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Maymays Ban Appeal


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RP Name/Steam Name: Maymays

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:136648136

Date of Ban: I don't remember, some time in September. 

Length of Ban: Perma

Offense: Not handing over ownership of the discord. 

Banned By: Lighig

Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: It's been four months since my ban, to put it simply I think I have done my time and I've matured since. I know in my last couple weeks in synergy I had become toxic. The main reason to that is because I played to much. In 8 months, I put over 2000 hours into the synergy server. It was wearing on me mentally and people could tell. In a way I am grateful for my ban because it has given me time to see the error of my way. I have no intentions of ever leading anything ever again. If I am unbanned, if it hasn't happened already, I will be revoking my own legacy ranks to all battalions and naval (BO). I want to start fresh and rebuild my tarnished reputation on Synergy. I'm sorry to @Zim I was extremely childish in our final discord messages when for the most part we were rather civil towards each other. But our alpha mentalities finally hit a spilling point and we had a competition of who had the bigger dick or thats how it felt. I don't expect any sympathy from anyone because of what has happened in the past. I just hope you all remember all the good times of simple enjoyment. And to all the friendships I've ruined with those like Andrews, and Chambers, I am also sorry. I once again don't expect any sympathy but a sorry is a good start to rebuilding friendships. I said stupid shit to both of you, it happens. I haven't had the chance to say sorry because I've had no form of contact to you all. 

I have since handed over all ownership of any documentation and discord information to the appropriate people. I am not in anything synergy related, so my reason for ban is no longer a reason for ban as I no longer hold any documentation or discord information related to Synergy. 

Also, one final thing, there was a code of honor that was there before frecks time. All Yularens wait to hand over discord ownership and don't hand it off to anyone else. I was simply sticking to the code of honor even in face of a ban. While it may seem foolish to some, honor is one of the more important things in my life. I always try my best to be honorable, and the smart thing to me felt like waiting until we had a new Yularen. Which is what I had done after my ban. I had handed it off to Alfa. I did not deface anything on Synergy or in the discord. I did not touch any messages that were important. All I had done was waited out the time until we had a new yularen rather handing it off to a director or owner. 

Evidence to support your claims: http://prntscr.com/m3qdwx Proof that I am no longer affilated with any synergy discord.

Edited by Maymays
added the "one final thing " portion
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26 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

Sometimes, bans just shouldn't stay permanent.


@Gambit is this you Maymays?

Yes, this account belongs to Maymays.

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4 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

Then don't comment on anything other than your own ban appeal with the forum account you're on. 

Talking about a Commander Application post and another Ban Appeal.


Alright. I'll make sure to know that in the future.

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+1. This was during a time where the hammer swung rather freely. I think he definitely deserves another chance.

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Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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  • Retired Founder

Alright it really irritates me that you did not put the full story into your post here Maymays, you forgot to include how you harassed the Directors and high staff after your ban, everytime something happened on the server you would spam message them about how they were dictators and how terrible the server was. You did the exact same thing to Zim and you act like it was a minor thing but you harassed him just like you did the Directors. 

Then on top of all of this you made alt accounts on Discords AND on the forums to ban evade multiple times. Chambers had to investigate the naval discord because you snuck in there knowing you were banned from it. You did the same thing on the forums where you have been using an alt account to avoid being banned on the forums which is how you saw whenever drama happened and then harassed the Directors about it.

Heres what we will do, I want you to come into our TS so we can actually talk about this in voice and get everything that you did straight and cleared up on this post (Ive already unbanned your TS account). No decision is going to be made yet but we NEED to talk before anything is done here as you have left heaps of details out about the rules you broke and the shit you have done.

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