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IKE's staff app (Waived)


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RP Name: Fleet Commodore Pallaeon | 501st TCO MSG Tup

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143319954

VIP (Y/N):  Y

Age: 13

Timezone: GMT

What was your previous staff rank?: Senior admin


Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): No


Why did you leave the staff, team?: Because I had too many responsibilities currently on the server. I was TGM Meaning I had to constantly keep up with trials and that's before they had a set time so I had to show I was active by constantly hosting them. I was also a officer in naval and this was during the whole Skeeti commander report therefore we had a lot of work to do and I had to focus on that in order to get naval back to it's standards. I was CMBOVR in 501st, meaning I oversaw both Heavy and Jet trooper, which meant a lot of responsibility as I had to constantly watch over the 2 specialisations making sure all the members are doing what they should be. I also was Major meaning I had to watch over the battalion as well. Over that I was TRO meaning I had to do a certain amount of things each week. So I chose to resign from Jedi and Staff.


Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I could go through all the stereotypical stuff everyone put, that almost looks as if it is copy and pasted from everyone's staff apps. But TBH synergy is my home, it's been almost 1 year and I have met many people along the way, some friends, some foes, some here, some gone and some currently here. nd I wish to go the step further in the community by becoming staff once again. I want to be able to help the members of the community that I hold so dear to me and every member of the community. It also pains me to see what state the community is in, divided, arguing, dramatic, Causing civil wars between each other where they have no trust for each other. I want to fix that in our "divided" community. We are no longer a community but lots of little ones who share the same server. I want to help the current staff fix that problem and bring it back to the prime of synergy roleplay, better than the prime of synergy roleplay. I want to get rid of the mistrust we have for each other, for instance I don't want to get rid of the 14 year old the apply rule, that is a rule I understand and agree with to a high extenct, but I want to try and make it so people don't have a instant prejudice against people who are at a young ages within their lives. And instead don't judge them by how squeaky they sound, but their actions and what person they make themselves out to be. And I want to make it so we can all rely on each other to get things done and not have to blame others for the mistakes, and get rid of the people who are purposefully causing lots of drama without contributing anything to the community. I am ofc British which is when therefore the few amount of people. We have gotten a massive influx of staff that are British but I still believe that we could do with moreas it never hurts, events however are limited in GMT timezone. Therefore I wish to become a gamemaster to create something for people to have fun with and not have to wait around for all the American events which are the ones which mostly have deployments.


Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes, I would expect I would be.

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Forum Admin


I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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ugh, i think i have to upvote this dweeb so ;*  but way DOWN we go and curb your ego DWEEB

here you GO

its coming 

see its here!
u cant see it? 

Well here it is

now for real
Cant  u see it?






OOOOOOh their it is ike, so now curb your ego and accept my upvote like you accepted high officer ranks


Edited by Rick

Current: GM Pighen | Jedi CMD KU Knight Simms

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CONGRATULATIONS  you have been accepted for the interview process.

You have until 11/2/18 to contact an Head Admin+ for your interview

failure to do so will result in automatic DENIAL of your application


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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