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Everything posted by Lights

  1. Seen you around pretty chill guy. Im aussie too
  2. +1 Seen you around doing some good work. Also nice job of persevering against those minges.
  3. Motty, if you tryna get him removed from staff then it's clearly not working when that 'toxic' admin is helping you out with your own report
  4. Motty becoming toxic doesn't help the fact that you had 8 previous offences or help the fact that Xander is being a 'toxic' admin. So stop your whining and just suck it up.
  5. Xander's evidence for previous 8 bans: https://gyazo.com/be5d9648e980f333d5f6dc4f9a2e319f
  6. Lights

    Rohan - Shitshow

    3/10 Had no Idea the frick was happening. But still liked shooting them up
  7. RP Name: 91st MEDO ARCT CSM Lights Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:72084601 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 14 Timezone: AEST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be administrator because I wish to help the server. As I am located in Australia, I am usually on at night for EST and wish to be something around the likes of a night admin. From my personal perspective I feel we need more night admins because I have seen many CC's leaving because no one is able to train them or give them whitelist, I wish to ensure this server survives and has people constantly joining. I want to help and create events/encounters for those who are active to give something while they are on the server. Activity is most important and I wish for newer players to have a great time while on this server. I want to help this community and make enjoyable for those old and new. I am usually very active and willing to take tickets. I always see someone requesting for something and I feel helpless as I watch, I have also experienced this many times due to timezone differences. Although I don't use my mic that often, I am willing to use it. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am an Australian boy who has an enjoyment in gaming, socialising and cracking a few jokes. I love to make friends and deepen connections with others. I grew up watching star wars, especially the Clone wars and the 2003 animated version. I love to play games and often wake up all night playing. I have low self confidence because of a CS:GO match which I was ridiculed about my voice, But I am slowly building it back it with CWRP and Synergy. Do you have any previous staff experience? No but I am willing to learn. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) Lights has played for 477:46:24. Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No
  8. Your game is unable to load in the font circular std, I'd advise maybe verifying integrity files for gmod
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