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Everything posted by JigSawPuzzleZ

  1. Name: JigSaw Staff Rank: Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80667274 Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 12/4/2019-12/18/2019 Reason: Lots of college to catch up with and finals coming up for my classes.
  2. +1 Very professional, Very Vital to the battalion already, And he knows how to lead better than most people I have seen on the server. I’d be honored to have him as my commander.
  3. I hope it works out this time buddy ❤️ +1
  4. RP Name: TRO DU MEDL 1SG JigSaw Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80667274 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 19 Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I’d love to be an administrator due to the fact that I’m active and I think I can help the server grow and change for the better. Truth is I love this server and I love the community and I’d love to help make this server a better and more functional place. (Not that it isn’t right now) I’d be more than willing to train people and love the idea that I can train anyone and get them whitelisted as I get on during odd hours sometimes and see frustrated CCs that have been trained again and again with no admin to whitelist. I’m passionate about making the server grow and love to get new people all set and ready to go. I think If I get Admin it would help greatly with my trainings as a TRO and MEDL because the only thing stopping me from doing all that independently is my lack of administrative abilities. I really just enjoy helping people on the server and making things run smoothly. I think it would be amazing to help out with events and possibly do my own little events just to give people more things to do especially in those odd hours when Staff gets thin.I could make a difference on this server and I’d love to make everyone happy and have a good time while they play. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Josh and I’m going for my General Studies in college right now I’m gonna transfer to another college and go for my Architecture Degree. I sell Exotic Coral online and in person and I love to be with my girlfriend. I’ve been told I’m a people person and easy going. I love to help others in general whether it’s in a game or in real life I like to think it’s in my nature. I hate toxicity and would love to snuff that out as much as I can given the chance. I also have a big heart when it comes to caring about people and making sure they are okay. I love Darksouls so much it has to be one of my favorite game series and I’ve got so many hours into the games and I don’t regret a single minute I played it. Except when fighting Artorias in DS1 that gave me depression. Also side note if you ever need someone to talk to about anything I’d be glad to talk to you I love making new friends. Do you have any previous staff experience? A very long time ago I used to admin some DarkRP servers. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 240 Hours Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No
  5. Steam ID: JigSawPuzzleZ STEAM_0:1:80667274 Date of Ban: September 13th 2019 Length of Ban: 7 Days Offense: Racism Banned By: Rohan Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I have just joined this server and was planning on investing much time into it and making friends i was following all the rules and then when in a conversation said the word "nigga" but not in a derogatory fashion. I am deeply sorry and have not received any previous warning for anything. I was not aware of the dire consequences of this word and am deeply sorry and i promise to never do this again. Evidence to support your claims: Check my play time and any previous warnings
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