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Zyner & Quill's Volcano Weapon


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Zyner & Quill

Who helped (If applicable):

Elijah, Alexz, Logic

Event Name:

Volcano Weapon

Summary of the story:

Troops were deployed to a nearby planet where a multitude of CIS outposts were spotted. Their mission was simple, land and fight off the CIS until they took over the outposts.

What was the result of the event?:

Once the outposts were taken over and a pick-up was called, the Acclamator was suddenly shot down by the Volcano's lazer which caused the Troops to further investigate the island to discover a base within the Volcano. Scientist were being held captive inside, working on weaponizing the Volcano under the order of the CIS. The Republic fought their way in and were informed by the Scientists that the Volcano was overheating during their battle. The coolants in the Volcano's pit needed to be replaced but miscommunication delayed the procedure causing the Volcano to blow up and killing anyone still inside of it. Through the collapse, some managed to survive by waiting out the explosions inside a water tank and emerged later.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

75% Shoot 'em up, 25% Roleplay (would have been more but there seemed to be miscommunication between the Troopers & Scientsts in-character).

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