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Posts posted by Dyn

  1. 16 hours ago, Craigary said:

    What else can an average person do in this situation? Just curious 

    There's a handful of things if you want to attempt to help mitigate the damage, but not a whole lot to stop the current motion of events. One such thing an average person may do is donating to charities including but not necessarily limited to:

    1. The Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund by Global Giving
    2. The International Rescue Committee
    3. Save the Children
    4. Razom For Ukraine

    The alternative is just to raise awareness of these options to people who may not know these charities are working to try to help the current Ukraine situation, preferably through social media or other means. 

    This assumes you have disposable income to offer though. Please remember not to give more than is beyond your means.

    • Winner 1
    • Informative 2
  2. On 2/22/2022 at 8:54 AM, Misfit said:
    Currently our systems are extremely simple and straight forward (slightly why i didnt mention them at all) and my plans are to do exactly as my predecessors like castle, 

    As a piece of advice, probably don't do what I did. Work well with your RCMD if you're able (or even other RCMDs if they can spare the time) and seek out their criticism regularly to understand where you need to go forward. Now with that out of the way, I figure I'll give my thoughts on the app.

    1. The app itself is really short. I mean really short. I understand you may have plans in mind going forward, but it doesn't matter if you can't prove to the people reading that those plans are worth putting you into the position. 

    On 2/21/2022 at 2:51 PM, Misfit said:

    i want the battalion to have atleast 70 members with atleast 7-10 members on everyday to support it.

    This is a milestone, but you don't really give any plan for how you want to accomplish this. This will make people innately skeptical.

    On 2/21/2022 at 2:51 PM, Misfit said:

    i am generally slightly scared for the job but seeing what ive been doing as XO right now a feel as if there wont be much of a change.

    Most who don't haven't done it before tend to be. Regardless of what people might say, it's a big step up and people will be judging you more harshly than before. I. think it's normal to be apprehensive. 

    And that's really... all I can discuss on. There just isn't enough substance to the app to actually pick apart. Misfit, you know that I respect you and how far you have come along but the app itself seems to either lack drive or you just failed to put that drive onto it for others to see. Honestly, I'd encourage you to either do some heavy edits or just pull the app and post a new one when you can show others that you're ready to work hard for the position.

    • Agree 1
  3. 37 minutes ago, Mystik said:

    This seems more like an SO ARF or SOBDE item, if it didnt detect cloakers though im all for it. +1


    I'd argue if the logic for SOBDE getting it is detecting cloakers then it should just be put on every job capable of doing so such as RC, 21stSO, Assassin Droid, and any others I've forgotten at the moment. Jedi as a maybe but their detection is forced based so idk.

    Edit: Also as a note, I'm not really sure what this would do to drive up ARF numbers. It's cool, but it won't really do much since your starting post says specifically not to track invisible targets and most of the time you can hear something shuffling if they're on the other side of a wall. I could see a few situations where it might be useful, but overall it seems more like a tool for the sake of having something new.

    • Agree 2
  4. +1 They're basically the basic trooper of SO, they hardly add anything in themselves and would free more space for SO. I do agree with comments about trying to keep SO and GM somewhat equal, but I think that ultimately if people like SO more then we shouldn't suppress it. 

  5. I'm not going to vote either way really, but honestly I'm kinda more worried for the droid's durability? Event characters like Grievous run around with at least ten times the health and still get lit up to all hell, but these guys are supposed to do it without access to things like force absorb? And against enemies they're (presumably from reading this?) not allowed to target back against (troopers). It seems like it'd be hard to pull off for anything except maybe duels. They don't get the anonymity of regular hunters so if they try to enter the base or hop to the deployed planet, a trooper could just turn around and call them out before the whole swarm light him up. It seems like they'd have to work very well with GMs to get a deployment that wouldn't compromise them (which like Katy pointed out, it does feel very CISish).

    I'm also curious if there wasn't another option. Obviously, jedi hunters seem the best to match a lone (or multiple) jedi in a straight duel. But what about hunters that specialize in killing jedi? Aside from those with brains that might try to catch them off guard with snipers and flanking, a more forward approach I feel would be looking to past lore sources for things like flamethowers (not really an option for a kit class) or explosives (which I'm not sure how easy it would be to get authorized or to maintain this kind of role you seem to want to implement). 

    Overall, just throwing my opinion on it. Like I said, I think it seems a fine addition but I'm wondering about the survivability of the droids.

  6. 3 hours ago, Bosk said:

    Why not the mountain base with mountains trees forest and the base in the middle with a med bay armory BCC DB MHB but not like anaxes but like the hanger comes out of the mountain it could also have like a hangar and would be great for events specially with the mountains basically the bad batch mountain base on that planet but on synergy I would love that so much 

    Dev team, you better be taking notes.

    • Agree 2
    • Funny 1
  7. I like you Claw, but reading through a lot of these proposed changes... it looks pretty bad. Addressing each one in order to prevent miscommunication or misrepresentation:

    On 12/21/2021 at 11:44 AM, Claw said:

    Revaluate the Officer Team: I want to give my Officer team a 2 to 3 weeks Evaluation on the Work and effort for the Battalion


    I understand what you're saying and trying to do with this, but this isn't it chief. If you notice people slacking their position then feel free to move them as you need, but a broad stroke over your entire officer core only lumps them all together and will piss off the ones that legitimately worked hard to get to their position. 

    On 12/21/2021 at 12:22 PM, Claw said:

    this is that I'm probably going to Change it to that Rancor ARC are the only ones that can do the Grading (but i am To the rest of the offices today)

    Holy shit literally no. The whole point of the current system is that people who are ARC trained can assist in times of inactivity on Rancor's part. I can't count on both of my hands the amount of times I was called in from 21st to help out because the bat didn't have enough people on at the time to run their own training.

    On 12/21/2021 at 11:56 AM, Claw said:

    Possibly wipe the Alpha Team but just a maybe for now

    Why? Why even suggest this when your more active members (that I've personally known for some time too) are the Alpha. The only appeal I could possibly see to this is to get outside ARCs to join your bat by freeing these spaces, but holy shit will this alienate your own bat members.

    On 12/22/2021 at 1:19 PM, Claw said:

    Rancor is not dead what and for ARC Trainings i just want to Change who can do the grading

    I don't think it is lying in the grave, but part of your duty as a BCMD is to objectively look at your battalion and be prepared to accept the reality of it. When I left, Rancor was struggling to uphold numbers. I glance over things in the Rancor discord still now and then and talk to some members in it to see how things are going. Not only do I think these changes shouldn't be your immediate priority, they feel redundant and put down for the sake of having changes to implement. I really hope this is just you being bad at explaining your vision, but your application is so barebones that it is genuinely hard to tell. Please don't make the same mistakes I did during my term. Focus your attention on the central part and work out from there.


  8. +1 I understand your decision to step down from SPEC and your current decision to try reassuming BCMD. Everyone else has been pretty much shot down and I think that you taking command might be what is necessary to reestablish both outside faith in the battalion leadership as well as to help iron out the problems presently in the battalion. I think you're likely the best candidate.

  9. 8 hours ago, Guac said:


    I feel a bit wishy washy about some of the specifics, but I think overall you seem to know what you're about to get yourself into. I only hope you're ready to commit fully to the position and to ironing out the issues with some of the trouble bats. Along with that, there isn't really a better candidate and as you've said there is definitely a need for a strong RCMD for Spec right now. Hopefully you can handle it and avoid the burnout. +1

    • Informative 1
  10. On 11/30/2021 at 3:38 PM, Guac said:

    By directly engaging every member of SPEC, PVT to Battalion Commander, I believe I can make a real difference in attitude and communication. Many battalions feel locked out from one another due to the sheer differences posed within the regiment. The job of SPEC REG, I believe, would be to quell that worry and doubt, while opening lanes between each battalion, ensuring their ability to communicate with one another. At the end of my term, I would like my regiment to be in a place where differences are put aside, and focus is set on achieving goals set by battalion HC’s.

    What do you actually intend to do to facilitate the communication you're proposing? What actions are you going to take to encourage battalions to interact with each other or at least acknowledge one another. During my time as BCMD, I got to listen in on a lot of groups that would shit talk SOBDE for how they conducted themselves, shit talked CG for either being too strict or not strict enough, and now Rancor is going to need the support more than ever with effectively almost all branches of command having resigned. So how do you plan to work with these battalions to either remove or mitigate these negatives images that have come from outside their battalion? Additionally, do you have plans to improve relations within the regiment which could translate to deployments. Obviously all of spec play vastly different roles on the server, but they're still stuck together regardless.

    Until answered, will give -1 since not allowed to sit neutral.

  11. 12 hours ago, Chop said:

    You were XO for god-sakes, either Bird kept you in a cage or you did absolutely nothing to help RANCOR from demising to its petty state which it now resides at. The only experience you have with dealing with lack-lustre activity is yourself and the battalion which you were second-command at running. And don't be mistaking the fact that activity has boomed solely of you "tak[ing] control", I would wager that lies in the point being the massive power-void left in RANCOR because you didn't do enough to motivate yourself or other high commanding officers in RANCOR to do something about the inactivity. 

    He became XO like two weeks ago. The last XO before him, Jester, was the one you'd direct most of these towards as he spent the most time as XO during Bird's term. The massive power void was initiated because people left the server for one reason or another. Some of us were tired of the server, disliked the politics, or had other real life obligations. For the most part, our departure screwed over the last BCMD as everyone capable in his officer core began to gradually leave without him being able to do much which has translated to the problem you have today.


    10 hours ago, Fizzik said:

    Are you serious? You're going to remove W&T because it's not being used? That boggles my mind. How about... start using what you learned in W&T? W&T is only useless to you guys because you allowed it to get to that point. It falls on you to use what you've learned, especially as the XO. Start using it ffs, it's proven effective if you use it correctly.

    The only thing that has extensive use in W&T is the Ace Report system tbh. And the Ace report system is already taught to most battalions by their own arcs/officers/BCMDs/etc.


    9 hours ago, Finn said:

    You're part of the problems Rancor currently has. You guys need new and better leadership. As XO you have a ton of power in maintaining a battalion, especially if your BCMD isn't doing the job correctly. If you had been doing your job as XO properly your battalion wouldn't be in as bad a spot as it is. 

    I'd refer to top post with this.


    Gonna add my personal +1. Evidently, Bird wanted to trust you with this kind of responsibility and you seem to be the only one willing to step up to try to handle it. I know you've done some decent work before and I've enjoyed our talks about server state before so I think this could be a nice idea.

    • Informative 1
  12. My personal issue isn't with the perma-weapons themselves, but which weapons are decided to be put as permaweapons and which ones are class weapons. I always thought it was a bit limiting that certain weapon groups (specifically the different grenades) couldn't be utilized in kits instead of immediately being monetized. A few months ago, ARF/ARC lost access to their rockets and we didn't get to implement the mortar system we hoped for. What could have been nice is potentially giving ARF access to smoke grenades and ARC access to the thermal dets. Diox and Bacta could still remain on storefront as they're quite strong. But now they're implemented as they are, it'd be too late to really go back and revisit this line of thought even if the playerbase wanted it. Just seems a waste of potential. Similar things like the silenced DC-15s and modified DC-15a.

    As for whether I think it'd be interesting to see improved variants among certain jobs, I think it could be a good idea but a potential balancing nightmare. The question is how one would be able to balance the DP-23 versus the DC-17s versus the the DC-15a if perma weapons were removed. These are all different weapon groups that theoretically play different roles on the battlefield. But in actuality, lethality in combat tends to be low (you might fight droids at 150 or 500 depending how many players are online) so that it feels like you'll have to really lay into droids with as much damage as you can in the shortest amount of time (preferably without dying yourself). 

    Another question comes as how to balance this against other prevalent server roles. If we adjust trooper damage of base kits and remove permas, will Jedi health values need to be adjusted? Will BHs (both friendly and hostile) also need to receive adjustments that can make them still capable of accomplishing their jobs without the assistance of store weapons (typically, a good store weapon in the hands of a good player can enable them to potentially 1v3-5 others while the base kit weapons for hunters are pretty so-so). 

    Not really weighing in on one side or another, but I think that these are important topics to discuss.

    • Winner 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Conrad said:


    I think its silly to take the unique look of a lore character, and just make it not unique to them anymore. Kind of ruins the point of having the lore character job IMO. Since these models won't get anything new with the new ones coming out just wait untill your BCMD is contacted by founders for what you want in those models and ask then.

    Might need someone to confirm, but isn't this already the case with Appo? IIRC, his design was just considered standard 501st design (from the movies) and doesn't the new models have 1/3rd of their pattern options the same as his?

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