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Posts posted by Flytape

  1. As a former Commander in DU, after reading what has been said by your former Doom and current Senior Enlisted I am going to have to -1. Just do not feel you have enough credibility yet so with that being said maybe grow a bit more on the server and then apply. Also I don't mean that in a rude way just you need to be around longer for you to gain trust and the credibility to be a BCMD.

  2. Where do I even start man! This guy right here is one the best troopers I saw flourish from a PVT-CMD in a matter of months. He is by far one of the most approachable people in the server! Words can't describe how good of a fit he will be for BCMD because just how amazing this guy is. As your former CMD and friend I am giving you a huge +1

    • Friendly 1
  3. As a former CMD when you were under me I tried to provide confidence you could come to me about anything and everything. At times you did, but most times Cuzzo, Blackpink, and you would only confide in one another. You rarely provided any CMD the opportunity to do anything with most issues you had. You also expected stuff to be done with in the hour of being brought up which it could at times, but most times it could not. This truly limited us the opportunity to fix any issues you three had. When you did come to us with issues we fixed them as fast and as easy as we could, but still if it wasn't to your standard you would create more issues. The only times I can say without a doubt you brought issues to me is when you were my Havoc Squad Officer. Even then you gave Slak and Willy limited time to fix things and just grew more and more frustrated each moment it wasn't fixed.

    Now I can state you are competent leader when it comes to giving orders, but in order to truly excel in a CMD+ position you need to be able to also follow and provide feedback to those around you, below you, and even above you. Which proven in my statement above isn't remotely true to most extent. You're lack of communication as a trusted senior officer and even just officer was proven time and time again. You truly do not have the communication power yet needed to lead as CMD+ in my opinion which is why before I resigned I tried to bring it to your attention that was one major thing not allowing us to fully promote you to CMD which based on the work you put it was very indeed something we wanted to do(better yet something I was pushing so hard to do). Slak, Willy, Harsh, and I all saw promise in you just a few qualities needed to be worked on. Granted I wasn't perfect in some of them, but I was always open to criticism on any issues I had, but you never once accepted from anyone. 

    Now to hit on a big one Slak, Willy and I talked about a lot. Maturity, yes granted like stated above, everyone has there moments where they like to goof around and just have fun. Which is indeed fine and perfectly okay to do, but in moderation as a Officer+. You in many cases then none had report filed to commanders about the immaturity you were displaying to our lower ranks and other battalions which is not a good thing to do as an officer at the time. I myself had interactions where you decided to spam soundboards in game after I numerous times told you stop you refused to listen. To note it did not bother me that much, but it represented us in the wrong way as DU at the time showing we were willing to stoop down to the levels of everyday minges and people who can't even make it past the rank of SNCO because of how they act.

    In conclusion of all of this I as a former CMD and once I hope to say your mentor at times do not see you fit for BCMD just yet. In that case I will be putting a -1 in contrary to what I would really like to put. You still have a lot more to improve on before being CMD even which I see you have finally made thanks to Maddox promoting you which I congratulate you for. Anyways I feel as if other people are in a more viable state to apply as well. With that being said hopefully as a friend, if you still see me that way, this has brought some light to the picture as to why we waited so long to promote you to even the rank of Colonel which like stated before you deserved, but like I also stated we were waiting till we saw minor improvement. 

    Edit: To hit on improvement, I am not saying I am perfect in anyway when I say that. I know I have a lot of things to fix myself before anyone starts to lay into me. That is why I resigned from my position to take time to fix those things.  


    • Agree 2
    • Winner 1
    • Informative 1
  4. 10 hours ago, BlackPink said:

    Now to add to my first point, which I will since I'm out of DU now. Flytape is one of the most toxic members that we have in DU, and HE IS COMMANDER. Pretty much every officer meeting we were talking about toxicity, but strangely enough, when he goes on LOA, we don't talk about it. Coincidence, I think not.

    Whenever we say something to Slak, like how he could become a better commander or some shit like that. It might work, but after a few days it will be back to normal, nothing changed. Willy, what has he done since he became XO, I don't even know and I'm ex-Captain in there. "Oh he is Disciplinary Lead". And ?? The handbook hasn't changed from the look of it, the one who actually apply discipline in the batt are Officer, Senior Officer and Harsh. Slak might do that sometime, but you can also hear him slamming his desk while he is giving the PT. The rumor (might be wrong, but I feel like it's right, I wouldn't be surprised), that Willy only got XO because he was ex-BCMD, and Slak was looking for an XO that was exactly that.

    Battalion morale is at an all-time low. I never saw a battalion with a morale so low. "DU is doing quite good". Yeah, all I see are NCO complaining that the requirements are too high, why, cause they are. I will compare with 501st requirement, they are easy as fuck. Here are the requirements for a 1SG going to SGM. "4 event lead, 7 event participated, 2 training lead, 6 training participation, 14 recruit points". Now we need to say that training lead/participation is kinda very easy. But event lead is hard when you NEED to give event lead to lower NCO. 14 recruits point is equal to 7 actual recruits (each recruit is 2 points), or 3 hours and 30 minutes (15 minutes per recruits points). Insane amount of time for a game to be honest. CSM is even worse. "6 event lead, 9 event participation, 4 training lead, 8 training participation, 18 recruits point". So 4 hours and 30 minutes. The thing is that all actually add up at the end. Only for SNCO, you need like 12 hours of soft recruits (doing advert bind but not recruiting anyone). Fucking insane. Here for the recruits point for the NCO. They need 36 of them. So yes, (36*15)/60 = 9 hours. 9 hours + 12 hours of recruitment if you are unlucky with recruitment (and trust me, we are).

    Now the officer requirement. Great idea if you ask me, it just needs to be used. When an officer is promotable, no one will promote him unless he speaks about it. When I was promotable, I waited but no one actually cared. "Just ask for it"'. But you can get a PT for asking for promotion, 3 Gregor laps or 30 grammar squats. So no, we don't like asking for a promotion. 

    Last paragraph (I hate writing long things omg), the WO application. We had 2 apps which I will not talk about, but have been denied. Then a few days later (perhaps more), I learned that one of our best SNCO has also applied for WO, but he got no word for it. Slak didn't even say that he actually received it(he might have ignored it, Slak has done that to me a few times). I asked in our super officer chat, but as always, this is going to be a Commander decision, and the officer will be the last one to learn, pretty much at the same time as the NCO/Enlisted. Slak also said that it would be a Senior Officer/Commander+, but I feel like it would still be a Commander's decision. I feel like Slak doesn't trust his officer core at all.

    So after all, I will -1 that.


    11 hours ago, Scp-049 said:

    -1. Slak you are a good person but some of these issues in the battalions are so simple to fix but you completely disregarded what we said and moved on with you own ideals. 

    Time for my turn to hit on these two comments on the application. First off I really do love how you two who were members for quite some time decide to bring this up at the end of a term and have been trying to get Slak, Willy, and I in trouble for stuff that you can't just fix within a day. Granted I don't disagree I can be toxic in game at times, but let me hit on that real quick for you Blackpink. Calling me toxic because you can proceed to say something about me and then only for me to respond with a sarcastic comment does not make me toxic. If we really want to go anywhere I can re-call several times where I would just join the channel and you would say some pretty fucking toxic things to me for no reason at all and same for Cuzzo too. You too always kept looking for stuff that you didn't agree with and never once brought it to anyone. You would just go in Skitz discord or a private call and just talk about the issue and to no avail of course they won't get fixed because you wouldn't bring it to anyone in HC or a Senior Officer who could help fix things. Also to kind of back track to me being on LOA toxicity was not only brought up for me but the battalion as a whole in the meetings. It was certain individuals that were physically mature enough to bring it to my attention that I started to get toxic once I became Brimstone. Which granted you cannot and will not be able to fix that on a dime. Also you can't always just assume someone's outside life is perfect to not even check on them to see if they are good or not. I never once yelled a Petrie whenever he had a moment where  he was in the wrong or whenever I had to pull him aside for also being toxic just like me. Instead I provided that we both work on it together and for the last 4 meetings before my LOA we never talked about any form of toxicity with the battalion so for that I know you are lying and just trying to make Slak and I look bad so please don't go starting things. Also we upped our requirements because of how fast people were getting promoted and we need to put a halt to it because you can't just have everyone get to officer super fast that doesn't make a battalion look good just makes them look like they are power promoting. Anyways just please try to refrain from blaming all of that on HC as well cause all OFFICERS agreed to raise them until a better solution was found. Anyways thanks for you oh so gracious feedback.

    • Informative 1
    • Confused 4
  5. 9/10, regards of what others think this was a very well put together event. People just gave up and didn't want to do the actual RP portion. I think towards the end where it got fairly boring in my opinion, but other then that it was pretty great! Keep up the good work Jake some people just don't have the patience to sit through events.

    • Informative 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, Dennis said:

    1. I could care less that otter got gambit, havoc squad is my creation, secondly he never made his interest know to me about ARCO it’s not required for havoc squad to be branch officers. Otherwise I would have talked with him about it. I can’t read your mind or his and I can’t control peoples minds or actions.

    2. you as a dooms u it commander attempted to order around 21st it’s been clearly said before that it doesn’t work like that and the community treats it that way. So your argument of “disrespect/ insubordination “ was wrong, yes they were being rude which i said they where and PTed them. I was saying your initial reason was wrong, so idk why you take everything I was saying as hostile. I was trying to explain my side and what I was told, while trying to understand your side of the story. 

    also @Underpaidstaff just relax dude, let’s make sure apps stay as feedback and questions only keep the arguments in dm’s


    1 hour ago, Underpaidstaff said:

    during the deployment he ordered two 21st to delete  important data the man in charge of 21st during the deployment decided against it and ordered us to download the data. Flytape[then brimstone] said he would AOS them for BATTALION DISRESPECT. we elected to follow OUR CO's orders over the CO of a different unit. if he was our CO or if our CO had agreed with him then yes it would have been insubordination. further more @Flytape your whole first complaint is that dennis wanted to handle HIS battalion himself, which by the way he did after talking to you he PT'd the entire group that participated personally. 


    1 hour ago, Underpaidstaff said:

    during the deployment he ordered two 21st to delete  important data the man in charge of 21st during the deployment decided against it and ordered us to download the data. Flytape[then brimstone] said he would AOS them for BATTALION DISRESPECT. we elected to follow OUR CO's orders over the CO of a different unit. if he was our CO or if our CO had agreed with him then yes it would have been insubordination. further more @Flytape your whole first complaint is that dennis wanted to handle HIS battalion himself, which by the way he did after talking to you he PT'd the entire group that participated personally. 

    This is all not true at all. So please let me clear somethings up.

    1. To hit on who ever is @Underpaidstaff. I was not going to AOS the troopers who weren't deleting the data. Also I did not give the orders to delete the GM did so please be correct. I reinforced that they need to delete it. Secondly the two that did disrespect me were not cause of disobeying orders was because they in fact did DISRESPECT me in RP. So please be right on your statements. They may have not seen that way but I did so thanks for your irrelevant explanation. Anyways please be in the situation before trying to explain the sides of the individuals that were in the wrong. Thanks man for the comment!

    2. @Dennis You were not trying to see my side. If you did see my side you would of agreed with me and instead of proceeding to say your going to AOS me for "False AOS".

    • Winner 1
  7. -1 from me it my personal opinion I don't think you should be BCMD based on your past decisions. If we are being honest my last encounter with you as a CO to CO you threatened to AOS me for "False AOS" when I felt 2 people in your batt were being disrespectful to me in-game and state that I was "controlling" them during that deployment which wasn't at all true. Also you just aren't fit to be placed back into BCMD after Rancor in my opinion. You seem to get away with stuff like that when if it was just a basic BCMD who hadn't been in as long would of been probably banned for stuff like that. Going further you just are super mingey and still don't listen to anyone who is in rp higher rank then you and it seems to be consistent. To further hit on other things when you came back into DU as legacy you REFUSED to give Otter ARCO when he got Gambit over you. That in itself should be terms for showing how immature you are. ALSO when you came back you were stating you were going to go back for Brimstone and that you should get Brimstone because you used to be it and so forth. When people who work way harder then you do were getting placed for it. I just don't see you as a fit BCMD until proved otherwise in my opinion.

    • Agree 1
  8. 15 hours ago, Caidoon said:

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My real name is spelled C-A-I-D-E-N. Im a junior in highschool, got straight A's right now bitches. Ive never eaten avocado and im left handed. 

    +1 from me, he indeed is a great member of DU and does follow the rules on a consistent basis. I only quote this cause it is literally the butter to his sandwich of an app this is.

  9. +1 as the current Brimstone I will have to say this is a great addition to our loadout. The Heavy Shield isn't place able and will be purely used for us still breaching clear quicker then our counterparts in DU. We don't got an amazing loadouts like most other Sub-Units do. We mostly just have DC-15a and s as well as some other decent addons, but still we could use this shield to help us better our mobility at doing CQC faster and safer. If you aren't apart of HS then you really and truly won't see it from out standpoint. We need shields to help us be better at clearing and being safer in events and deployments!

  10. 3 hours ago, BigBoss said:


    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

    I believe I should become a Battalion Commander due to my experience and service over my time spent within not only the 21st, but with the community as a whole. I believe I have a good understanding of what it takes to be a leader people will not only listen to, but one that people will respect and look up to. Not only do I have literal years of experience leading troops in game, but I also have 4 years of U.S. Army Leadership education that I consistently employ within my commands given to those who serve me. Using my experiences within my service to the 21st, and what I have seen that works with the position of Bacara (and what doesn’t), I will do my best to uphold all expectations and go above and beyond in my service to the 21st, and the Grand Army of the Republic as a whole. I also have 4 years of U.S. Army Leadership education that I consistently employ within my commands given to those who serve me. Using my experiences within my service to the 21st, and what I have seen that works with the position of Bacara (and what doesn’t), I will do my best to uphold all expectations and go above and beyond in my service to the 21st, and the Grand Army of the Republic as a whole. 


    I am indeed +1! He has done so much for the 21st in a whole. He has written countless documents for the 21st and has reformed so many things within the 21st to make it better. Also for anyone wondering why I quoted what is above is because he has the same thing twice and it just looks redundant to me but other then that huge +1

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