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Posts posted by Underpaidstaff

  1. does anyone know when joah will update server because thats like 2 months past its announcement so is there anyone else thats able to update the server or is server updates just dead from now on because im sure theres quite a bit of stuff that people want to suggest. 

  2. Rp name: Clorox (91st) Tidepod(BO)


    VIP: Yes

    Age: 17

    Timezone: EST

    I wish to become a game helper/ game master. The number of admins have been going down noticeably as it gets harder and harder to get a response from a staff ticket. the reason for wanting to be a GH/GM is because the number of events have been going down and i think that is affecting how many players actually return so my hope is to bring more events back into the game. I will work hard to make sure rules are enforced and  stand by the rules of the server. i plan on being as active as possible in order to provide the most i can for the server. finally when i get GM sometime down the road i plan on making a series of events for each all battalions both on and off main server.

    I am a hard working individual from Virginia. I am the S-4  SNCO for my JROTC in which we deal with supplies and logistics. im a very relaxed individual though i can bbe very serious when the time requires it.

    previous staff experience: no

    playtime:  916:10:50.


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