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Posts posted by Xander

  1. 7/10 Great event, well prepared and had some great thought put into it. Only thing that was iffy is the fact that getting a response in staff chat from you took too long to the point that i had to join your TS channel 3 times. Just keep an eye out on your tickets or get more helpers. 

  2. Well I've got a couple of reasons, 1st from what I see you are constantly powerplaying over people with your rank ingame I think that it's something that none should do. You can give the occasional order to a trooper but directly taking control because you think you mean more as a commander, it's just a sticker that means you have power but not that you should use it like you do. 2nd of all, from what I have seen as an outsider 41st is not improving like it would under another BCMD at the beginning of your term you did a lot of work but you also screwed up alot eventually getting yourself removed from staff. The fact that you didn't get removed from Gree suprised me actually after all those Arrests. Last thing, your attitude. It's not the attitude I would expect from a BCMD.

    So there for It's gonna be a 

    • Agree 5
    • Disagree 1
    • Confused 7
  3. On 2/5/2021 at 2:58 AM, Shockpoint said:

    Alright so it isn't a secret you and I really don't get along, but I will try my best to not bring up old drama and focus on senator. 
    In all honesty, I think you are the best senator we have. However, that bar has been set so low its below sea level at this point. The only senators I ever see on their jobs period are you and Deku, and Deku is Wolffe so he isn't even on the job half the time. Congratulations! You are the most active senator! Oh, wait, I saw you once in the last month on the job. I'm not even referring to your ban or LOA period either. While you hit the activity requirement, it is very minimal, and it has been stated by many that simply hitting your activity quota doesn't mean real activity. Your activity is downright abysmal at best, and in all honesty, I don't know how the last few Mas Amedda's got this position either. All have been removed for inactivity or ingame consequence, and considering your track record, I could honestly fit you in both descriptions, without the ban in play. I don't think replacing the job plagued with inactivity and problems with a guy plagued with inactivity and problems is necessarily the best look for senators. There are many, many, many problems senators have right now, and they need someone that will own up to the faults of the program and bring about change. Whenever you are punished, I have never seen you admit fault. You never admitted fault when you got removed from Attack Reg after being given numerous warnings, you still challenge that your ban was stupid even though everyone else around you has apologized numerous times and vowed to be better. In all honesty I don't really think you learned anything after your permanent ban, and it would be a spit in the face to the remaining senators left if you are given this position. In the history if 212th, there hasn't been a single person that has lost their honorary after being Cody, but problem after problem, you ended up being the first Cody to be given nothing but the guest tag. Your immaturity is unmatched, and I told you after you got removed from Attack Reg to take a long look at yourself in the mirror. I didn't expect you to shatter the mirror. I think that you are decent at RP on your senator. You have your fun Techno Union gimmick, which is cool. However, when it comes to actually roleplaying, you either refuse to, or act like a child. A prime example of this was during a CIS op, you were captured. Now I can understand not wanting to be captured, as it happened to senators quite a lot. However, rather than joining our channel and saying "Hey look guys, Ill participate, but after this, I want to talk about doing capture operations less." Should you have said that, I would have commended you as I agree with this point, and you are doing it in a mature way. Instead, you decided to act like a petulent child, and whine in OOC. You then went AFK before we could march you to the CIS base, so we brought you. You then told us you didn't want to be captured, and you were going AFK. However, Myself and the grievous at the time went in the channel you were in while you were "AFK" and you were just chatting with the guys in the channel. Not only did you lie, whine, and act like a child, you proceeded to bitch when we called you on it. You have all but gotten worse since your removal, and if you got this position I would be truly shocked. 


    Gonna have to be a -1 from me. What ShockPoint and bbstine said

  4. Name:

    Who helped (If applicable):
    Holo, Pog, Gadget, moose and Valakyth

    Event Name:
    Doctor Te Deum

    So Doctor Te Deum finaly got his serum ready, and administered it to the Mastiff and Wookiee that were found at his camp. He escaped to Rishimoon according to his droid so you guys might have to get deployed there to take care of him.

  5. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):

    Encounter Name:
    Paply's Chair

    2 sith entered the base with 1 objective, steal Palpatine's chair. When they found out the Chancellor's office was empty they were outraged and took out their anger that eventually led to their demise.  


  6. Name:

    Who helped (If applicable):
    Bud, Stix, Willy

    Event Name:
    Lux taken
    The CIS shot down an LAAT that was transporting senator Lux Bonteri, they took out his escort and took him to Geonosis. Once they arrived there defenses were set up by the CIS, later a  couple of jedi were on Geonosis and found them. When the base was found the republic showed up quickly and took out the threat. KrMCdFv.png
    PS: sorry for the lag but Geonosis is not too optimized :)

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