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CWRP- Koala's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR Shock RT MSG Koala/Jedi Padawan Kyran/Sith Acolyte Kaleigh

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:156828793

VIP (Y/N): Yes

Age: 16

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Zone

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): It has been at least a year since I've played CWRP seriously. Being staff on Icefuse exhausted me, and when the split happened, I resigned from staff, and got charge backs for my donator rank. Now, with finals getting finished up, I'm looking to come back to the community. At first, I wasn't looking to rejoin staff, but now I feel compelled to help this community that I have an exceeding amount of fun in. I wish to become an administrator because I usually play late at night, due to me prioritizing my homework. This is a time when sometimes administrators are either sleeping, or there are few New Admins to do simple white lists and such. Furthermore, being Shock on my Clone has me understanding the rules very well, while having patience with minges, as it is within shock rules that we warn them before arresting, unless it is a serious offense. Overall, I want to become staff because it provides nothing but positives, since I can help the community, and as i often find downtime while i play, I can do staff work.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am currently in high school, so I have limited time to play of weekdays. This will especially be so in the coming week due to finals coming up. My schedule is:

Monday-Friday: 8-12PM

Saturday: Varies, but usually anytime before 4-7 pm and after. I tend to be on for at least several hours on weekends.

Sunday: Once again, it varies, but regularly I dont have anything planned on sundays, just homework and sometimes meeting with friends, so I tend to be on for the majority of the day.

Having experience in staff, I've dealt with so many situations, I find myself able to stay calm, and deal with minges easily. My fellow troopers might know me as quiet, and slow to anger. In real life, I work as a canvasser for a political firm, so I can talk with confidence, and clarity. Overall, I view myself as not necessarily a standout guy, but pleasant to be around, and I do my best to make it so.

I also have lots of dedication, examples of which can be seen in my personal life, and in the star wars roleplay community. In school, I participate in the Ultimate Frisbee Team, Robotics Team, and the school newspaper as an editor. All being high commitment extracurriculars, over the years, I have learnt how to balance and manage my time well. Alternatively, in game, once I find a battalion I like, I will stay with it to the end. When I first came back to the server, I joined DU, my old battalion on ICEFUSE. Unfortunetly, my old brothers were no longer there, so I joined Shock shortly after. Since then, I've remained dedicated to the Shock Battalion, working my way up to MSG. Furthermore, back on Icefuse, I was one of the founding members of the 101st; It was an attempt to make the CT jobs into a battalion in of itself. With several admin friends, and DU members that transferred to help, we trully fought to forge a path for the battalion. Sadly,  it failed, but we stuck with it to the day it was removed.

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, back on ICEFUSE, I used to be a Senior Moderator.

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  About 100+

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No


EDITS:  Colors, and some additions about myself.

Edited by Purpl
Colors, and some additions about myself.
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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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