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Posts posted by Leche

  1. Steam Name: 


    RP Name: 

    2ndAC Executive Officer Barlex

    RP Rank: 


    Steam ID: 


    Battalion or squad you are applying for: 



    2ndACL, Support Overseer, REGL: I’ve really only been in airborne while in the server; however, I’ve worked with all the other subunits multiple times as well as helped them during tryouts so i wouldn't say that my limited experience has hindered me from getting to know other units and battalions

    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: 

    I personally feel that I’ve been in this battalion for long enough to understand how it works. I’ve been in this battalion for around 2 years (on and off) so I bring quite a bit of past knowledge to the table. This information may be useful when making decisions regarding what works and what doesn’t.

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

    I sure do


    All the time on discord (unless im asleep)

    I tend to be on the server after school (after 3:00 est)

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

    1515 hours

    Do you have a microphone?:

    I do 

    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

    I want the regimental structure to be simple yet effective, the battalion to know how to enjoy their time, and understand how the chain of command works. The regimental structure is at a stable point at the moment but I want to make it more comparable to other battalions so there’s no confusion in between rank and other functions within the battalion. I plan on focusing more on “Quality of Life” for the members of the battalion; the battalion has decreased in amount of “fun” on the server through the years due to there being a lot of down time and lack of ideas. Since I’ve rejoined staff I really want to show off entertainment ideas as well as giving fun events to 212th while we’re sitting around doing nothing because at the end of the day Gmod is a game and I want everyone to enjoy their time away from IRL issues. Regarding Chain of Command, people tend to jump to the highest rank possible and it can be a bit overbearing to the person who is in charge so I want to implement something that forces them to attempt to work up the Coc.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

    I do

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

    I do


    Please leave serious feedback and questions. Thank you!

  2. Name: Leche

    Who helped (If applicable): Pog Gaster, Mavelle, Spieler, and Zeph

    Summary of encounter: Foxtrot and some delta went into a bar that was suspected of harboring a scientist that is aligned with the CIS to capture him with no force. Information was gathered from a holopad and a the scientist was sent to eternal prison.


  3. RP Name: 2ndAC Executive Officer Barlex

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155881421

    VIP (Y/N): y

    Age: 18

    Timezone: EST

    What was your previous staff rank?: SA

    Are you currently staff on a different server?: no

    Why did you leave the staff team?: Got removed because my computer F'd, had to take care of my dog and mother who got out of surgery, pm'd HAs that I couldn't put up a loa, and couldn't do much about it.

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I really just want to help people and take tickets as well as providing quality events rather than the quantity. I have a lot of solid event idea and training ideas that I think would bring the community together in fun rp situations. I have time on my hands now so I I'm good to do what I need to dd. In the near future I really think this will help myself and the 212th get a better understanding on trainings with visuals rather than putting in a ticket every time I need something. 

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): In pure honesty, my head was in the right place but I have bad luck when it comes to staff. The second I get it something bad happens (hopefully 3rd time is the charm). When I did set up events and encounters I felt like I did a good job unfortunately they were rare due to me only being available late at night. I also tried my best to help cases from the community to provide a better experience as well as try and help staff members learn how to new things. Overall I could definitely improve; however, it's not a difficult adjustment.

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: yes

  4. +1 yes, he's just joined back; however, he's been in all 3 battalions before and done excellent work in all of them. I think his idea on connecting the battalions and his thoughts on the inner workings of the battalions are very intriguing. Ill be honest, 212th is pretty good at the moment in regards to infrastructure. Finally, I like the idea of all the batts working together but not too much, lets focus on our own missions too yknow.


  5. Real talk, can we wait until the other map suggestions are passed or denied? There's one in pending and one it suggestions rn. I like this base but its going to be incredibly confusing to devs when we have 3 main map suggestions in pending.

    • Agree 2
  6. +1 Man handles everything in the best way possible. He's humble, he listens to everyone, and will give feedback on any topic if needed. He take initiative and jumps into work without asking. If there was another candidate for Commander Cody I know for a fact Mason would still have my vote because of all the things he's done with the battalion  

    • Friendly 1
  7. 8/10 i love rp based events but I prefer if there was a bit more player choice it kind of seemed like we were pointed in a direction, i understand that its difficult to learn the map too. Great job on handling only having 2 GH


    • Friendly 1
  8. 0/10 I hate to rate it like this and i may be a bit too harsh but still. The antalions and guards were max health, one hit you (guards) 3 hits (antalion), sith was using diamond storm which is not allowed. Every single time we tried to do something you'd shut us down by either spawning things on top of us or telling the sith to come kill us. Idk if the title refers to the sith or the enemies as a whole. Please remember Quality over Quantity. 

  9. -1 honestly thing a regimental commander should be more focused on rp like guac said but at the same time if you want something better try for something unique like different reg cmds get different kits based off their role, I don’t think the westar should be in the kit at all. Plus (not speaking about noble or anyone else) the Reg cmd positions load out should never be on someone’s mind when they apply for the position, they should be driven to help the battalions they lead/manage.

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