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Posts posted by Scream

  1. Name: Scream 
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53093792
    Ban Reason: "Soliciting Pornography to Minors"
    Date of Ban: Not Sure
    Length of Ban: Perma
    Staff Member(s) Involved: none listed
    Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: Ok, so this ban reason seems pretty bad to be fair. The ban happened I would say 8 months ago or so, and simply haven't had the drive nor the interest to appeal to play synergy again. What I really did, was send a meme with a dick in it to someone who was 17 or around there. I didn't send a dickpic to some 8 y/o kid. I didn't really know the person that well, so he, I guess rightfully so, got offended and went to highstaff for me to get permad from the server. To be honest, felt a little harsh as I didn't get to defend my case or anything. This was my first offense, was playing synergy for about a year and was a staff member for most of that time, not being banned before and only getting arrested in game once. I'm not sure who I sent the meme to, but if they are still around I would be willing to personally apologize to them if given the chance.
    Evidence to support your claims: 
    https://gyazo.com/3f9452a87df99ded904a31f0e4975a17 the ss of my ban message, just to show there isn't a banning admin.

  2. -1. Hearing from others, and racking up a huge amount of hours while during your term, your activity simply wasn't there. I know many will say you did things "behind the scenes", but in my opinion, BCMD's should not prioritize "docwork" and "rank structuring", while they are completely absent from in game and ignoring actually leading their battalion in a named character position.

    • Agree 3
  3. +1 I have heard from multiple people how able you were as the first Gree. I'm upset to have not been able to serve under that first term with you, but I think 41st needs you right now. I agree with your assessment that 41st is focusing on GC and needs strong leadership to fill their enlisted and EC ranks. When I was in SO BDE, we spoke many times and you are much more capable than others to steer 41st to be as great as it once was. If you become Gree, I look forward to the improvements you will undoubtedly make.

  4. Name: Scream

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53093792

    Staff Rank: Senior Admin

    Were you VIP: Yes

    Date: 10/27/19

    Reason for leaving: Server is getting boring atm and I feel like I should just resign now and wait until the update comes out as I am barely coming on due to the staleness. This server has been great since I joined though, and I will be around the TS and forums of course. 


      @Fyi - You were a great Fixer to my Scorch and I'm sorry that I bailed on the squad.

    @Neptune - Keep the shit up Cris, I know you'll keep doing good work.

    @KillJoy - Awesome Crosshair

    Rest of SOB DE, I will return when I feel the server has become less stale and Rank Simulatorish

    @Jagger - Awesome guy, I'll see you around.

    @Scribbles - Best GM

    And everybody else that I have interacted with on this server. Without the people, this server would be a boring rank simulator and anti-rp warzone.


    • Friendly 2
  5. Name: Scream

    Who helped (If applicable): Deathtiger, Marvel, Hades, Harte.

    Event Name: Death Watch Occupation

    Summary of the story: A group of villagers were put in place by Death Watch to hold cover in a FOB, which was established by the Death Watch to recover a captured Vod. They were able to keep cover for a while, but it was blown when the Republic gave a certain spice-head some persuasion that they found the hideout. When it was found, SOB DE and a few others cleared it out, found valuable information concerning the Death Watch, and  destroyed the FOB. A lone Death Watch initiate attempted to kill the Vods capturers, but failed and perished.

    What was the result of the event?: Republic snuffed out the Deathwatch

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: More RP than shootemup.



  6. Name: Scream


    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53093792


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: over 1100.


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: solid 9


    Why do you want to join the Intel Team. I want to join the intel team for a few reasons. As a staff member, I have been working with nearly all of my free time to claim tickets and help people out on the  server when nobody else can. I believe, through joining the intel team and doing doc work and coordination efforts, I will be able to use my previous experience as a gang leader and Community Manager on an Arma Roleplay server to make exceptional intel work and test things out for the community. I have many ideas for what is possible to make out of the intel team, and I believe that I can fill out any purpose that it would give me.

    These are all documents that I was required to manage, create, and trim.









    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes

  7. 30 minutes ago, Patrick said:

    Inb4 the
    "Oh Thats great!, Do you know the name of the company so we can verify?" :)

    This is exactly why I said this was stupid. Either you do ridiculous word crafting and make it sound bigger than it is, or you have to explain what you do. I would much rather just knuckle down and put hours into an actual humanitarian cause that ACTUALLY looks good.

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