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Everything posted by PappaDunc

  1. I've been on this server a while, and while it seems out of nowhere I've been contemplating this for a while, the server is no longer as fun as it once used to be, and it doesn't mean as much as it used to. I will never forget the time I've had on this server, as I've been here for some months (I think like, 4 months?) but the point is, I'm leaving the server and there's roughly a 90% chance that I won't come back. It's been one hell of a ride.
  2. PappaDunc

    Random RP

    1. How is the Format wrong? 2. Yes this is true but an encounter still requires a game master to set up and these would not require that thus making them different 3. That's the entire point of the example, it would become a situation shock would have to deal with thus making it RP 4. Dark Jedi don't count as sith, so there could be a fuck ton of them If the CIS didn't deal in small numbers why did they send 10 commando droids to the Rishi moon outpost to take it over, regardless of the commando droids skill that doesn't seem very overwhelming (which also makes your statement about "the only time we see a small amount of droids". also, if we didn't have civillians and wacky shit happening on base daily then there would be no fun on the server in the first place.
  3. PappaDunc

    Random RP

    Name: Dunc RP rank: PFC Suggestion: So, I was thinking, the server has honestly been kind of boring lately due to a lack of content updates and lack of original event Ideas (honestly I mean no offense to GM's, GH's or Joah, y'all are doing great just speaking my truth) So I had an idea, what if people with VIP authority could use certain "Open" event jobs, and randomly do passive or active RP on base without it needing to be an event or an encounter, for example, a VIP could hop on the droid white list and start selling spices to the clones (passive RP) and maybe shock would crack down on this, or a VIP could hop on a commando droid and tear shit up randomly just to have some random active RP, this would require rules of course like for example you can only have on random passive RP and one random active RP in between any given event, I think this would cause for the server to be spiced up and livened up a bit where there is nothing to do and ppl want something Lore: Fort Anaxes is constantly attacked by the CIS in lore whether or not it's a full fleet or a simple commando droid, and random shit happens to the republic on a daily basis, so there's no telling the possibilities of this. Rules: I think this is necessary as something like this would need a lot of rules, so that random RP doesn't take over and we never have time for events, of course these rules aren't concrete it's just ideas of what I think would make sense. only one Passive RP and one active RP in between any 2 given events Random RP cannot break server rules (obviously) only certain jobs would be listed as "open" and a VIP would have to ask for the white list and admin permission before doing any sort of Random RP If a Passive random RP is currently occurring, an active RP situation can not be started until it is over and there would be more miscellaneous rules, these are just a few ideas but you get the gist of it
  4. 9/10 I appreciated this event as I was able to do some rly good RP it was good for your first jedi centered event but there's always room for improvements : ]
  5. 8/10 very cool but I think that lately "infection" events have been getting old and un-original except that this one was kind of different and I really appreciated it
  6. So uh yeah also Tiplar and Redeye and like a good 3/4 of TC but we still have them, and if it was earlier then 19bby wouldn't we still be in phase 1 armor? All I was saying rly was that I've heard people say they believe the server timeline to be around 19BBY
  7. +1 Llama is good boy, very good boy, he would be one hell of an SOBDE reg
  8. Name: Etain Tur-Mukan | Dunc RP Rank: Jedi Commander / Knight Suggestion: So I would suggest that instead of a venator, for map rotations we could potentially use a victory class star destroyer. Implementation: Instead of map rotations being to a venator, it would be to a Victory class star destroyer Lore: The Victory class star destroyer was a smaller capital ship then the Venator but bigger then the Acclamator and it was around towards the end of the Clone Wars in around 19bby which is around the time most people consider the servers timeline to be at. Workshop Content: So we could use this map which is technically the Harrower class Dreadnought but it looks similar enough and the hangers would make pilot RP work easier also it looks cool and its the only map I could find that wasn't just a normal imperial star destroyer https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=805999944&searchtext=victory+class
  9. Absolutely fucking beautiful 10/10 I loved being able to do jedi RP and its not often jedi get to have our own events and I love that you set up a PT 2, my only qualm with this was that the Clones did not let the Jedi / sith alliance deal with God ourselves
  10. OK, so I've been on this server a good while, around 5 months and I think I've been here long enough to start noticing something that I think is rather jarring, I've started to notice in certain situations with certain people, CT's are tended to be though of automatically as possible minges, now like I said I know this isn't everyone because it definitely isn't, but I am hoping that as a community we can acknowledge that this a problem and needs to be fixed because I do definitely think this is a problem that exists on synergy and I hope other people do too.
  11. This was one hell of a deployment 9/10 I loved the combat but venator extensive is confusing and that was my only problem, thanks for letting me take my padawan along with us and it was a great first deployment for me being Etain with Omega
  12. 5/10 Neutral score cause I wasn't there but from what I heard it was good
  13. 10/10 This event considering it was the third and final part of a series was insanely fun and the story of it was amazing, I've always wanted an even with a sith attack on the temple and this is exactly what I was looking for, and the event jobs were great!
  14. 6/10 Decent Idea for an event but it dragged on waaaaay too long and that really made it less worth the time.
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