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CWRP - Super's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR Shock ARCT TKO 2ndLT Super

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:73477946

VIP (Y/N): Yes

Age: 20 

Timezone: Central Standard Time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I've played on Synergy for Quite some time now. I've been Shock the whole way through. I know all the rules of the server and how to punish someone for breaking them, I feel like someone who practices enforcing the rules is someone who is good for the job. I also wish to become staff to improve this growing community, I see new faces every day, sometimes even becoming close friends with them. I love this community and the people who are a part of it. I'm a very active player, getting on at least a few hours a day. I've been staff on multiple servers so I've had some experience. I feel like id be a great help to the community and I would carry out my duty with upmost professionalism. I'm usually on late at night when the minges like to get on and do what they do best. As a part of Shock I know from experience that when minges get 4+ arrests, they're supposed to get talked to by staff, resulting in a warning or a ban, though sometimes staff aren't around to do anything about the minges so they just keep on minging. I think it would not only be beneficial for the community, but i would benefit Shock as well.


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): First off, I don't like being mean if i don't have to. I like to be friendly to people and make new friends. I work for a small construction company with a friend and his father, Building and repairing porches, roofs, etc. I've worked with them for over 3 years, I don't have work every day but when I do, i'm usually gone for most of the day. I like to spend time with my family which is why i'm usually on during the night time, but I usually play Garry's Mod at least 3-4 Hours a day if i'm busy and more if i'm not. I currently have 2,110 hrs on Garry's Mod. I'm a very honest person but i don't judge, If I do something wrong I usually own up to it and take the punishment. I do college courses online so ill probably be on if anybody needs anything. I plan to become a Electrician so I can continue doing what I am good at but id be able to do more, also the pay Isn't bad for an Electrician.


Do you have any previous staff experience? I was staff on 1 CWRP server (Refugee Gamers) for around 8 months, and a few other CSS/TF2 Servers all within the years of 2010 to 2017.

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime) 448:15:38.

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) Nope.

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