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Turbine / Niner Skirata's GM Application


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A.) RC-1309 Omega Squad Niner Skirata | Turbine



A.) STEAM_0:0:6038587


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:

A.) RC-1309 Omega Squad Niner Skirata has played for 1711:08:31.


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?:

A.) 8.5


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?:

I feel my communication skills and leadership skills are pretty good, I have a lot of experience leading both people in events as in event jobs and also battalions as I have experience in the past leading as a BCMD and also high ranking officer spots inside battalions so I would say I have been able to develop skills in these fields


Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?:

Yes I Do understand this


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

So to give some backstory to this event recently I have made a cartel called the istein cartel. This cartel had their main base raided during one of my previous events and they had 2 high ranking members kidnapped during this.


So in my event, the Republic will have won a planet back from the CIS and they will have to deal with mistreated civilians who are currently rioting, CG and DU would be deployed due to the fact they have shields and are able to block areas off and control the civilians. During these riots SOBDE and going to disguise as civilians and get arrested by CG and taken to a prisoner as prisoners. In the prison, SOBDE are going to interact with cartel leaders and infiltrate it to figure out how they plan on escaping and do some of their dirty work for them to gain their trust. While this happens 212th and 104th will be destroying two droid factories and confronting a CIS warlord who has a group of hostages.

To summarize the event

SOBDE will be doing RP in the prison
CG and DU will be working to control a restless Civilian Population

212th and 104th will be dealing with a droid factory and civilians.


I Have a lot more event ideas that I have to create event Story lines rather than one off and this is only one of my ideas to do with the cartel


Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):












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+1 very ebic


i am literally captain tukk

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