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Posts posted by Brian-Limmon

  1. 10 minutes ago, Maverick said:

    Not efficient for you maybe. Pre-plan this part and take 5 minutes or don't allow them to set tacs. After the 5 minute window(should you choose to use this as an example) put an advert out no more tacs and continue on. Usually if you are doing events that require checkpoints, logic would dictate you have other game helpers to do this for you.

    That doesn't change the fact that it's an unnecessary set of steps when having the ability to set spawns would make the process 10x smoother and easier to manage, allowing GMs to concentrate on other factors in the event and making them better. Plus just relying on people not to be dumb and actually do it within that 5 minute window is definitely a fair thing to expect, but still not certain and will lead to people being excluded just for being dumb, not paying attention or being AFK at the wrong time.


    12 minutes ago, Maverick said:

    If you are keeping the same spot then only 1 tac is needed? Tacs arent for everyone, Last i checked its a store item that people buy to have that advantage and luckily you get to tell them if they are allowed to use it for your event.

    Idk what you mean by this tbh, if tacs aren't for everyone then how are they ever meant to be used to allow everyone to spawn where you want them to for the event. Plus the whole idea behind using them in that way is that GMs just spawn tacs for the people who don't have them and, yes, while people only have to set it 1 time in the event if spawns never change, people who join late still have to go through the same process that everyone went through at the start, except during the actual running of the event which usually means either the GM or a GH if there are any have to drop what they're doing just so said person can actually properly participate in the event, and this can happen multiple times per event.


    15 minutes ago, Maverick said:

    Changing spawns for full server deployments isn't realistic either. It will get in the way of someone else's future events/deployments and then we'll eventually hear complaints about that too.

    Changing spawns wouldn't be permenant, at the very least it shouldn't be I don't see why if it does get coded for the server it would be considering the fact that not all maps have the same scale and having the same spawn between maps could mean actually just spawning into the void which obviously wouldn't work, so the spawns would only be set until the map changes in which case it wouldn't get in the way of any future events because future GMs will either A. change the map and spawn will reset anyway or B. if they stay on the same map just set the spawn where they want anyway

    • Agree 1
    • Disagree 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Forseen said:

    The tool that we have is locked to Super Admin by default as per the person that made the tool.

    Also, we have tactical insertions, you can just use those on event server as GM's can spawn them for players.

    Is there a reason that a command can't be developed specifically for the server? I was under the impression from asking around that it wasn't a technical limitation like this, just a hard rule we had for some reason. Is that the only reason we don't have it?

    Also tacs are not an efficient way of setting spawns as in order for you to actually be able to utilize them dynamically in an event you have to stop everything and make sure every single person has a tac and that they use it in the intended spot which some people almost definitely won't. Plus you have to do this for every person that joins late, even if you only keep the same spot for the whole event. And this isn't even considering full server deployments where it just isn't realistic :/

    • Agree 1
  3. Question: Why exactly is it that GMs won't be allowed to set spawns for anyone ever, even just on the event server? It's obviously one of the most useful features we could get but it seems we never will and I can't really figure any reason why that might be the case

    Comments/Concerns: I asked around before and noone else really seems to know any reason beyond its just what's been decided by founders/devs, I was hoping to at least get an answer with the suggestion for it the other day but it just got denied without reason.

    Staff Member you're asking: Anyone who was able to make that decision

    Additional info:

  4. Honestly seeing bounty hunters casually walk around a republic milatary ship makes about the same sense as seeing bounty hunters walk around a republic military base, so I don't think it would be such a stretch to let them come. It seems to me like the reason they were really banned was just because it was the easiest thing to do as having to rewrite all the rules and restrictions for BHs with the venator in mind, where they can't be anywhere on the map but the republic controled areas, so if this is a solution that BHs find works then definitely +1, I personally don't have much of an opinion on the specific way you're suggesting to implement as I've never got involved with BH but if people who play BH are all for it then so am I.

    • Informative 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Bertman said:

    Steam ID:
    Ban Reason:LTAP
    Date of Ban:2/16
    Length of Ban:1 day
    Staff Member(s) Involved:Poker
    Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: bruh i got kicked i didn't ltap bruh just check logs on god
    Evidence to support your claims:n/a

    You need to put the steam32 version of your steamID so the logs can actually be checked

  6. 6 minutes ago, Jovanovic said:

    This was last month: 

    Did it get better? Nah this was Friday:

    On top of that I also have car payments, rent, groceries, and college. Thank god my parents bought me insurance so I only had to pay a couple hundred for a small accident I got in a couple months ago. 
    You're doing fine my man. You're young, your family is financially secure, you're getting a higher education — most people are getting into stupid debt at this point. 

    That being said life is pain. Bein an adult is about being able to see all that shit and still decide to wake up every morning. That you still are is an accomplishment. 

    But bro, if your parents are forcing you to buy a more expensive car, you bet your ass you can ask for their help on that. For you to pay it all yourself is dumb as hell. 

    Those robux be draining my shit to bro, I feel it

    • Agree 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, Jayarr said:

    This is more helpful than harmful, as the content it's placing into your folders helps you load faster because you have the content, rather than it being deleted every time like you say.

    I get that, though overall I think the other method would actually have you load faster since, rather than having to *load* all of the assets from every map, you just have to *download* the assets from one. I'm mainly judging this over how extremely fast I've been able to load into other NA servers by comparison, so it might just be the overall large quantity of props, models, etc. that we have, but there's still the benefit of being able to have a much less limited map pool which I would definitely take even if it meant another minute of load time, even though it probably wouldn't even.

  8. 12 hours ago, Jad said:

    Edit: Also, it's rather difficult to make or find plugins that would completely replace rolling. I would love to believe that the roll system is no longer required, but unfortunately it's one of the few things left that require players to think and be creative if they fail. As it currently stands if we were to remove it staff chat would be flooded with "Marvel has been revived bring him to me" or "GM I fixed the event thing"(After no attempt was fully made). It's easy to say "I believe in my fellow players to do the right thing and follow their trainings!" but in practice and experience I can promise you this isn't the case. And I'd really prefer not having 3+ people have to oversee every move someone makes just to confirm their actions or have a staff member float overhead. A lot of our current system relies on trusting players intentions, rolling isn't perfect but it does show attempts are made.

    Honestly that still happens a lot anyway, people often just do something silly like /me hacks into CIS ship and starts countdown, /roll. IMO we'd be better off shifting to /mes that don't involve rolling when it comes to things like repairs, revives, etc. as, although they might take longer, people who have more experience with them are ACTUALLY able to be better at them and do them more efficiently rather than it just being down to complete chance. Plus it is really dumb that defcon 1 can be called at a completely random time both during someones unrelated event and during downtime just because someone got unlucky lmao

    • Agree 1
  9. Name: Brian Limmond

    RP Rank: 1SG

    Suggestion: Add command posts, placeable and editable by GMs, for use on the server

    Implementation: I don't think there's a way command posts could be added that wouldn't greatly benefit the server and the objectives of some events, so I'm not going to suggest any specific functions for this whole thing to get denied based off a little detail, instead, go wild with it. Create them from scratch, use an existing prop, whatever works. Let GMs change their names, have preset names, anything. You can make them show up through the map, have a spot on the hud, appear on the OBJECTIVES hud (if and when that ever gets added) or none of the above. As long as there's some way for the players to see currently captured, neutral, or hostile command posts, and they can be placed by GMs, I don't think there's a way you could go wrong with implementing this. They would undoubtedly add some much needed direction to events and make them a looooooot smoother for players and GMs in a lot of cases.

    Lore: https://battlefront.fandom.com/wiki/Command_Post/Original

    Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=909253802 (just the models, don't think they're functional)

    • Agree 1
  10. 5/10, I like events that are left mainly to player choice, but there needs to be even a small amount of direction involved with that, ESPECIALLY on coruscant below, the whole map is a maze and you need a LOT of building or direction for most players to even have a chance at doing something interesting, interesting concept regardless tho

  11. 1 minute ago, Heart said:

    They were "pattern" based, and didn't require any RP. You just clicked and there was a few wires, and you had to have a second tab open similar to KTANE
    Example: Blue black yellow red
    then you go to the guide and it says
    "If it's blue followed by black, cut red, only if the third one isn't green"

    No skill really

    Still sounds better than rolling tbh. It could definitely be fleshed out a bit more by the sounds of it but I'm not sure anyone would want it removed without an alternative :(

  12. 1 hour ago, Marvel said:

    Much agree!

    Get rid of rolling and replace it with the chess addon ez. Now every time you do a /me and someone wants to challenge it they have to play a game of chess. This takes actual skill and isn’t based on luck!

    Fr tho I hate rolling. Would love to see something new introduced to distance ourselves away from luck based roleplay because it just isn’t it imo. That’s why I love the tech addon and the bomb addons we had. You actually *do* what you’re trained for rather than typing it and hoping you roll high enough. 

    Wait, we had those?? Why tf were they removed?????????????????????????????????????

  13. People from all corners of the server, whether you be a high rank, low rank, new player, old player, all the way from casual players to the highest of staff ranks, has a serious case of main character syndrome LMAO.

    I'm not sure how it used to be on the server, but I'd take a very confident guess and say that there was a lot more humility going around compared to nowadays where people aren't content with just being a background character, even if the situation calls for it. Everyone wants to get involved in everything that seems interesting, which is understandable, though it usually just leads to people talking over each other, everyone trying to do their own thing, noone working together, etc. And this isn't just when it comes to verbal RP, every single time I've partaken in or hosted a deployment, there are a noticeable amount of people who are trying really hard to be the one who runs off on their own and finds an objective or something interesting before everyone else, which makes it harder from a GM standpoint to accomodate everyones needs. From what I've seen and compared to how I've seen things run very differently on other servers, it's mainly due to battalions being really loose with their rules like PTS, being hesitant to hand out punishments and not being very strict when leading events so to keep people together. I don't think I've ever seen an entire battalion who were so coordinated they didn't have but 1 person that ran off on their own and went unnacounted for in any sort of plans they made or orders they gave.

    People also get really impatient when there's an RP scenario that doesn't concern them, most of the time during breifings or centre piece scenarios there's a lot of people jumping around or even spamming their mic sometimes, it would help a lot if battalions were a lot more strict when it came to people just "acting dumb" in this way as I've seen even BCMDs do it lmao, I doubt anyone does it malliciously but it can seriously ruin RP and "immersion".

    This isn't to say that there aren't a lot of people who are fine with sitting in the shadows and letting RP scenarios play out when it suits the scenario, though there are still a way higher portion of "main characters" than what I've seen on other servers.

    Also I want to add most times rolling is dumb its gmod not dnd if you disagree sorry but your opinion isn't correct?

    • Agree 1
  14. 5/10, was pretty underwhelming for what it was meant to be tbh, the structure was really weird, while it could be cool to have the whole actual surprise attack thing, having people prepare and plan for a while as if it actually was going to be a fully passive event kinda messed up the flow. It mainly felt like a main server event just on a different map with how it was structured (Ships exit hyperspace, droids spawn sporadically over the map, EJs go for objective and I honestly don't know what happened in the end with said objective) I'm not really sure why we had to move TS a couple times and I'm pretty sure I saw Assajj ventress die like 5 times lmao, though it was ambitious and I can see where you were coming from in taking inspiration from the show, though when you do it in such a recogniseable fasion there's gonna be a bit higher of an expectation of the event itsself.

  15. Name: Brian Limmond

    Who helped (If applicable): Anderson, Myunnnn, Cooterscooter

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The Spec regiment of the CIS were sent on a top secret intelligence mission deep in empty space, they tortured a Jedi prisoner to learn the location of a Venator class cruiser hosting 3 HVT Civilians, who they proceeded to board and capture before blowing up the ship.

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A


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