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Posts posted by GregRocks

  1. 1 hour ago, WildPiranha said:

    I'm sorry, what are the differences between Kellers Unit and 44th Company? Because they sound like twins. I apologize I couldn't make it to the meeting, but this is absolutely ludicrous. 

    Effectively you have done the following: Removed the most unique company in Synergy, changed it for an EXACT replica of 212th AC, "Denied" all Bacara apps (Which by-the-way, shows the absolute lack of planning that has been given to this decision), and in an extreme case, lost members to this server.  

    To top all of this off (The real cream of the crop out of all this) is that you give us until what? The "Tuesday 05/31/22" To enjoy what time is left or plan where we would want to go.  It is a day's notice.  

    I am very disappointed in the execution and planning of High Command. I hope there are better days to come. 

    Not to mention they phrased this all as "dissolving" 21st and "replacing it" with Galactic Marines. "Offering the former members positions."

    It's not that. It's a wipe. It's a takeover. They just don't want to call it that because it sounds bad.


    EDIT: I've spoken with Bacta and Maddox privately, and I have not been banned or demoted.

    WHILE I STILL DISAGREE WITH THE SITUATION and how it was handled, there is a lot to the story that I did not know.
    I URGE EVERYONE to speak with the Bacta and Maddox. They will accept any criticism. God knows I gave them a lot. The thing is, THEY ARE LISTENING, and several things have already been changed with this plan due to the community giving their thoughts an opinions. They are BOTH willing to have 1 on 1 conversations, and will both listen.

    • Agree 3
  2. So... You're replacing the 21st, which is already known as the galactic marines, with a new battalion known as the Galactic Marines, which will have 2 subunits... Keller's and 44th...

    So you're renaming the Galactic Marines to the Galactic Marines and adding a subunit, and rebranding it as a new battalion... I stan the logic.


    EDIT: I've spoken with Bacta and Maddox privately, and I have not been banned or demoted.

    WHILE I STILL DISAGREE WITH THE SITUATION and how it was handled, there is a lot to the story that I did not know.
    I URGE EVERYONE to speak with the Bacta and Maddox. They will accept any criticism. God knows I gave them a lot. The thing is, THEY ARE LISTENING, and several things have already been changed with this plan due to the community giving their thoughts an opinions. They are BOTH willing to have 1 on 1 conversations, and will both listen.

    • Agree 2
    • Funny 1
    • Winner 1
  3. Who helped (If applicable): N/A

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Droids attacked the base

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


    Care and Effort:

    Server Performance:

  4. Steam Name: Lovestruck | Synr.gg

    (Waived by Directors)


    RP Name: Jedi Master Jocasta Nu | Senator Bail Organa


    RP Rank: Jedi Council, Senator


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:180469543



    [Jedi Sage Manager | 2/26/2022 - 3/25/2022 ]

    Initially when I joined Synergy, I immediately purchased VIP and went for Jedi. That night, I waited in the temple for 14 hours until a Jedi Master agreed to host a youngling trial for me. Nearly immediately, I joined Consular and went for Sage. I passed these trials on my first go, when these trials were notoriously difficult in the Order. A week later I received the rank of Sage Manager, where I was able to get my first real taste of leadership. From then I spent my time and energy recruiting and promoting people within the branch, which at the time was without any stable leadership. There was no lead at the time, and Katy, the Consular Master at the time, was not even sure if she really held the position of Master until much later after I joined. This position was the baseline for the rest of my time in the Order.


    [Jedi Consular Lead - Consular Master | 3/25/2022 - Present]

    Not long after I passed my Jedi Knight trials, the Order had decided to open the position of Consular Lead to the Manager team of Consular. The Sage Manager Lead at the time was inactive and had no interest in the position, and eventually the competition for the position stepped down, leaving me unopposed. With this position, I was finally able to take matters with Consular into my own hand, and I immediately started promoting managers to host for Consular. During this time, I removed and replaced the inactive managers, as well as found a 2IC to help me with Consular. I worked with other branches to help extend branches of roleplay, and lead several events for Consular or mix branch deployments. I also had the opportunity to take the future of Consular into my own hands, redoing the outdated and leaked Sage Trial document, as well as helping with a Force Healing Roleplay guideline, and creating an entire new directory for Consular, which is still currently used. Later, when the Consular Master position was opened and I had achieved Jedi Master, I was given the position almost immediately as I applied. I’ve recently appointed a new Lead, and will have the opportunity to entirely oversee the branch and it’s success.

    [104th Jedi - 2LT - 1LT | 4/23/2022 - Present]

    Before I received the rank of Jedi Master, I jumped between a few battalions. I never really participated in them much due to my focus with Consular, but once I joined 104th that changed. Since then, I’ve been actively participating as an Officer in 104th, interacting with the battalion, recruiting new members, attending Officer meetings, and leading the lower ranks in the battalion. 104th has felt like a home, and became a branch for me to get familiar and comfortable with leading troops as well as Jedi. Since then I’ve participated and assembled joint comms and trainings with DU and other siege branches. My time in 104th has been amazing thus far, and I feel like a genuine better leader because of the unique leadership positions it has introduced to me.


    [Jedi Master/Council - Jocasta Nu | 4/21/2022 - Present]

    Probably being one of my greater achievements on Synergy, and having been alluded to in my other past experience is my time as Jedi Master. After spending several months grinding Jedi, getting familiar with all of it’s processes and people, and learning the way it was run, I was granted the rank of Jedi Master, and later Jedi Counil.. Since then, I’ve already seen into a deeper level of the Order, and have been able to make and help make significant changes to the Jedi Order which will stick around forever, such as entirely redoing the Mission Board rules, being granted the rank of Consular Master, and having participated in council votes and meetings to help bring a better future to the Jedi Order. In this position, I’ve been able to better reach out to the players, and have taken on a much larger leadership position. I’ve learned to work with battalions, host trainings for Jedi Younglings and Padawans, and take these experiences and make suggestions and changes to the Jedi Order based upon them. To me, Jedi Master is a sign that you have officially mastered your skills as a Jedi on Synergy, and the Jedi Council and High Command has felt you ready to partake, lead, and help make the large, long lasting changes to the Jedi Order that will remain within it’s history forever. Being a Jedi Master, you are given the position to make a permanent mark on the order, and I feel like this has brought me to a point where I feel confident enough on Synergy and in my own competency to take on higher and more in-depth positions.


    Why should you become Grand Master?:
    As mentioned earlier, as soon as I joined Synergy, I joined Jedi. Ever since then, Jedi has been my main, and my largest focus on Synergy. The Jedi Order on Synergy has been a second home to me for as long as I’ve been here, and it is one of my genuine passions in my life and free time. Putting hours of time and effort into making the Jedi Order a better place for all of the users within it has been my greatest goal and my number one want, and as Grand Master I could take these goals to new heights. As great as the Jedi Order is right, now, there will always be room for improvements to help all Jedi, be it their main or not, feel like they have a true place in the Jedi, and that they are significant to the Order. As the Grand Master, I can head one of the largest and most successful times of the Jedi Order, and I can bring about changes that both the community and the High Command will support and learn to enjoy.

    To me, Jedi Grand Master is more than just the leader of the Jedi. Grand Master is a large figure who should not only help and focus on Jedi, but should work with Synergy as a whole. For a long time I feel that the Yoda in Synergy has mainly focused on Jedi, which in and of itself is not a problem by any stretch, but this has been at the expense of reaching out and interacting with the rest of Synergy. As the Jedi Grand Master, I know that I can not only help the Jedi Order, but help Synergy as a whole. The position of Grand Master is so much larger than just Jedi, and it should be treated as such. I will treat it as such.

    A lot of Synergy is run by old-time players who have been here for years. These players are some of the most important in the community, and Synergy could not function without them. I realize that I am not one of these players, which is not typical of players who go for these large leadership positions, but I believe this will not be as much of a bad thing as it will be a good thing. Old players are important. They have the experience and the time in Synergy to be able to determine the best actions with reasonable accuracy. However, many of these old players are only familiar with the older players, and struggle with connecting fully with the newer players of Synergy due to the overabundance, to no fault of their own. This also leaves them susceptible to the feeling of “if it aint broke, don’t fix it” with old systems that sure, they work, but not very well because that’s how they’ve always done things. As a newer player to Synergy, I’d be in an unbelievably unique position to break through these major problems. Without a connection between High Command and the newer players of Synergy, the future of Synergy will be hard to change for the better. The new players of Synergy are the future, and they should all feel like a connection with the High Command is something achievable to them, and not like these people are too high to reach. I’ve felt this myself in my time on Synergy thus far, where old players are always interacting with older players, and sometimes we are shut out from important discussions, or our opinions go entirely unheard due to the large disconnect of newer players and older players. I can bring a unique level of connection to the High Command from the newer players of Synergy, who can see flaws in Synergy that older players cannot. Transitioning to the second large problem on a similar note, there are major flaws in Synergy that are being overlooked due to older players being used to these systems, or rather having the mentality of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” when they only just work, not work well. As a newer player that hasn’t been here for years as opposed to most of the High Command, I’ll be able to not only challenge some of these long-standing systems that may have worked back then but don’t work as well now due to time and other changes, but I will be able to bring about the future of Synergy in a way that no one else could, with deep connections to the newer players of Synergy. To tomorrow’s leaders of Synergy. To the future of all of Synergy.


    Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?



    Mon-Fri 3:30PM - 9:30PM (EST)
    Sat-Sun 9:30AM - 9:30PM (EST)
    (May very based on real life events)


    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

    Jedi Sage & Sage Manager

    Consular Lead
    Consular Master
    Granted usage of the Pink Crystal
    New Admin
    Senator Bail Organa

    Senator Aang

    104th Jedi 2LT
    Jedi Master
    A’Sharad Hett

    Jocasta Nu

    Remade Jedi Sage trials

    Rewrote Jedi Mission Board rules
    Had Cal Kestis re-added to the Jedi Order


    Do you have a microphone?



    Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:

    As it stands now, the Jedi Order is fairly stable, but that can constantly change. By the end of my term, I hope for Jedi to have a stronger, more active presence on the server. I want to have a Jedi Order that is fun, interactive, and not painful to get through. Enjoyable and active at EVERY rank of the Jedi Order, from the bottom to the top.


    While Jedi is doing very well right now activity-wise, I feel they function more as a military cell or a battalion rather than a Jedi Order. Not to mention, Jedi are fairly uncontrolled as it is. I want to bring about a time where Jedi function more as Jedi than as mindless droid choppers. I believe it is important for every Jedi to believe in what they’re doing as a Jedi, and to attempt to further their roleplay as a Jedi, as opposed to a clone or an unstoppable droid-killing force. Jedi should not be jumping in and leaving a wake of destruction in their path, leaving nothing left for the clones to do.


    Stability. For a long time, sections of the Jedi Order, or the Jedi Order as a whole have been unstable. From general activity, to a sense of roleplay, to even lore character and rank changes, things constantly change. I want to create a sense of stability with not only every section of the Jedi Order. Not by uprooting and undoing the work of Yoda’s past, but by altering the surrounding systems to work with these changes, or creating new systems to help. What we have now is great, but it lacks stability. The only reason these large changes keep happening is because we don’t make any small changes to balance them. Large changes aren’t always the answer, sometimes a little bit of elbow grease is the only thing needed to bring everlasting stability.


    How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:
    Right now, every branch in the Jedi Order is incredibly unstable. This being due to leadership changes, resignations, whatever it may be. I believe this can be remedied by normalizing branches helping other branches. Right now, it feels like all of the branches are against each other. While a little bit of competition is healthy, this has gotten to a point where none of the branches work together whatsoever. I believe normalizing cooperativeness with events, joint trainings, and cooperation from the Master team, the branches will learn to work together. I believe this will help stabilization.

    One important way I want to improve relations is by having all Masters actively participate in the branches. Right now, there is a very old and I believe unreasonable expectation that if you are a Jedi Master, you should no longer participate in or hold a leadership position in a branch. This is because these positions ‘should be for Knights’. This mentality makes sense in a world where the branches are stable and have full management positions, but this is currently far from the truth. Right now, there is not a single branch with a full manager team, or even a Lead or Manager Lead. Due to this mentality, Masters never help or participate in branches. I believe this will not only help stability, but will improve relations greatly knowing that they are all held together by the Jedi Master team. Having Jedi Masters participate in branch work will bring a new sense of visibility and togetherness in the branches, and may even bring about long-lasting changes to the branches that will help endlessly.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Grand Master rank?:


  5. Name: Lovestruck

    Who helped (If applicable): Zen

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A CT (secretly a Commando) crashed near Aurek. After informing the Republic of a pending attack, they blew the lights. CIS droids attacked the base. This was meant to be small to give downtime players some entertainment.

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


    Care and Effort:

    Server Performance:

  6. +1

    This is a repost of my +1 on your earlier application.

    I believe you are one of, if not the best fit for Commander Bacara. You do excellent work with 21st, you're unbelievably friendly and a fantastic leader. That's just what I've seen. I've heard even more fantastic things about you from people who've worked with you. Good luck!!

    • Friendly 1
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