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Posts posted by Rohan

  1. Name: Rohan

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): ARC Mission requested by CG Mav; succesful retrieval of republic prisoner

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No

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  2. Name: Rohan

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Patrol -> Encounter. Basic shootemup

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  3. Name: Rohan

    Who helped (If applicable): 

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Ptolemy III attacked the temple, then died battling the Jedi! Also got disconnected during it, sadly

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  4. Name: Rohan & Razen

    Who helped (If applicable): Killian

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Pirate hideout on umbara with secret treasure and boxes with guns in it. He didn't get detained, instead resisted and ran away!

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  5. Name: Rohan

    Who helped (If applicable): Mori, Hansen, Seabass, Claw

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Spaceport pewpew, boom, funded by the CIS they got a few BX droids and magnaguards supporting, but the Marines were too strong for them!

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Yes, Claw

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Shrimp said:

    I agree with Zeros here to some extent.

    • Scheduled officer meetings help us figure out which NCOs are ready for SNCO, which SNCO are ready for WO, etc. on a somewhat frequent basis. Furthermore, this helps us update the activity of people on roster, and figure out who to ping to tell to put an LOA in or say they might get removed. It is less efficient to do this in a Discord message vs when we can just spend 30 minutes reading every name on the roster to ask what the officers have seen from them.  Having an officer meeting like this is superior to just sending messages as we can go over EVERY person in the battalion quickly and ensure people that are in a different timezone than the majority of the officers are not overlooked. If we want to look back we can just take notes on the subjects brought up. Removing that meeting would drastically hurt communication. Most officers in 501st would agree with this. However, NCO meetings aren’t really needed in that way. Nothing really happens in them and most people don’t show up anyways. 
    • Regarding WO terms, I must inquire: Why only 1 WO? Currently we can have multiple WO work together on things, which is a better depiction of what becoming a JO/SO should be! This combined with more time than just 14 days would ensure quality people advance to Junior Officer, and gives people time to grow into their position. Furthermore: What does this mean?


    Once the questions are answered so I can better understand the intents here I will decide on +1/-1.

    Thank you for the question Shrimp. I actually reached out to Zeros and discussed it a bit with him prior, so I'll say the same I mentioned to him.

    For the officer meetings first. In my opinion meetings are nice and useful if there is something that needs to discussed. However, from experience, half the time it is a formality to go over statistics & what we need to better on. Moving this over to a non-scheduled, rather when-needed, sort of format feels like the right thing for me to do currently. Do I see the concerns and understand what you have brought up? Yes, definitely. Has it made me rethink it? Of course. As I don't want to change the app here is what I did think of in the end. If this meets your standard, let me know. If not, let me know too in your reply. Moving the officer meeting over to this format would be a trial and error phase, of course. Because nothing will improve if we don't test it. So, if I were to get Rex, I would want to implement this idea and see how it goes compared to the current system. If it's shit, it's shit. If it works, it works. Learning from the possible mistake that comes with it is something I am willing to look at. In the end the better working option is what we will go with. I hope that outlines the general plan for that. 

    Regarding the Warrant Officer position. This idea applies to the current situation on the server. I mentioned to Zeros in our conversation that it is a MINIMUM 14 day position, which I hadn't worded correctly in my application. We can all agree server numbers are not the best, even with recruiting 10 people a week there is no guarantee they stay. With that, having multiple WOs, in the current state, makes me believe we may turn into an officer battalion. Can I be wrong here? Of course. Do I still think it's a good idea? Yes, I do. Because not everyone is needed to pass through WO in order to be higher than that. I hope it somewhat answers your question. If not, I'd happily talk to you in TS or discord to explain it further with examples etc.

    As for the picture/quote at the bottom. The meaning of that is that based on their performance as WO, and this adds to why only 1 person, will get them their rank. I mentioned in the WO part about delegating tasks to the WO so we can see how they do on it. To be exact "One person for 14 days gets tasked with things regarding the NCO corps, leading it, and doing officer work. If needed, delegating a task from the JO/SO corps to the WO to see how it is handled as well as putting them in charge of leadership positions in game." and "This is to assess any and all skills the individual has." To explain it in easy terms: They do good -> 2ndLT, they do beyond that it'll be assessed by the officer corps and moved to a vote on what rank upto CPT. It may be reverting back to an older system or a different system that some battalions may still use, but it rewards the individual put in a special position for what they do.

    I hope this answers your questions, if not, I'll be open to any other ones or even talk on TS/Discord regarding it. :)

    • Informative 2
    • Friendly 1
  7. Name: Rohan

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Pirates attacked the base, someone requested there be an encounter so put something together in a few minutes

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  8. Name: Rohan

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Mercenary spaceport got attacked by the GAR, succesful attack

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No

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  9. Just now, Zeros said:

    I'm going to hold a vote for now, but I have a question:

    You resigned from 501st not too long ago due to the battalion not being active enough for your timezone to enjoy being in 501st. Has anything changed or do you have any solutions to this problem from before?

    As you can see my schedule has changed. As opposed to being active in the EU timezone only I have the ability to be on later than usual due to how my college and work scheduling have changed. With the exception of Thursday night due to early work on Friday. So that was the change for me, hope that answers your question, and if not please let me know.

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