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CWRP - Nick's Staff Application


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RP Name: Fleet Ensign Jan Doddona / 91st Recon Arc MSG Nick/  Jedi CM KnightI Nick

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60425375

VIP (Y/N):  Y

Age: 14

Timezone: Pacific Standard 

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I very much wish to be a admin so I can help out this server and the community that has kept me on it.  Being able to spawn dupes help out all batts. help out everyone on it is my main goal. Also when no staff is on I want to be there. When someone needs a dupe spawned, needs a tp I want to be there. I want to give back to the server that has kept me here for 6 months. I have always had a mentality If something is given to you you have ti give back and that is what I want to do. Also I think it some how would make me want to come on the server event more than I already do which I dont even know is possible. Also to add on when there is no staff on what if theres a minge that is just runing everybody's fun if theres no app people are just going to get off. And I get it when there is no one to do anything about a minge the server period is just not fun at all. Also when there is no staff on to tp or fix anyone who is brutaly broken. We all know it is Garry's mod stuff break and it is staff's job to fix it. Also I want staff becasue I am active so when someone needs something I can help them out. Always whenever anyone needs help and I can I will always be there.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hi my names Nick (if you cant already tell...) and currently some how have 5 A's in school and one B-'s. I pretty much spend most of my days playing synergy. My hobbies include Synergy, games in general, star wars and lots of it. I am also a semi not at all pro in airsoft. Currently trying to put a small team together. The thing I love most about synergy is the community you guys are what makes me wanna continue on this server. I'm 14 now and only will go up. For me im trying to get more and more mature every day. Also a lot less socially awkward.  (Im a introvert IRL) The only things to impact my activity include my parents are divorced so I have to go with my dad on the weekends sometimes and the other reason and its a big one SCHOOL.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I owned a unturned/ Co-Owned a Arma Server

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)   At Least 250 Hours+

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) Nope

Edited by Nick #clonewarssaved
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My vote is changing to a -1, not because of activity (he was on loa/roa) but because after talking to you and rereading the app I don’t feel you have the committment to become more than a minimal effort staff member, basically someone who meets requirements and then only does staff for self benefit, This may change if you can prove a jump in committment to the good of the server

  • Disagree 1

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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1 hour ago, [SR]Logic[A] said:

My vote is changing to a -1, not because of activity (he was on loa/roa) but because after talking to you and rereading the app I don’t feel you have the committment to become more than a minimal effort staff member, basically someone who meets requirements and then only does staff for self benefit, This may change if you can prove a jump in committment to the good of the server

Nothing in his application sounds like he wants self benefit. However you're entitled to your own opinion

RIP Family of Euphoria

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