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Posts posted by Xiao


    Name: Xiao

    Staff Rank: New Admin



    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): till 12/25/20

    Reason: won’t be able to get on pc with family issues at the moment

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes

  2. 24 minutes ago, Hades3481 said:

    Going off of this statement, in your honest opinion do you feel the problems that have been coming up for you all have been solved and if not how do you plan to continue to combat problems in Rancor? Also What would you say to the people who feel that you are not ready for this position from an outside perspective looking in? And lastly how has your time as commander shaped you into being fit for this position and what qualities have you been able to develop that makes you think you can lead the battalion?

    Also Disclaimer, Nothing but love for you my boy

    No some of the problems that have been coming up are not solved but have been worked out enough to the point where I can do them while working on other problems as well. For the people who do not feel I am ready for this position from an outside perspective they have not seen some of the documents as well as trainings myself and the other Rancor CMD's have had to work on together to get Rancor to the current state that it is in. For the last question my time as CMD I have learned what to expect for what people expect you to do as well as developing a less leadership but friendly relationship with people as the way I see it is that when you act friendly with people they tend to follow in line with you better then most.

  3. 2 hours ago, Fizzik said:

    Not gonna lie, I like this app, got some questions though.

    On point 1, what are your plans (beyond the usual "do sims / standards" to fix the problem?

    On point 2, how do you think you can "raise eliteness"?

    On point 4, how do you plan on choosing good officers?


    And overall, what prevented you from being able to do this as a commander?

    So for point one I plan on out putting some rewards for those who plan to be active and benefit the battalion in different ways whether that be obviously promoting them to rewarding them with other items that they may want

    For point 2 as of now eARC has just been removed and the training will no longer be held and I hop to put the standard that they were held to and put it on to them and those who are trying to come to this standard will receive help and those who just plain and simply don't want to could leave or stay at their own will but be pushed to do so if they stay

    For point 4 I plan on getting out NCO core up and once they becomes more stable I will then be able to pick out the people who are doing better for the battalion and have them be officers and have them take up more responsibilitys with this

    The reason why I was not doing this while being commander is because I was thinking about how to go about doing this for most of the time but was focused on other problems that were coming up at the time and working out kinks in new things that we have implemented

    • Agree 1
    • Winner 1
  4. Steam Name: Synr.gg | Xiao

    RP Name: Blitz

    RP Rank: Commander

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:99012759

    Battalion or squad you are applying for: Rancor BCMD


    MEDL 2x
    Intel Director
    1stLT Aven
    LTC Fordo
    Commander Blitz

    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
    I believe that I should become a BCMD because I believe I can help guide Rancor along the path to improving and fixing the current internal issues it faces. I am well respected within the battalion, well liked, and have a good supportive cast to help me as well.

    Some things that I would attempt to fix as my term of being BCMD of Rancor:

    1. Activity : Rancor is mainly active when there is something happening other than that little to no one is on and because of this that person may leave and get bored and go to another batt that appears to be more active then his. As well this can show when we may have no one on and a new CT that would want to join Rancor can't because no one is on to do the tryout.

    2. Eliteness: Rancor was a Battalion that consisted of Elite ARF and ARC Troopers and as of right now I feel as if this is being lost and is turning into they are the ARC Battalion and that's all the people join for is to be ARC and have some other things that come along with the kit

    3. NCO’s/Enlisted: As of now there is a little amount of active NCO’s/enlisted within Rancor. I believe that one of the sources of this problem is through how when Rancor is on the server people just vibe no one does anything and then gets off because of this and when there is something to do people get on for that and then get off because the thing they were doing is done. One solution to this that I believe is to give the people within Rancor something to do most of the time whether that be walking around talking and vibing in game to doing simulations and training to keep people on their toes. One other problem I see with Rancor’s NCOs and Enlisted is that they are on to get promoted, be active, do stuff and then get off to do other things. A solution to this problem that I see is not adding requirements as that just makes the problem’s worse but paying attention to those who are dedicated to the battalion and rewarding them more often while the people who are not as interested still rewarding them to give them incite to become more active

    4. Officer Core: Within Rancor there is little to no officers active which will make most of the work fall on the commanders to do which will cause them to get burnt out and not have dedication to the server and want to play on it. To fix this I plan on adding more things for Officers to do battalion wise through having them possibly teach NCOs and enlisted how to do things, Have them start to lead ARC Trainings, running Rancor Men through trainings, teaching those who may not be ARC how to act and think like one to help those who are struggling in the ARC Program.

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes

    Availability: I’m Available most of the day in the afternoon minus 2-3 days of the week due to work.

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Commander Blitz has played for 1104:04:46.

     Do you have a microphone?: Yes

    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I would like to see Rancor just as active as it is if not more by having more involvement between Rancor Officers and the NCO’s - enlisted by getting them more involved with Rancor to prevent Confusion as and mishaps between them. I as well want to see Rancor in a more elite standard through how they act and think about situations that they may be in due to most of them being ARC which has its own standard with it. As well with this I do not want them to be acting like they are elitist and better than everyone. Finally I would like to see Rancor in a state in which they can not only fight but lead other troopers through doing and showing.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

    • Friendly 1
  5. Name: Xiao

    Staff Rank: New Admin



    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): unknown (approved by wolfro for staff and Dennis for clone

    Reason: Pc went brrr and won’t work and I’m unable to get on and do anything

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes

  6. I'm just get to this right off the bat -1 
    Now my reason why for this. When I see you on like Denis said you are mainly AFK with the occasionally getting on for Jedi , ARC, eARC, and GM things. Other than this I don't see you on doing thins with 501st other then maybe doing a 332nd tryout. I know that work and school can come up with things but if all you are doing is focusing on these things and not trying to do things with 501st then I don't see a reason for you to be ATK reg

    • Agree 1
  7. RP Name: CMD Blitz | Xiao

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:99012759

    VIP (Y/N):  Y

    Age: 17

    Timezone: EST 

    Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):
    I would like to be staff in order to help out the community obviously but as well to help out Rancor how I can. With me being staff this would help in making myself able to help in ARC trainings as well as in events. With this as well I can also help in bring about more help in ARC by hosting SIM's and things along that lines to help those who want to become ARC to get closer to the standard. Along with these things I hope to help in creation of events that people will enjoy, have fun and have options in how they want to go about it. I do have some events in mind with me getting staff. Finally why I want to be staff is to bring new and fun RP scenarios to the server as well as hopefully give players a chance to do more things within RP

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I can be an outgoing person around the right people as well as a good person to be around overall. When the situation come to it I can be serious if needed as well. When things start to get rough people usually come to me to talk to because I am usually seen as a good person to talk to about things along negative lines.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: No

    How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: I have about 250 to 300 hours on the server not sure as I AFK a lot

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