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  1. What is this the ice bucket challenge +1 though
  2. Man what you on about you really tryin to have little kids running around on bounty hunters screaming “WANNA BUMP THIS COKE HOMES”
  3. +1 Don’t rape Ahsoka if you get yoga though that would be a very pedo thing to do


    Well that just shows how unprofessional you are. Someone who says something like that on their OWN app is clearly unfit for staff. -1
  5. Where’s my fucking crack David I don’t like being ripped off @Joah
  6. Again you boomer +1 great GM in the past no cap
  7. I mean I did the same thing not gonna cap +1
  8. Battalion: SO BDE RP Name: SO BDE Regimental Commander Morquis Date: 4/15/2020 Reason: I think it was pretty obvious that this was coming. I can’t uphold the activity requirement as a regimental and I don’t want to sit here and cock block the spot from another good person that can take the position. I just hope I helped as much as I could, I know I didn’t do the best job but I really did try and I had a lot of really good friends to help me through it. Goodbyes: @Squad Leads - you all are doing absolutely fantastic, keep doing what you’re doing, I couldn’t of asked for better squad leads whats so ever. SO BDE - Don’t be rarted, listen to your squad lead Im not gonna @ everyone because sitting here typing on my phone gibs me big headache but I just want everyone to know that... you’re dope.
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