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CWRP - Butter Staff Application  

Thot Destroyer

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RP name: TR 104th HVYL CSM Butter


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190881146


VIP (Y/N): No


Age: 17


Timezone: Western


Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  I wish to become staff because I want to help the server and do events. I would also train CCs often as we can never have too many players and make sure they get the Best quality training and weed out minges. However what I want to do most is events I have lots of ideas that would let everyone who is specialized in something (EOD, Pilots, Recon, etc…).and I want to do events often as well as special sims and passive RP (because them medic boys need some love)! I hope you will consider me for staff!


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I enjoy help other and getting them to understand what they did wrong rather than punishing them depending on what they did. Help them improve themselves in the future and I helping others. Enjoys doing the work no one else want to do I dont and I like talking to others.


Do you have any previous staff experience?: I was an admin on an HRP server and a gamemaster on other CWRP servers.


How much play time do you have on the synergy server?  205:39


Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: No

any questions @  me

Edited by Thot Destroyer
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