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Medal of Honor
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Posts posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. 56 minutes ago, Llama/Yoda said:

    -1 Frankly haven't seen you doing much in terms of actually improving the battalion in ways that count. Like I may be old school on this but it used to be that the most important things about running a battalion were 1. Making sure people are having fun, not sure if you've been doing that but I can tell from your app it's not as important as having the battalions jobs balanced out as if that matters. Also your treatment of Egg is disgraceful 2. Having an active battalion, as Trig proved you and your officers aren't setting a good example there, and 3. Individualism, setting your battalion apart, and frankly it feels to me like 41st is a cookie cutter copy of 104th and every other battalion

    Took the words right out of my mouth


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