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Posts posted by DeathLordYolo

  1. 5/10 Didn't really involve anyone and only included a couple battalions, the beginning was great but after that we forgot there was even a event going on and that their were multiple ships outside. Basically could have made it to where battalions had more to do.

  2. 10/10 Was a ton of fun, good roleplay, good action, kept us on our toes but not to the point where it was unfair, quite literally got a rangers lead the way intro after dying from a explosion and getting picked up by the admiral lmao

  3. 10/10 This was a infection event done right and was great fun, players actually felt like we had choice, our battalions mattered at least a little more than they would normally and it was overhaul great fun[Also don't +1 this message if anything -1 it : ) ]

  4. 0/10 not enough bible, in all seriousness though i'd say it's like a good 9/10, included most people on the server, droids health were set a little high but it wasn't that big of a problem and it was overhaul a fun shoot-em up

  5. 0/10 not enough bible, in all seriousness though i'd give it a 1-3/10 very chaotic, would've been great for jet troopers but hordes of droids, tanks, and nearly unkillable bounty hunters was too much for me and my troopers, nearly caused me to rage quit and did cause one of my troopers to rage quit

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