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Head Admin
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Posts posted by Rohan

  1. Old system definitely, but I can say from personal view that having all the perma weapons had something to it. Like, I could pull out a grenade launcher, falmethrower, explosive bowcaster, 4 different assault rifles and call it a day. Wasn't really any uniqueness for me. I barely used the class weapons, as opposed to now. 

  2. obvious 10/10- I love shooting these guys, got flattened by a LAAT which gave me those battlefield PTSD moments from the Shanghai map on top of the building, and got absolutely destroyed. 10/10, enjoyed it
    Also, good RP stuff, I liked applebees

  3. Honestly, a 3/10, maybe a 2/10. It started off fun with the entire small attack, sneaking up, comms RP etc. But near the middle all the way towards the end it was horrible.
    - Rocket spams
    - Flamethrower spams
    At some point you have to retreat. The 20 deaths should've been able to indicate that you were not getting anywhere tbh

    • Informative 1
  4. 6/10 Was a good event- but my guy, are you okay? the intercom was sounding either depressed or tired my guy
    Loved the vehicles you gave the little group that was on too <3

    • Friendly 1
  5. I personally haven't known you for a long time as I've been back for about 10 days now so I don't know what you're capable off. I do have some questions before I give a vote tho. 

    For the trainings- how do you want to implement these specific trainings and how will you keep them going?

    Under recruitment & activity you talk about am incentive- what do you have in mind and how could you make that work for a longer time?

  6. RP Name: DU ARC-7592 SSG Rohan

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155676106

    VIP (Y/N): Yes

    Age: 18 (April 2nd, 2003)

    Timezone: CEST (Amsterdam, EST +6)

    Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I have been an admin before and I did enjoy it. Helping out members who are on the server with what they need. I am also in the more dead timezones where there may be one or two staff members actively on at the time- I believe I could assist with that. Furthermore I want to get back into hosting events. I thoroughly enjoyed the building of things, hosting events, and giving people something to do. In general, I just enjoyed it in the past and look forward to doing it again.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am Rohan. I love life, sort of. I am going to college next school year (End of August/Start of September) to study Cloud Engineer, Software development, and Cyber security to get a Bacherlor degree/Engineer degree depending on the one I major in. Either way, I want to finish college, get a job, and live life.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes, I do. Head Admin under Sanchez/Marvel for 4 months total (Directors changed in the mean time to Trad & idk who else), GMM for that time under Joe as GMC, Intel Manager under Dragon/Bananaberry from the start, through re-app SA and then VA again, GMO and GMM again. Also TRO, however that was only for a week as I did not enjoy that at all.

    How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: | DU ARC-7592 SSG Rohan has played for 3015:32:07.

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