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CWRP - Peace Staff Application


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RP Name: TR Rancor ARC JTO SFC Peace

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:447713609

VIP (Y/N):Yes

 Age: 14

Timezone: Central

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an administrator for Synergy's CWRP because, first off, I just really love the server. I have over 300 hours of play time on the server and most of it is not just from AFKing (I hope). Second of all, all staff members are fair and very good at their job, I wish to be there with them when the server has max capacity, and when it is in one of the slow periods late at night, when only people from the UK and minges are on, so that the server always stays clean and minge free. As well as keeping minges off the so called streets of the server, I would also just be able to help out more on the server, being a TR is good, but being able to give RPers the stuff they need to be happy and do what they are doing is an excellent way of helping as well. As well as wanting to help the server out, I do, as everyone does, have things that I wish to do that being an admin will get me. For one, Game Helper and Game master. They are what drive the server and what keep players coming back to it. I am aware that the weekly amount of events is over 50, and I am willing to help raise that bar. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I am a Civil Air Patrol Cadet, so I know the need for discipline (name sounds cooler than it is). To the people around me I am funny and can be in game. You will notice that I will post LOAs every other week, that is because I have to go to my dads and most of the time do not bring my computer. On tuesday's I wont be on at all or will be on very late, so sorry about that.



Do you have any previous staff experience?: No

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close): 381:46:03

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) NO

EDIT: Just fixing a small Grammer mistake. 


Edited by Peaceshield
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