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Everything posted by Matt

  1. You just don’t like me cause I gave you criticism
  2. I couldn’t get on in the past week somethings happened
  3. RP Name: TR 501st HWS 2ndLT Matt/Jedi K Healer Manager /CEO LT Matt Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144387460 Age:14 Gender:Male Timezone:GMT Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (six sentence minimum): The reason why I want to be a administrator because I really enjoy the Community and how it runs. When I came to this sever the people were so kind and nice I decided to make my home. And also the idea being part of this community, but has not only a player but a family, makes me very in lighten to join the staff team and i always like to help as many people as I possibly can in anyway and not that many admins or on in the uk time so I want to help people out when there's not that many admins on and I want to help with the whitelisting and I could help players with mostly any problems that they might encounter. Tell us a little about yourself (6 sentence minimum): I'm 14 year old teenager who spend his time playing star wars RP and making friend on them. When I was a kid I enjoy the star war series and becoming a nerd over star wars. And i'm told i'm a very nice person that respect everyone listen to them very carefully so that I can understand different side of everyone stories. And i'm am a anime nerd and i'm not afraid to admit it either because I was told people like you for who you are but not if you try to be someone else. And I am very loyal to a server for a long time unless people start to become dicks and other shit like that(most likely never gonna happen cause the admins are strict with people) and like I said before I loved watching Star Wars when I was a little and I still do watch it(it's fucking amazing) and I am a very nice guy but I'm also strict with some people that minge but I like to talk to them first and ask them what's the actual point in minging I like to proceed in some things like kicking them and I always loved trying people out and when I'm on I always help people and I try to go to the CC's as much as possible but I get beat to and ps if you need me to train a cc either bring me on the second call in case I don't see it in chat or if I do I will try to go straight away Do you have staff on any other sever: yes a two severs that shut down because it didn't get to many people on it. I was a super admin on it and on the second one I was an admin and I was an admin on sr So that's my staff app, I hope you enjoy looking into and thank you for your time
  4. +1 people can change you know he might be seen as a meme but if he could make it to shaak ti and do well he can do a good enough job as yoda
  5. Matt

    Banned from TS

    +1 legit no point keeping him banned
  6. +1 wish you was still are reg CMD Washington is doing good though
  7. Alrighty you now have my +1 best of luck
  8. -1 love ya and your a great guy but as wolf said there is lack of detail and more and then you’ll have my +1
  9. Why did this day have to come ??? you were by far one of my favorite BCMDs and I’m gonna miss you’re events cause that shit was thicc as fuck I’m gonna miss hanging out with bigman
  10. -1 raven you mingey bastard jk +1 good guy love to see you back
  11. Bye dude gonna miss annoying you but you still haven’t beaned me
  12. You haven’t helped the RM battalion so sorry -1
  13. Matt


    I don’t want you to leave but you are fit for this position as well +1 good luck friend
  14. Matt

    Saint Med App

    +1 really active knows what he’s doing and I believe he’s one of the best people for med
  15. Massive Plus one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. -1 everything is listed above
  17. Matt

    Marx's Apology

    +1 everyone deserves a second chance as long as he actually says it to joah I think it should be fine but it’s up to Joah
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