for 3909:04:35.


From 1-10, How Would You Rate Your Knowledge of the Clone Wars?:

I'd rate myself a 9-10


How Good Are Your Communication and Leadership skills?:



Do You Understand That If You Are Inactive, You will be removed from the program?:

Yes, Yes i do!

Give Us An Event Idea That You Would Like To Produce:

Alright this is a 2 part event.

Part 1:

Im going to need about 3-4 Game Helpers or Event Jobs for this.

So, The CIS have gotten information from a spy that there is some very valuable Republic data in the base. So, Count Dooku has sent General Grevious and 2 (or 3 depending) Commando Droids to help him extract this information. The commando droids will enter the base via LAAT (or something else if it is over the limit) And make there way up to the BCC and start to extract the data. But while this is happening Grevious will attack the base with his Fleet and make a distraction for the Commando Droids. Once the Commando Droids extract the information (thats IF they extract) they are going to make there way to the Generator Room and they are going to plant 3 different bombs on each of the Generators, Once they blow up. The Commando Droids (if they don't get compromised) will make there way back to the LAAT, But during all of this Greivous will retreat while the Commando Droids make there escape with the LAAT. If the Commando Droids get out of the Base with all the necessary information. They will flee the system and meet Grevious at the rendezvous point (which would more than likely be at kashyyyk). Part 1 Over.

Part 2:

Ill need maybe 4-7 Helpers for this

So, The Republic has just been Informed that the Missing republic LAAT was tracked all the way to kashyyyk, So the republic sends (note Battalions may change due to numbers) 501st, 41st and 212th to intercept the CIS at Mustafar, Grevious and 2 Magnaguards along with the Commando Droids from the Base are all on Mustafar trying to decipher the republic data, The republic accompanied with Senior Commander Dez (if i get perms to) who has been watching Grevious and his droids. The 501st has been tasked with Defending the FOB (may change) and the 41st and  212th was tasked with Finding the General and his Droids before they decipher the data and send it to Count Dooku. The 41st and 212th find the CIS Outpost. And the CIS seem to have some wookies captured. So the 41st and 212th will need to both rescue the wookies and save the data. The 41st and 212th split up so the 41st resuce the wookies and the 212th rescue the data. But while this is going on back at the FOB. Grevious has sent a few frigates to destroy the Republic FOB. But the 501st destroyed the all the droids. All of the Commando Droids and Magnaguards are destroyed leaving Grevious the last one, So he flees the system in his ship, and the 41st and 212th save the wookies and the data.

Part 2 Over.

Place Links Below of atleast 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):

Ive been a Game Master before but i can't find the AARs for them.


So, That was my Game Master Application! If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them down below!


Until next time,









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