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Posts posted by Sinclair

  1. On 2/17/2021 at 9:25 PM, Brooklyn said:

    Now I want to point out, there is no way Cloud FORCED Sinclair to make these decisions. First, Sinclair just got off an LOA 4 days before he resigned from Wolffe, in that time and before the LOA took place, those 5 individuals were promoted up to officer positions from NCO's and Enlisted. Then Sinclair took an LOA. SInce now there was an Officer Core he could lean back on. This "Civil War" while yes, brought many people discomfort with 104th High Command and Cloud, never caused any form of outbreak. This was Cloud ADVISING Sinclair to promote up these people so Sinclair didn't have to run a battalion with 3 officers. Can't really blame the dude.

    + 1

    I don't play on the server anymore, I'd much rather your hate be directed towards me at this point when it comes to the stupid things I decided to do. Cloud mainly gave me suggestions, and being the 14 year old freshmen I was, took it without thinking since I WAS INDECISIVE.

    Please stop blaming Cloud for the stupid decisions I made, he still has things he wants to do for the server, and 41st in this case. My mistakes and incompetence should not be mistaken for Cloud's actions.

    30 minutes ago, Mitchell said:

    Blaming a RCMD for doing his job and trying to fix a battalion that was highlighted by the directors as being a problem is dumb.
    Cloud was removed because Omalic needed to keep principle, not because of incompetence, you can literally ask him and he will say the same thing he told me.

    Cloud had to deal with a hostile environment and still kept doing what he thought would be best? If that doesn't sound like someone who's dedicated to what they're doing I don't know what is.

    I was honestly impressed with how Cloud dealt with the complaints about him, much better than I was able to handle at the time. Alongside that, he along with several others helped me maintain my sanity from the mental stress it put on me and acted as supports during it.

    I would just like to restate the fact that he did not turn 104th into a dictatorship. I acted out of his advice without thinking because of my personality and nature at the time being introverted as I wavered between options and opinions constantly. Alongside the fact that I saw Cloud as a senior with valid experience cemented my thoughts that what he said was right. Looking back on it as I like to think I have grown, I can clearly see that I was immature and unfit to be a BCMD, the only reason I didn't make any major mistakes are due to the guidance that several people had given me including Moros, Foxey, Matt, and especially Cloud near the end. The fact that Cloud has put up with the misconceptions about him because of me just shows even further that he is responsible, dedicated (as Brooklyn said), and a person deserving of a position again.

    Love y'all. 

    - Sinclair

    • Agree 2
    • Winner 3
    • Friendly 1
  2. +1

    For those that don't have the money and time to spend farming money, they might have to rely on joining sub-units to get the weapons that best suit them.  Would help draw people in to SUP / ARF if they saw that the weapon was actually viable to use.

    • Agree 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Regional said:

    - Rework Tanks
    - Sustain negotiations 
    Like that's it really? then where do you wan't the battalion at the end of the term.
    - Better tank system
    - Better NCO / Officer core.

    A lot of the major problems that the remaining Command have discussed, involve our the tank operations and negotiations, along with report after report of the failure of the negotiation system and its enforcement.  The consensus is that our drawing factors are lacking as less and less negotiations are happening and more and more are being hijacked by others.  Along with the fact that vehicles like tanks are mainly restricted to deployments and lower population times, such deployments that we are usually not participating in due to low numbers.  I apologize that I didn't go more into depth when it came into my plans and that is entirely my own fault, so I'll go into my plans further here.  As well as the fact that those are the main drawing factors to the 104th, we're attempting to focus on those aspects to draw more recruits in to fill in the gaps left by the recent mass-resignations from the battalion.  The 104th is facing a manpower shortage, we don't have the NCO's and enlisted to be considered active enough in many cases to be deployed, so we have to look elsewhere, specifically our specializations to draw recruits in.  Due to our low NCO population, we have a difficulty hosting enough recruitment at the right times to actually gain enlisted that would increase the attraction and activity to the battalion, and as more and more of the officers leave there's less and less of an active community surrounding the 104th able to get on and be active within the repair of the battalion.  

    Tanks :

    - A Wipe of People Currently Trained in Tank [As a Rework / Update Is Being Worked On]

    - Use of a Designated Position in the 104th to Manage the Tank System [To Allow For a Clearly Defined Hierarchy and Lead on Situations Relating to Tanks.]

    - Make Tank Certification More Accessible to Others Through Regularly Scheduled Tank Training [Most Likely By Request and by Calendar Dates.]

    - Make Tanks a More Common Sight and Active Sight Among the 104th. [Encouragement of the Current Members to Use the Tanks Often in Patrols and Training.]

    - Get Others Accustomed to Tanks and Their Proper Uses. [To Prevent Misguided Thoughts On How Our Tanks Operate Since They Do Not Have Heavy Armor.]

    - Work on Implementation of New Features Such as Possible New Equipment For Use. [Possibly Implementation of Artillery Use in Deployments to Help Bring the 104th Into a More Active Role Within the Server.]

    Negotiations :

    - Updates to Streamline the Process of Reporting Others. [Our Battalion Is The Only One Supposed to Act as Negotiators, However, Many Times Others Attempt to Hijack.]

    - Ensure That Those Who Need to Be Trained Are. [Our Current Hierarchy Consists of BCMD's and Jedi's in Specific Situations as Last Resorts In the Case of BCMD's and as Specialists in Force Related Actions For Jedi Negotiations.  However, We've Had Difficulty Training All BCMD's In this If They Are Ever Needed to Perform This.  Most Likely Through Set Days in Which BCMD's Can Attend Trainings, or Talking to Management About Requiring BCMD's to go Through a Crash Course on This So They May Help Their Battalions Better Follow the Priority Negotiators List.]

    - Make the Negotiation Hierarchies Clear To Those Outside the Battalion. [A Lot of Information on Negotiation Is Kept Within the 104th, However, the Hierarchy's Lack of Widespread Knowledge Is a Difficulty to Overcome as Those Who Don't Know of It Will Not Realize There are Specific Protocols the 104th Has in Place.]

    - Better Implement Jedi Into the Negotiation Outlines.  [Work With Jedi to Better Outline Their Roles in Negotiations and to Better Include Them, Especially Those That are Specifically Working Within the 104th.]

    Positions : [Some of These are New Implementations That Would Require A Clear Lead To Actually Implement and Oversee.]

    - Appointment of a New Comet. [With Caulin Soon Resigning, Along With Much Of The Older Veterans Leaving With Some Having Discussed With Me Leaving Already, resulting in their positions needing to be filled, We Will Need A Comet To Be Able to Work Toward the Reformation and Retraining of Wolfpack as well as its overall management.]

    - Implementation of a Tank CMD. [We Will Need Someone Capable of Reforming and Updating the Current Tank Protocols and Guidelines As They Need to Be Updated to Allow for a More Streamlined System That can be Better Applied, as Well as more Clearly Defining the Roles and Positions of different 104th When Using Tanks.  We Will Need Someone Able to Better Organize and Update Tactics As They Are Created and Executed So the Use of Tanks Is More Professional.  Also, The Previous Way of Tracking Tank Training and Certification Was Lackluster, and Will Need to be Reworked To Better Encourage Certification of Those Outside the 104th.  This Role Would Be In Charge of Fixing Many of the Shortcomings of the Past Tank Training and Logging, Needing the Allowance of a Clear Lead to Actually Make These Changes.]

    Again, if you want to ask me more detailed questions about my plans and what I wish to do, I am more than happy to try and contact you for more clarity.



    Steam Name: [🎖️] Sinclair [🎖️]


    RP Name: Wolfpack ARCL CMD Dash-29


    Steam ID (  SteamID Finder  : ) STEAM_0:1:88703349


    Battalion or squad you are applying for: 104th BCMD Wolffe



    Most of My Experience On This Server Has Been With the 104th, which Reflects on My Focus Being Mainly On the Battalion Itself and the People Within the 104th as They Come and Go.  However, the Vast Majority of My Experiences on GMod Have Been On Other Servers, Mainly MilRP, WW2RP, and other SWRPs Accumulating In 4,100 Hours As Of 12/14/19.

    | Current |

    ARCL CMD Dash-29

    ARC : As Dash-29, I worked towards rebuilding the ARC regiment alongside Matt, now Dash-44, after the previous members had resigned.  I reworked the General Information Document to be more streamlined and easier to read along with being easier on the eyes, but tried to remain faithful to the history of the regiment, only giving the previous documents a graphical revision and updates that were required with the changes that occurred during my tenure, such as the application of a lower cap on ARC spots in battalions.  I also attempted to keep Rancor as up to date as possible with the roster so they could keep track as best they could.

    104th : During my service as both a Warrant Officer along with my service within the Officer Corps, my goals were always to ensure structure.  I reworked the Comms Protocol and Etiquette to be more structured and clear, as well as being easier to understand for both newer members to the battalion and server with many terms being defined within that document to give background to what we are using within our comms channels.  I have worked closely alongside the two Disciplinary Commanders that I have had the honour of serving alongside, them being Daxynn and Matt, specifically with the structure of punishments for breaking or not following the comms protocol. In some cases I have also assisted in the decision making of some punishments that Matt carried out as a 2nd opinion due to my often clear-cut and blunt way of seeing things and my ability to both understand that people do make mistakes and that's apart of life, but that those mistakes must be learning experiences, and that punishment and action must be taken to ensure that those mistakes do not occur again.  As the Warrant Officer, my goal was to make sure that communication was carried out between the NCO corps and the Officer corps as that is the role of a Warrant Officer. I wanted to make sure that suggestions made were brought up to those that could make a difference and that complaints were handled thoroughly as I had to deal with multiple accounts of confrontation within the NCO corps nearing the end of my term.


    | Previous |

    VCMD of the Army [Gaminglight]

    35th Rangers Tank Commander [Gaminglight]

    During my tenure as the VCMD of the Army on Gaminglight, my actions were to make major reworks to the tank systems in place on the US side of the conflict.  My actions were mainly in the rewriting and recruitment of new Rangers into the 35th, which was the Tank Division of the Army Rangers on the server. I attribute most of my abilities to this time period, where I learned much about what it takes to properly lead troops as well as how to properly organize documents that are needed in the day-to-day operations of a battalion, division, or regiment.  I learned that leadership is not only about rank, it is about capability, openness to criticism, and a want to grow through the experiences you have. A leader must know when to delegate and when to do things themselves, which I learned when splitting larger numbers of people into squads and what compositions worked in which situations, as well as when to do things myself, such as giving instructions that are simple to follow, as well as ensuring that they are followed through.  My experiences on this server showed me that leadership isn't the backbone of a unit, it is the people within that unit, and it requires them to respect you and for a bond to be formed between the people that you serve alongside.

    1st AC COL [WW2 RP (Can't Remember Name)]

    This was my shortest held position, as the server died soon after like many WW2 servers did at the time, however it helped build upon previous foundations I had established during my time as an ODST 1LT on the HaloRP.  This experience helped me develop my adaptability and ability to read situations and decide on certain decisions. This was mainly due to the map we were using having terrain that twisted and turned, requiring adaptability to change formations and defensive positions, as well as the ability to decide when to strike a passing patrol of the enemy, as well as where these abmushes should occur.  The role of my company as a paratrooper company, helped develop my ability to decide on points of interest and rally points, as well as how to react to situations quickly through the requirement to quickly establish a perimeter and defend ourselves once landing.

    ODST 1LT [HaloRP Can’t Remember Name (Acting CO At The Time)]

    This position closely related to my actions as a 1st AC, in fact, this was where I built the foundations of what I would later develop during my time in the 1st AC.  Being the first into any situation and having to react swiftly closely related to dropping in using parachutes, and helped to build my ability to react swiftly to changing situations in a usually calm manner.  As ODST I was also in charge of one of the more specialized divisions within that server, with our abilities and loadouts in many cases differing, we had to weed out the people not fit for ODST because of their actions or personality conflicts.

    442nd 1LT [ShtokerBox (Acting CO At The Time)]

    My service as the 442nd’s acting CO was riddled with learning experiences.  This was the first point in time where I was permitted and expected to operate heavy vehicles and weapons.  During this, I was focused on helping implement new ideas within both the server and my own battalion, as in all reality we were missing some crucial components and roles such as explosives for use in siege, and heavy weaponry such as machine guns.  I ran regular sim runs and at one point we were able to be seen as one of the most experienced and veteran battalions on the server until a transition to ImperialRP occurred and we were disbanded alongside the other battalions.

    [Many Other Positions I Can't Remember / That Were A Long Time Ago]

    I have played GMod for 4 years, coming on 5 years at this point.  I have served across many servers in many positions that at this point I can’t remember or do not apply as much to the position I am applying for, or have not affected me as majorly as the positions I have stated above.


    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

    I have the experience and leadership capabilities needed for the position.  The position of BCMD Wolffe at this point in time with recent events has to be a strong cornerstone able to work with the remaining members of the High Command and the Officer Corps to rebuild and revitalize the battalion and bring focus to our role as the specialized battalion for Negotiations and Tank operations.  I believe that I am able to be stern on the stance that 104th has held on Negotiations and work to implement new protocols and ways to report mis-negotiation and hijacking by unauthorized personnel or by personnel who fail to meet the standards set. On the case of tank operations, my goal is to be able to work with other seasoned members of the battalion to rework the tank protocols, combining my previous experiences acting as a Tank Commander, along with others' experiences with these tanks in a way that will allow for both other battalions on the server to be able to put faith and rely on the 104th when called upon as a capable force for armoured support.  My goal with the tanks we are tasked with is to form a better rotation of when training will occur for other battalions and to help streamline the process by which others can use tanks.

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

    I Understand the Lore Both Canon and Legends of the 104th Battalion as Well as the Wolfpack.



    | TeamSpeak |

    Sat. - Wed. : ~ 4 PM PST - 10 PM / 12 AM PST [Depending On School Projects]

    Thu. : 5 PM PST - 9 PM / 12 AM AST [Depending On Extracurricular Activities]

    Fri. : ~ 5 PM PST - 12 / 3 AM PST

    | Discord |

    If Messaged I Will Respond When Next Available

    Mon. - Fri. : 3 PM PST - 12 AM PST

    Sat. - Sun. : [When I Wake Up Varies] - 9 PM / 12 AM PST

    | Game |

    Mon. - Wed. : 3 PM PST - 7 / 9 PM PST

    Thu. - Fri. : 6 PM PST - 9/10 PM PST

    Sat. - Sun. : [When I Wake Up Varies] - 12 AM PST

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

    Nearly 5 Months

    475 Hours | 31 Minutes | (And Counting)


    Do you have a microphone?:

    Yes, I have a Microphone.

    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

    By the end of my term as Wolffe, I would want the battalion to be in a state where we are stable and able to carry out our duties like we once did.  Currently most of our members are the dedicated veterans of the Officer Corps. I wish to expand our battalion to the point where we have a healthy and active enlisted and NCO corps.  I see the flaws that we have to fix and the leaks we have to plug, but there are obviously other flaws besides our tank and negotiation capabilities. I wish for the battalion to be able to continue on and be stable even if I do not run for a second term, I wish to setup for a future 104th that I can be proud to have served with.  I wish for the battalion to be in a state where there is a draw for new recruits and retaining reason for older members to keep the battalion somewhat fresh and active even though our roles and actions may not change.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

    I Understand That If I Go Inactive I Will Be Removed.

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

    I Understand That This Position Is 3 Months.


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