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Posts posted by EmBark

  1. RP Name: EmBark

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:92763277

    VIP (Y/N):  Y

    Age: 20

    Timezone: EST

    Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be staff for the soul fact of bringing something new, for example. I like to analyze each event i participate in and break it down. Figuring out what we could've done better as a team. I feel like adding me to the team would open up a lot more opportunities for new and old players to have something different.  For starters i would begin hosting CIT sims and small minor events. However, in reality they are actually a seed being planted for a campaign I've been planning. This would not be a one event instance. It would be something that both requires role-play to achieve great odds, and tactics to be deployed to whip out the new threat that's rising. For instance, a trooper/Jedi would find a strange device and bring it back to Anaxes, it will be stored and locked away. A few days pass and everyone's already forgotten about it. That's the first seed that was planted. Next, The CIS come to Anaxes in search of something but the republic doesn't know what exactly. Seed number two planted. It would be something like this once all the seeds are set they'd start sprouting. That's one thing about being a staff member/gamemaster, you have to make it fun for yourself as well.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hi, my IRL name is George. I live in the United States of America, state Kentucky. I work night shifts at a factory. My hours are 3:45 pm est to 4:00 am est. I work 3-4 days a week. (One week i have the weekend off. The next week i work the weekend.) I never give up on something if i want it bad enough. I look forward to meeting new people and having fun with my newly acquired friends. 

    Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes, i used to run my own gmod server as well as develop servers for fun. I don't have any recent staff positions due to being 20 and having to work most days. However, i think its time i finally step out into the light.

    How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 130:31:41


  2. 7/10. It was amazing. 

    The only reason I didn’t rate it higher would be the Accuracy of the spawning of the enemies. I felt at times if they were spawned after the drop ships landed instead of before it would’ve felt like an actual attack on the base instead of a gmod event.


    Second note. Some of the tangos was spawned closer than I would’ve preferred in an encounter before the ships landed(I felt like they were spawned on top off me). Before the ships landed that is.

    The story over all was Phenomenal. I’d love to see how you plan further events and would love to Participate in more to see how you improve on topics that you, yourself felt you could improve.


    ~ 501st Embark.

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