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Retired Founder
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Everything posted by Forseen

  1. I love you @Koval keep popping in like last night <3
  2. Correction, Wolfpack's job, but fair call!
  3. Name: Commodore Forseen SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47573087 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: "Commodore Forseen has played for 51:43:51." however this does not include previous hours from the so called "box shift" Joah has mentioned to me. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: I would rate my knowledge a minimum 7 depending on the certain topic of the clone wars. How good are your communication and leadership skills?: My leadership and communication skills, I would say, are excellent as seen by my previous role as the Director of the Server. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: I do understand. Give us an event idea that you would like to produce: Event jobs: 3 x Civilians | 1x Sith | 2x Droids Prior to the event, Commodore Forseen will address the Battalion Commanders (or acting CO of the battalion) and notify them of the current situation and their mission objective. "We have received a distress beacon from the Republic controlled planet of [PLANET]. The only information we received from the transmission is that they are under attack from what seems like insects. We do not know how they got there or who is controlling them, all we know is we need to save the people of [PLANET] as they are a valuable asset to us in the war. Prepare your troops and be ready for departure from Hanger 1 in 5 minutes." Upon arriving to the planet, the troopers will be met with a text screen that reads as follows; "This event will be a WAVES event." "Once your battalion has arrived follow the path" "To begin the mission." "But be careful, it won't be easy." The spawn area will be cover by a giant box with one entrance point that I will open every so often. Ahead the battalions will move through an infested area, to find an abandoned encampment filled with, what looks like fungus, covering the area. There will be one survivor left and they will be fighting off a hoard of infested creatures. Once the battalions arrive and assist the lone survivor clear the creatures, there will be a short moment of rest where the battalion CO's can discuss with the survivor the events that transpired. "My whole unit was here, we were attacked without even a hint of a warning, they came crashing down on us and spread their infestation everywhere." -Anticipating the CO will ask for a description the civilian will respond with: "A Zabrak, but I only saw but a glimpse as I was fighting off these infested pests. He took the camp researcher and assistant with him and headed off in a land speeder. He went South, I don't know anything else but would be more than happy to assist you in battle." Assuming the CO's take the help of the civilian they will have to arm the civilian and protect them throughout battle. If they do not accept the help of the Civilian, they will need to keep a group of people back at the camp to protect him.Following the trail of the Zabrak that took the researcher, the battalions will need to fight through various points of interests including buildings and open areas and clear them while searching. They will come across other abandoned encampments throughout their search. There will also be two ambush points on the map (Designed for those stupid enough to go in them to die) and one main area with a "Miniboss" of sorts.Upon finding the camp of the Zabrak, he will introduce himself as a Sith lord by the name of (Be creative). The Sith lord will then have the Battalions enter into his camp, (once again those dumb enough to think it's THAT EASY will be ambushed and more than likely killed by two droids with OP weapons.) whilst an attack comes from behind. If the battalions withstand this attack, they will have to pull together to try to rescue the researcher and his assistant, however the Sith lord will repulse the players back with the force (an invisible prop that will push the players away) and thus will escape with the researcher/scientist and the two droids. However the assistant will be left behind. Upon attempting to talk to the assistant he will be traumatised and will require aid back on the Venator. A transmission will come in from the Commodore. "Good work troops, but we must return to the Venator at once as we are preparing to depart from this airspace. Meet at the landing zone at once." The battalions should collect both Civilians (unless the first civilian was left by himself then he will have been overwhelmed and killed.) and return to the place in which they landed for debrief on the main server.
  4. Why is CG being in charge of hostage extraction a bad thing?
  5. Just cause you don't want me to come back <3
  6. RP Name: 104th SPC Forseen / Commodore Forseen Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:47573087 Age: 20 years of age. Timezone: GMT+10 Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to return to the server in which I once helped operate as I feel as though my assistance can be used once more. I will be available during the eastern hours of the server, mostly when there is minimal players, to be able to provide assistance to those that need it. I will strive for excellence within the staff team and always aim to do the best that I could possibly do. I have previous experience on Synergy Roleplay as a previous Director and can pass on wisdom to those that are new to moderating and administrating on Star Wars Roleplay and Garry's Mod in general. I know a lot about how the inner workings of the server from my time as a Director and have definitely learnt a lot that I can pass on to a lot of people. During my studies I feel as though I have also grown a lot as a human being and thus can take on the tasks that the staff needs for me to do with more maturity. Previous experiences as a staff member have seen me work alongside a lot of people currently in higher places, whether it be on Icefuse back in the day or on Synergy Roleplay. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am currently enrolled in a University course that takes up a lot of my time during the day. On top of the University course I play, coach and referee basketball games most days of the week. I have played Garry's Mod for many years now and have been around Star Wars Roleplay for a year and a half. Do you have any previous staff experience?: Clone Wars Division Leader - Icefuse Networks Executive Liaison - Icefuse Networks Intelligence Team Director - Icefuse Networks TTT Server Director - Synergy Roleplay Clone Wars Server Director - Synergy Roleplay Teamspeak Manager - Synergy Roleplay Forum Director - Synergy Roleplay How much playtime do you have on the synergy server?: I currently have 42 hours according to the server however I have a LOT more, which some people can definitely vouch for. (Joah told me that it was because of a box switch that happened a while ago) Note: I am posting this application now with the intention of playing a lot more whilst this application is live so that by the time the decision comes I have played for an extended amount of time.
  7. When I didn't get mentioned...
  8. Hey there, I have not been around for a few months. I have been checking in every now and again and just wanted to say hi. lol. hi. Forseen. p.s - @Joah Smells
  9. So I was cleaning out old games when I found this
  10. I've come back from the dead because I didn't get a shoutout @Riddler
  11. Gene, my dude. I love you so much... We have been like brothers for a long ass time, since day one in Galactic Marines and you were in inspiration to me in my early days in CWRP. Please stay in touch. (Remember you have me on facebook!)
  12. I'm just going to drop a truth bomb real quick. 50 hours in two weeks is NOT and should NOT be considered inactive. Lemme break this down real quick right. 50 hours in two weeks = 25 hours a week. Meaning the person has spent an entire day's worth of time on the server. You also have to consider that people have to work to get money to pay for their internet, and to pay for all types of living. A full-time employee's hours range from 35-45 hours per week with 40 hours being a standout as the most common. (This is according to sources found on the internet as I do not live in the USA.) This means we are saying that someone needs to spend almost enough time on the server to equal that of Full-Time Employment? This to me makes zero sense as there still needs to be time for someone to eat, sleep, travel to and from work, play the server, have a social life & possibly enjoy other games/things in life if the person so chooses. Total hours in a week = 168 hours. Time spent as a full-time employee = 45 hours. Time people want to see someone on the server for them to be considered "active" = 50 hours. Recommended daily sleep total per 1 week minimum = 8x7 = 56 hours. This would total up at leaving a Full-Time Employee 17 hours in a week to eat, travel to and from work and have a social life. This is ridiculous. Divide this by 7 days and it gets worse. You only have 2.43 hours PER DAY for free time, food and travel. Let's run another scenario where we say that the person wants to get 10 hours of sleep every night so that they can NOT be a zombie during the day. Which is 10 hours per day. This would leave the person a mere 3 hours PER WEEK free time to eat, travel and have a social life. Dividing this again would give you 43 minutes PER DAY to eat, travel and socialize. Doesn't make sense does it? This is were we acknowledge that some people have more free time than others, and some are happy spending all of it on a video game. However can you really say that 25 hours a week isn't good enough?! That's Part-Time Employment. Whilst you sit here using up all the money on your internet provider rather than working and earning money? Makes no sense.
  13. Will do great in the position! +1 This application looks familiar to me
  14. I love you Nightmare but you have never been serious for longer than 30 minutes, even when you were an Overseer. You can definitely improve but you have to do that before running for a position that is so crucial to the server. Love you though Nightmare, good luck dude <3 -1 P.S - For those of you that are complaining because it's Nightmare and you want him to be Yoda. It's a good meme, but be serious for once and think about the order and the server, rather than memes.
  15. Yes of course I only mentioned current staff, still love you medic <3
  16. Name: Forseen Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:47573087 Date: 01-30-2018 I wanted to stay around longer but I don't have the drive to do it. I'm sorry @Joah. Reason for leaving: I have just been entered into University in a full time course for a Diploma of Sport Development tagged on with a Basketball Academy. This will consume roughly 7 hours per week day for me which is on top of the already 4 hours of outside basketball I do every day meaning there will be little to no time for me to be a part of this community or any for the time being. Farewells: I'm not one for goodbyes however I will try. @Joah Firstly I would like to thank you, I've known you for over a year and I'd like to think in some aspects you and I are quite similar. I owe you a lot over the past year in terms of community work and just in general being a friend that has helped lift me to where I am now in life so I owe you some pretty big thank yous. @Jek We didn't always agree, but you were a big influence in the community. Although many people dislike you, they don't see the behind the scenes work you do for the community and cheers for being a great Vice Admiral and for the support with the TTT server. @Sparks I don't know why it isn't linking but I remember when we use to talk a decent amount and I remember when you were Wolffe and people were scared of you! @Mods Barely knew you but this wouldn't exactly be possible without you so thanks dog. @IndoX I remember when you were Plo Koon. @Tomas & @Zander you two were the most inspirational people for me throughout my one year journey throughout Icefuse and Synergy as my leaders and friends. You always stuck by me and were always the people that had my back. I'm now joining you both here in retirement. @Jackson my second child. You are going to go far in life and it was a pleasure to work with you bud! @Oxen Thank god you got to move up Oxen, you are probably the hardest working person in this community and you deserve this so much. Please keep the community in check! @Staff Team (Including High Staff) I'm gonna be honest, majority of you are lazy and don't do shit. If you're reading this and thinking "Is this about me?" it probably is. There's only a small handful of you that understand that just because you have a high position, does NOT mean you get to not do anything and those small few, you'll go far! @The community, thank you all for the chance to be your director, thank you all for believing in me and I am glad I spent so much time with you all. Hopefully the community continues to grow and be fun. Finally, good bye Synergy Roleplay staff team.
  17. Name: Forseen Length of LOA: 1/25/18-1/28/18 Reason: Australia Day long weekend basketball tournament on the other side of town and I didn’t bring my computer (wouldn’t have time to use it even if I did) Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes P.S: If you need me, PM me on forums or discord.
  18. Well you see, everyone that has done and said that has been in trouble, there's never been chances given for Racism since I became a Director and I sure as hell know that @Zander and even Billiam wouldn't have allowed the racism either.
  19. Also, everyone gets caught up on what was said months ago. Rules, opinions, ideas, regulations change, such is life, it always changes.
  20. So that means we can just allow racism in the community? I don't think so.
  21. Considering his forum name, before I changed it, he constantly does it. He knows better and shouldn't need to be told. There are rules and consequences for breaking said rules. It's how life works.
  22. I asked, doesn't mean it happens. You know very well Medic, how the higher echelon of the community works. For someone that has been around with the same rule set for roughly 10+ months, they shouldn't have to be poked about it.
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