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Alexz's scuffed hostage scenario


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Name: Alexz

Who helped (If applicable): Scribbles

Event Name: Scuffed Hostage Scenario

Summary of the story: A bunch of commando droids sneak into the base and take a BaseOps hostage. They force the BaseOps to make all highest for each battalion come to the meeting room and surrender their weapons. The clones instead of surrendering fight back and try to kill them. The commandos try to escape but blow up key logistic and data towers in the process.  They then attack clones but are forced to retreat.

What was the result of the event?: Republic Win and Commandos fall back.  It didn't go to plan at all though lol

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP with the negotiations and hostage escape and then Shoot-em-up with the fight against commandos. 

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1 minute ago, Italy said:

-1, very unorganized, anything having to do with commando droids was considered meta gaming. 104th couldnt do any hostage negotiation because the other battalions wouldnt let us do our job. 


1 minute ago, Moros said:

-1 Disorganized, people weren't allowed to do their jobs, and event roles weren't RPing very well.

Now how can I make other battalions let you guys do your job. Also the event job that was cloaking in front of SO and SOBDE was blacklisted so he was dealt with.

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The event had a good premise. The execution was horrible. It seemed to be an inability to adapt to the changing scenarios and sticking more to a laid out plan than changing to fit the current situation. It seemed also that previously laid out guidelines were being changed just to suit the current RP, and areas that were secured were suddenly destroyed within seconds with no explanation. While much of this can be blamed on the players, there is still the fault of being unable to change the plan when the plan should have been changed.

Again, could have been good, but too many things went wrong without changing the script it seemed like.

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 +1 just a bit more event jobs and maybe a GH or 2 could have improved it


tips for next time

 - GHs to help with other aspects

 - remind the event jobs of the rules

 - Maybe add somemore elements, so maybe NPCs, EOD rp, etc.

  • Winner 1

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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1 minute ago, Gadget said:

 +1 just a bit more event jobs and maybe a GH or 2 could have improved it


tips for next time

 - GHs to help with other aspects

 - remind the event jobs of the rules

 - Maybe add somemore elements, so maybe NPCs, EOD rp, etc.

Yeah i asked around for event jobs, but I no one responded so I had to make-do with what I had at hand.

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