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Scribbles - The Dark Zakkul


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Name: Scribbles 

Who helped (If applicable): Dolvek, Marvel

Event Name: The Dark Zakkul

Summary of the story: A Unknown Sith, Soon to be known as Zakkul let a tentacle creature spawn in the tunnels of the mountain, jedi and clones went to go investigate, as they went to go investigate they found out dark side entities and a creature, a darkly creation in which case the jedi destroyed after decyphering the tablet codes, and found a sith holocron within the creature. The second part went to a sithly voice screaming at the jedi for his holocron back, and appearing with a sith castle. The jedi and clones moved their way into  the sith castle and negotiated for the holocrons. In which case it ended up with a  fight in the throne room and the sith and his guards never made it out. 

What was the result of the event?: Hopefully great

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplaying with Shooting

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allowed diplomacy even though it only kinda happened, good shoot'em up and god rp only thing I would change is making sure event jobs don't continually spawn due to the fact people are usually scared to destroy tac's and we don't shoot em, also only involving Jedi kinda ruins it for clones if allowing clones to run backup for Jedi during the negotiation would allow everyone to participate. Good event though, scribbles events are good.

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