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Skrt's Staff Application

Skrt Skrt

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RP Name: 41st GC FMED SGT1 Skrt 

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:105723990

Age: 16

Gender: Male 

Timezone: NA PST (But i'm up so late I usually catch EU)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): 

Well about a month ago I heard a new server that popped up and I decided to join it, We were on Rishi Moon and I quite enjoyed the events and the community. The community is really close, like the whole server had an inside jokes, and we're very welcoming. I would like to help out and become more involved in that community on Rishi Moon. I did hop off the server for a bit but a good buddy of mine was able to bring me back into it (Sanic) This is a new growing, welcoming community and I want to be apart of it, I want to help it grow and make sure it runs smoothly. I used to be SA for a CWRP but sadly it was shut down, the owner gave up on it, but I think that I could be a great asset to the team and help the community out to the best of my abilities.

I have 600+ Hours on Garry's Mods and what I've played the most is SWRP it's very interesting the people you meet and you learn alot from different people, being an asset to a community where you can meet people from across the world and enjoy a simple game would be wonderful. I want nothing but to better the server and the community as a whole by being a moderator and making sure that it can run as smoothly as it can, wether it be dealing with the minges or helping someone who is stuck outside the map or having a problem with their UI. I hope I can be welcomed into the community and maybe make this my new home server. It would be wonderful to be someone like that. I also would like to become a Game Maker one day because I have so many Events planned out and stories I want to make happen and this is the first step towards that goal.  Thank you considering look at my application I hope you are enjoying it so far. c: 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum) 

Well if you would like to know more about me, I am Michael, I am a passion driven person and when I see something worth doing i got straight for it and I will not stop until it is done. I grew up writing stories, playing video games, and just reading fictional books all the time and this Role Play server is quite fun actually. Now I'm not going to Enumerate all the good things, I know that sometimes when confronted i like to get a little defensive but i have been working on that and just looking at criticism as a construct. I always strive to make others around me better because you're only as strong as your weakest link, and bettering the people around you, well it might better yourself as a person and that is what I live by. 

Do you have any previous staff experience? I used to be a SA for a CWRP server but sadly it was shut down after the owner gave up on it, tried the best I could but the owner lost his passion.


Thank you for looking at my application and looking into it, I hope you see how important this would mean for me and how dedicated I am. Thank you for your consideration and I hope you have a great day. c: 

Edited by Skrt Skrt
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Congrats you have been accepted for the interview process.You have until a week from now(9/4/17) to contact an overseer (or head-administrator if you cant contact an overseer) . Failure to make contact with one will result in the denial of your application.


Good luck my little duckling, hope to see you on the staff team <3

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A member of the staff team will be with you shortly to train you.
Please use your new found abilities for the better, and don't abuse them!

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