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Posts posted by Wombat

  1. I'm finished boys. It's over. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner, but here I go.


    Egg, you have been Gree ever since I joined the battalion from 104th, recruited by Wolf, Woody and Jefferson inside the Green boy hanger dupe. I'm gonna miss you, and I feel as though we may not play again, due to the timezone difference, so this may be a final goodbye. I remember the time you gave me a home, even after I left, you let me come back. I remember the countless hours you spent on this battalion, and the memes on the roster. I remember the home you gave us, a home of memery and trickery. I remember you as an overseer, and Jefferson, being a "role model". I remember the events we did together, with the help of Jek on Mustafar (that was fun). I remember peacock, and how he always came back because of YOU. I remember your words of wisdom in DB, while it was being shot up. I remember you coming to talk to us about people making people cry, and how you always helped them afterward. I remember when you were actually a Jedi. I remember all the drama you and the goon squad created, oh how that was fun. I remember being able to talk to you, no matter the circumstance or problem, you would always have an answer. I remember my resignation, and how you brought me back in after I didn't want to let go. I remember your one year anniversary of being Commander Egg, and how I thought we would get to 3. For the Year + 3 months I've been here, it's been fun. I'll always be remembered for losing the war against birds, but you will always be Gree in my heart, and any 41st's Heart. I am not an odinson, but I do believe the gates to valhalla are open. Goodbye my non-bioligical-not-in-a-weird-way-father-of-41st.





    There is so many more moments I cannot recount, as this is just a reply. But I hope your visit in valhalla is not too long. Farewell.

    " You will not be forgotten boyo. You did a lot for this battalion and for the server. You always have a seat in my battalion as long as I am Gree. Don't be a stranger my young Australian friend. " - Humble and Noble Commander Egg

    You might remember this next one.


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  2. After High command and High Staff purged Egg and the Commanders, I honestly cannot make a decision on anyone. I was also under the impression that you needed to have been a CMD before and atleast a CPT now to be able to apply for BCMD. You did a lot for the battalion, but you would never understand how much hours and effort Egg has put into his time on the server, and feel like all that is about to change. I like you as a person, but I do not personally think you should be Commander Gree, but with all this said, Good luck.


    I believe a few people are going to agree with me. I'll see you later, I'm leaving.

    • Agree 4
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  3. Name:


    Steam ID:




    Reason for leaving:

    Too busy with everything going on around me, and I don't have enough time to put some of it into a GMOD server. I just don't have enough time to staff.


    Got none.

  4. 2 hours ago, Forseen said:

    I’ve seen you do well in GM, however I don’t feel as though you have enough experience within the regiment in which 41st resides.

    That said, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be given a chance?



    Atleast join the battalion and see how it works first, instead of running straight for a Commander Position.

  5. I'm going to make a similar point here to my comment on Dragon's App. This seems like a powerplay to me. Wiping the battalion I feel won't be necessary, as the main reason people stayed in the battalion will have left. Egg is about 50% the reason people like to hangout in our batt. Not only is he fun to have around, but he does actually lead. He knows what he is doing, and he gets things done. He has spent time, effort, and money to get this battalion to where it is today. He has been the longest running commander and Gree ever, and I intend to keep it that way. Egg is more qualified than anyone ever will be to be a leader of the 41st.

    Another point I would like to make is the fact that you have never been apart of the 41st. You don't know how we do things. We do things differently to everyone else, but it is successful. And drama is another big point, people trying to remove ARC training from us, ofcourse we are going to backlash. You expect us to just sit around and let outsiders lead our battalion for us? That isn't how we work. My point will always stand, Egg is the only Gree in My heart, and many other 41st troopers. If you take that away from us, we won't be happy.


  6. -1 - Egg has been the longest running Commander and Gree on the server, at 1 1/2 years. He has pulled this battalion through hard times with his bare back. He is dedicated to this battalion. I feel like this app is more of a powerplay than anything, you have no experience with the 41st, you have never been in our battalion, and you are not qualified for this position. I suggest you reconsider your thoughts, and maybe rather than powerplaying for commander, join the battalion and give it a go, if it really needs help, help it from the inside. Egg will always be Commander Gree in my heart, and if you take that away, I fear many 41st may be gone, whether that be your plan or not, good luck.

  7. People Keep bringing up drama, Egg is not able to control an entire server, people have their reasons for hating or disliking the 41st, and many people do dislike, but I feel the 41st runs differently to most battalions. People stay in the 41st because of Egg, and the senior officers, and alot of these officers like to have some fun. Most drama that is caused is often dealt with fairly quickly, and a lot of this drama has been coming up recently. I have seen Egg as Gree for the entirety of my time on this server. Although he isnt able to play 14 hours a day, he still plays and leads a battalion to the best of his ability. He has been apart of the 41st for the longest time ever, and he is the main reason why most people in the 41st actually stay. It really bothers me when people jump straight to conclusions as soon as they see the top of the lid. That isn't what is really going on. And as for many officers -1'ing comments, its because many of us think alike, thats why we work so well and have a lot of fun.

    Everyone here probably knows Jefferson, stayed through the 41st even in the toughest of times, yet recently the drama revolving around things such as ARC training or BARC Speeders and AT-RTs has really put him off. From this, Jefferson resigned his position as an XO, and many of the 41st are quite sad about that. I can't really explain it properly in words, especially since my vocabulary is limited, but my main point is.

    We want Egg for a reason, he is the best Commander I have seen on this server, and on any server for that matter. Not once have I ever seen the 41st dead. The 41st is an active battalion and Egg Made that so, and most of us 41st, don't want these random people to come in and tear up this work from the inside.

    This has been a long comment, and I apologise for that, but my point will always stand,

    +1 We need to Go places. Make it to two years and I'll be proud.

    • Friendly 1
  8. RP Name: Wombat

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104519957

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Timezone: EST +12

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

    I am 14. I have played Synergy Roleplay for 2000 hours (I need to die) and I have decided to come back to staff. This may be temporary or I may extend it throughout the year to bring a great experience to those on Synergy, just like I used too (hopefully). I am able to control my anger and emotions, I can make events in dead hours and alive ones (just look at my profile, its filled with events). Due to being Australian, not only do I get attacked about losing a war against birds but I am able to help when many other admins aren't available. I would like to give back to the community that has given me countless hours of fun (also, Im gonna be a crazy game master again. Watch out boyos). I really enjoy the community and different people and personalities, and I would like to help them out.(P.S if there are any grammatical errors please alert me, I have OCD with that shit.)

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

    I am a 14 Yo Gamer with many many hours on Synergy. I play many games, about 100-200 and preferably with friends. I have many friends already on Synergy (atleast I think I do?) and have decided to come back to staff and create crazy as fuck events. (BTW, please let me get level 99 Combat level before I start. I am currently 95 :) )

    Do you have any previous staff experience?

    I have played the server for 2300 Hours, around 2200 hours have been admin hours. I made it to VA. (Am I special?)

  9. 1 minute ago, Raider said:

    Obviously, it is completely your choice if you wish to come back; you're not obligated nor obliged to be here!


    Why does everyone emphasise "completely your choice", is there something that has changed?

    Also, I want some public help.

  10. I left Synergy Role Play on March 5th, 2018 (not too long ago). Recently, I have been pondering thoughts about coming back and becoming an admin again. I would like some feedback to say whether or not I should come back, or whether or not I should become staff again. Please, any thoughts.

    - This is ofcourse if you even remember me. :P

    Yours, Wombat - The Aussie Cuck

    Edit: Advice, not feedback. Or both.

  11. 31 minutes ago, Egg said:


    You will not be forgotten boyo. You did a lot for this battalion and for the server. You always have a seat in my battalion as long as I am Gree. Don't be a stranger my young Australian friend.

    MSPaint at its finest.


  12. Wombat’s Resignation





    Steam ID






    Reason for leaving


    I have played on Synergy Roleplay for a little over 1600 hours in the past year, many of those being apart of staff. I have a few reasons for leaving this community, with the most important factor being that it is starting to get plain and boring. There are limited events and when there are events, to be plain and honest they are shit. Sometimes people pump out some good events but it is very rare. My second reason being, that I feel I need to spend a lot of my time on the server as a staff and as a player. I feel like over time, the work I did didn’t even matter, no one recognised me or the things I did. Another reason for me leaving is the fact that I won’t be able to play much longer, or help in staffing. I may occasionally hop on the server as a play to mess around a little bit, but I feel the staff role is weighing me down. These reasons are further highlighted through the amount of drama on the server. It is a game, but everyone back stabs others for power, nobody wants to play the game for fun, but for power, power in a game. I really don’t like to see stuff like this especially in a GMOD server. I did actually go on a 4 week LOA, but I still feel burnt out, the server is getting repetitive and boring, and that is essentially the main reason I’m leaving. Sorry to those who want me to stay.




    While I played on this server, I tried my hardest to make bonding relationships, to not hate anyone. I won’t @ anyone in my farewells, as I will definitely miss some people out and many people deserve one, and I like most people, I loved working in the 41st and working up the ranks since last year. I loved making events as a GM, and all those enthusiastic people that helped me with them. Those people I built sims with, like my small cabin. And really anyone I fucked around with. It was fun, but I feel it is my time to leave. I really want to say thanks to the 41st Commanders, Jefferson, Noe, Lighig and Egg. It was fun, you guys helped me through and had the memes, but it is my time to leave the server. Anyone that liked my presence on the server, thank you, anyone that helped me, thank you, and most importantly, thank you to the staff team. I may come back to the server occasionally to hang out, but for now:

    Sorry, and goodbye.




    • Agree 2
  13. Name: Wombat

    Who helped (If applicable): Scribbles (Event Idea)

    Event Name: Mother Talzin Magic

    Summary of the story: Mother Talzin and Asajj, and Savage opress attack the ship with the help of Trandoshans.

    What was the result of the event?: Asajj escaped after killing 150 people.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em up.

  14. Name: Wombat

    Who helped (If applicable): Jefferson, Unkindled, Noe

    Event Name: The Sith Assassins

    Summary of the story: 2 Sith assassins sneak onto the ship and open ATC where we then spawn droids in MHB while the sith assassins go fuck some shit up. They steal a few lightsabers, 1 escapes and the other dies on the ship. A Sith lord then enters and attempts to steal some holocrons before being killed by a Jedi Padawan. A Space battle then follows.

    What was the result of the event?: 1 CIS Frigate was shot down and 2 Sith killed, 1 Sith escaped and 1 CIS frigate escaped.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.

    • Agree 1
  15. Name: Wombat

    Who helped (If applicable): Juan/Nehuani, Egert

    Event Name: Space Battle over Tatooine

    Summary of the story: In the beginning we warp to help an acclamator but find 4 CIS Frigates, a space battle occurs. 4 Commando droids attack. Another space battle occurs.

    What was the result of the event?: CIS Frigates taken down and we warp.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Quarantine said:

    -1, next time please don't spawn droids on top of the spawns and/or troopers. If this hadn't happened 10 times over to me I wouldn't even be recognizing the issue

    All the spawns are random on the map.

  17. Name: Wombat

    Who helped (If applicable): Egg/Gree, Jefferson, Jek

    Event Name: The Mustafar Disaster

    Summary of the story: All battalions were deployed to stop an invasion from the CIS. The CIS bomb the station before deploying droids to attack. Whilst this is all happening Volcanoes, earthquakes and orbital strikes are incoming. At the end, a firenado fucked some people up.

    What was the result of the event?: Droids were eliminated and a small nuke dropped.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.

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