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Posts posted by Tristan

  1. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:64436823

    RP Name: 327h Battalion Commander Bly

    Battalion: 327th

    Who is in command until you return?: XO Deviss

    Length of Absence: 10-12-18 til 10-16-18

    Reason: I'm going out of town for the weekend, I'll be in discord and might pop into teamspeak on phone but I will not able to access my computer from the evening of Friday till atleast late monday


  2. After speaking with multiple people, Washington is right.

    My last months are approaching, and I wanted it to be something different.

    I truly hope I'm not resigning the Attack Regiment to something far worse than me being in this position. But I feel like I am

    I'll serve the rest of my Bly term, and then go back into the shadows

    @miguz Please reapply. Please

    @Chambers Void this 

  3. Changing my Request @Oaks.

    I would like very much like my image to have (I may not use it as a signature, but as a profile pic)

    1: This image

    2: My name "Tristan" with the title below it saying "The Executioner"

    3: IDK what all you can do but if you could make this a darker tone and feel, 


  4. By no means do I want to step on toes by doing any of this, however, I know myself and my boys want K-Company quite badly

    Glad I have an XO that does stuff without me asking him to do it (Yes casual I mean that)

    If 212th is actually willing to compromise with us, I would be very grateful




  5. 101st was (imo) a great concept in its time, though for reasons other than it being dead it was removed without warning.

    While I believe that perhaps it is good for other battalions in the long run, it was fun having a place where new people felt welcome

    People shame and dishonor things they don't like, and most people disliked 101st for various reason, as stupid as they were.

  6. Its really good that you're thinking about what you want to do in your sophomore year.

    Don't be like me and wait until senior year and start thinking about it lmao. Its easier if you think about it early and strive for it

    Do whatever makes you happy, and do whatever you think youll be able to do until you retire

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