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CWRP - Dolvek's Staff Application


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RP Name:

TR DU Jedi SHKIII Dolvek / Dooms Unit ARCT MSG Dolvek

Steam ID:


VIP (Y/N): 

Yes, that was the first thing I did when I realized how great this community is.




UTC -5:00 ;  Or call it:  EST


Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

  1.  The reason why I decided to join now its because I would love to help improve our community even more.
  2.  I feel like I could help more then being a normal player.
  3.  I would like to work my way up to become a game master, and create events to allow the server to have fun
  4. I decided to join know because I realized how much  I love this community and I would do everything in my power to maintan the server and improve along with it.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

  1.  I'm a Quadrilingual - I can speak: Portugues, English, Spanish, Cape Verdean Creole ( Learn then all ( besides Portugues, I was born in Brazil) in High School when I moved to USA).
  2. I am very friendly,  I love helping people out.
  3. I like to consider myself an honest person, even if the honesty I give may hurt peoples feelings. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?

I've own many servers in the past, some of then still active ( I dont own it anymore, and I dont play as well )
I have alot of experience with the public ( players ). I can deal with all possible drama around the server if that ever happens

Im going to list a few games I been ether Admin/Helper along my gaming experience:

  1. Infestation 
  2. Dayz
  3. Arma 2
  4. Arma 3
  5. GTA ( FiveM )
  6. Rust
  7. Just Survive ( This I was In-game Survival Admin, I would search for hacks and dupes around the map, Also this is the highest I've done in terms of responsibility).
  8. Squad ( I was a Head Admin in the Oficial Brazilian Server, The hardest job I've had; I had to deal with 35 admin/mod ).

If you guys wish to know more just let me know :D

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  

TRO Rancor PFC Mercy: | TR DU Jedi SHKIII Dolvek has played for 238:28:31
Fun Fact: Synergy was my First Server on GMOD; I'm a new GMOD Player, all the hours I have on GMOD its in inside the server haha!

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one)


Edited by Dolvek



  • Jedi Master
  • Senior Jedi General
  • Wing Commander
  • Pink Squad Lead
  • Former Gatekeeper
  • Shadow Lead Manager
  • Trainer Manager
  • Jedi Sentinel Manager
  • Synergy Roleplay Head Admin
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Reddy thats a African Language, its very similar to portugueses but you have hear aloot to start undestand it



  • Jedi Master
  • Senior Jedi General
  • Wing Commander
  • Pink Squad Lead
  • Former Gatekeeper
  • Shadow Lead Manager
  • Trainer Manager
  • Jedi Sentinel Manager
  • Synergy Roleplay Head Admin
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