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About VVedwoe

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  1. RP Name: Wedwoe Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31350246 VIP (Y/N): No Age: 18 Timezone: AEST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I have achieved memories I will never forget. And now I want to give back to the community and play part in making other people's memories here on Synergy. I have met a lot of new friends and seen some unfortunately leave. As staff can better help players with any issues they have whilst also dealing with players that plan to ruin the experience for others. I also would like for players to always have something to do. I hope to enforce the rules of Synergy and do anything else I can do with the powers of staff. The staff on Synergy are already amazing people as they are, but I feel as there could always be more help with anything, like events, white-lists, or if people are just stuck in a wall. I wish to just bring the best RP Environment possible for all players and the staff team to help the server sustain the amazing reputation it already has. Overall I like being staff and I have been a good staff in the past, I hope you put my application in consideration and thank you for reading my app. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am old mate wedwoe, spending way too much time playing cwrp but god damn Is It addicting. I assume myself to be dedicated to my positions and excel in most places, especially administrative positions. I strongly believe in this server and would love to help it thrive, as I know I can contribute a good many things to it. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Icefuse Networks - Administrator - Wanted to be GM. Ironside Networks - Head Administrator - Head GM. Moshpit Networks - Owner - Wanted Management Experience. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 22:57:17. been around for about a mouth
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