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About Chelmsford

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  1. This is why I suggest you refrain from using lore characters as the center of combat because you wont die end of.
  2. 4/10 - Really should not use dooku like that, unfun af. You walked through an entire base with no saber and took all the fire as if you was a god, disregarding any combat and shutting down HMC's.
  3. I dont see how the load out would be an issue in this matter. Reason being that there is no difference between a Rancor Jet trooper and an Alpha Class ARC. Yes, alphas have extra equipment, for example a medkit. But other than that, an addition of a Z6 or tech equipment would not make Alpha any more OP technically. As having 2 more jet troopers would have the same affect.
  4. +1 Stix shows motivation in supporting and providing efficient leadership towards rancor as a whole. He is a outlined his movements within rancor with the correct rationale.
  5. +1 The idea is fair and provides role play aspects to the server. Alpha seem undermanned at the moment and It would be nice to see a lift in Alphas and activity as a whole.
  6. Please elaborate what you mean by 'Use your title as CG as a power'.
  7. No problem dude, Refer back to last post I sent 'May have been sent at the same time'. But I have made no "threats" of arrests as such. Just telling people to change their names etc. This seems to be a foggy situation. If anyone wants to have a verbal chat to consult each other of the situation at hand please message me. There seems to be miscommunication / misunderstanding of actions and comments.
  8. The terminoogy of 'threating' is not accurate. If im thinking of the same situation, remind me if im wrong. But I asked him to change his name, with no threats being verbally said of an arrest. But a threat of an arrest could be implied. On top of that, I would not arrest someone for that anyway, worst comes to worst, I would call a staff member to force change it....
  9. All this is RP. In TS I'm completely the opposite. Its important to note to not mix RP attitudes with OOC attitudes. In RP ill be the cockiest clone. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with be strict in RP. But people will take it negatively as its a dynamic change from other enforcing members. If you guys are ever in a TS call in the future, you will see what I mean by how nice I can be and I have gotten comments from individuals saying how harsh I can be in game, but really nice in OOC.
  10. I would like to say I dont really arrest that many people, Im quite puzzled on the 'more than one case'. Could you please explain the circumstances / what happened.
  11. If its in relation to the CT's that were in the HMC it was my mistake. It was just bad timing, we had a minge con where like 5 CT's were minging and constantly trespassing and they had eng training. . I believe that was my first encounter with these 2 people if im aware. Because I do investigate, the circumstances of the arrest aligned, you were shouting quite erratically and mingy. Just to note, I dont just arrest people. If it was not for the minge con, I would have investigated more. We were low on CG.
  12. RP Name: Chelmsford Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:109930517 VIP (Y/N): No. Age: 19 Timezone: GMT Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The reason why I would like to become administrator is because I feel that I have the attributes needed to maintain and support the server with dealing with rule breakers. I would like people to have an enjoyable experience while on the server and being CG I know what it is like when you got some guy ruining the fun. I am a strict individual when it comes to situation. I am fair and honest with my actions and no matter who breaks the rules, they will receive the same punishment with fairness. I'm a good communicator which allows me to communicate not only to other staff members when it comes to resolving situations, but to also speak with the community and engage their opinions and concerns. Upon the server I am very active, having a good balance with playing the server and going to work. Being in the UK allows for me to be in times where staffing may be low. I am good at managing situations and making sure that all situations that I deal with are successfully resolved. I always say, one good job is better then 3 rushed jobs. I used to play the server back in 2019 and I enjoyed it and I have decided to come back and support the server by becoming staff. I believe the community have an organized staff team and hierarchy which helps with liaising with staff and community members. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm 19 years old and I am a determined individual, I currently work for law enforcement which helps me provide communication skills and listening skills. I can be quite strict some times when it comes to situations which some people may have seen. But if I ever raise my voice, its never personnel, its just that I have a job to do and I am determined to complete it. I'm active and well approachable, I love helping people when it comes to situations. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I used to be owner of a MRP server as well as achieving ranks such as head admin on multiple servers. I have around 10k hours on gmod (Waste of a year I know). But I have been on so many servers and staffed on so many, its hard to keep track. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 337 Hours
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