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Posts posted by Underpaidstaff

  1. 13 minutes ago, Aeon said:

    That would be insubordination :)

    during the deployment he ordered two 21st to delete  important data the man in charge of 21st during the deployment decided against it and ordered us to download the data. Flytape[then brimstone] said he would AOS them for BATTALION DISRESPECT. we elected to follow OUR CO's orders over the CO of a different unit. if he was our CO or if our CO had agreed with him then yes it would have been insubordination. further more @Flytape your whole first complaint is that dennis wanted to handle HIS battalion himself, which by the way he did after talking to you he PT'd the entire group that participated personally. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Matt-Matthos said:


    Most of the -1's took the words out of my mouth. I will say this tho, every applicable position you have held to my knowledge including Dooku there has been some sort of issue regarding yourself or with the battalion/faction you're currently running. I can't with good conscious support this app due to the clear track record and precedent you set when you hold these position...especially when the 21st is in such a fragile state. Best of luck.

    Matt i love you but you've proven my point. Your talking about past mistakes which yes should always be looked at. you have mentioned the 21st but have you talked to any of us and confirmed whether or not waht hes doing is productive? I'd say he is

  3. 16 minutes ago, Comics said:


    32 minutes ago, Dennis said:

    1. Thanks comics for reminding me that some of my questions did not paste over, idk how that happened, appreciate it guy! 

    I mean you didn't really add anything. You just said "I will make it good". Still no plans, how are we supposed to even begin to trust you if you can't give a single plan or idea just "I'm gonna do this good thing"

    build the new officer corps, ensure battalion attitude gets better, build the new KU and ensure its as bad ass as its supposed to be. thats what i gto if i missed anything then @Denniscan correct me


    18 minutes ago, Comics said:

    I meant that you kept a tough grip on DU for a while & used to it get XO and exert control over Owen & Maddoxx, pretty much holding onto power refusing to like DU move away from you. Fred & Slak just haven't been under your control so you haven't been able to keep your control, and I doubt you're very happy with that.

    you know its funny ive never EVER heard Dennis talk about DU in any way shape or form. not at all. like i said if ive missed anything then please correct me 

    19 minutes ago, Comics said:

    a bold faced lie. If you didn't do anything than don't claim to have "got it off the ground" or out of a "rough spot"
    "I have helped many other battalions get off the ground from brand new or rough spots. Such as DU, Base Ops,"

    cant speak much for it wasnt in any of that.

    while Dennis does have flaws i personally think he is certainly doing shit. +1 from me



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  4. 1/10 

    one EJ in specific decided he was gonna wake up from anetheics and try to shoot the surgeon. the other two came in dead on arrival. the three i dealt with failed to respond near at all to any medical action taken. droids were spawned on top of troopers multiple times. and you dared to complain that we made bad decisions in medbay? let me give you a rundown all three NEEDED surgery we only has two rooms andvery few medics. the two that we couldnt put in surgery room i was left to take care of almost by myself. i had the commodore up my ass the entire time complaining about deaths that honestly were probably beyond saving.  one of the troops in surgery dropped dead after being stabilized,. 

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  5. Name:Clorox

    Who helped (If applicable): beetle, frank, crosshair, rohan, holo

    Event Name:Beetles return

    Summary of the story: beetle finds his way baack to base

    What was the result of the event?: clones repelled the droid chase force

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

  6. Name: Clorox

    Who helped (If applicable): beetle, data, morbid, tweith, deathtiger, oliver

    Event Name: Beachhead

    Summary of the story: major CIS assualt on the entire base that results in the need to recapture Fort anaxes

    What was the result of the event?: clones repeled droids on all advances

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

  7. @NootNoot sure. As medx i helped revamp and reorganize the 91st medical branch in tandem with beetle, we created a roster new training structures and even a new battalion medical hierarchy. As ARCL i helped to revamp training battalion ARC training schedules as well as create trainings specific to the 91st’s arc program. Unfortunately the lack of 91st ARCs has made things difficult in a training perspective. As XO I've been working with beetle in everything from branches to personnel decisions. The two of us have also been pushing the 91st to better itself on all fronts and are happy to report that minimal disciplinary actions have had to have been made 

  8. Name: Clorox

    Who helped (If applicable): kestrel, Technodad, Rys(Wiz)[EJ]

    Event Name:  deadly hunt

    Summary of the story: trandoshan exiles leave the produce of their hunt  one force ssensitive child survives

    What was the result of the event?: the surviver died butr the jedi now have a target

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot'em up/ passive



    Steam Name:


    RP Name:


    Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞


    Battalion or squad you are applying for:

     91st Battalion Commander Neyo


    91st MEDO/MEDX(later on)

     91st ARCL

    91st XO

    91st Intel Officer

    Senior Admin


    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

    I should become battalion commander because I am a hard worker and very active in the battalion I care greatly for the 91st and intend to keep the 91st growing and getting better and better. I believe I have proven myself to be BCMD material and am ready for the position. My qualifications show that i am ready AND willing to do whatever it takes to better the battalion

    After serious thinking I want to push myself and give a little extra. I have the energy and passion to support my battalion. I have worked hard and put in the hours working with my medics and revamping my branch. I have worked with so many people in synergy and learned so many things. I am ready to give more and test my abilities and leadership. I believe I have strong leadership capabilities and I am able to get along with everybody within my battalion. I have learned so many lessons from my time on the server, I have never been a minge, I have never been arrested. I love RP and have always enforced RP when I can. I feel I will be excellent at portraying the personality of Neyo from Lore and making a fun Roleplay environment. I have a passion for the 91st that I feel nobody else has and I will pour everything I can into my battalion to make it great, and I would like that chance to prove myself. The experience I have obtained during my time in 91st, has helped me develop good relationships with my fellow Recon Battalions. This enables me to work with them more closely, and unite us even more as a Regiment. Recon is my strong point and I believe that being BCMD will allow me to lead Recon in the most effective way.  I also plan to enforce a more lore based outlook for 91st troopers in order to make a more immersive environment.  


    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad? yes i understand for instance 91st disliked jedi especially after Commander Neyo took charge, and thus my character in itself hates jedi (I like to play my character in accordance to Lore)


    Availability:more often then not i can’t play weekdays but weekends im on ALL the time


    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:





    Do you have a microphone?:

    yes i do


    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

    I want the battalion to grow in size and have made trainings of all kinds even more common than they are now especially BARC and ARF. I also plan to help in the creation of the 91st Pilot branch to which myself and a few others have begun. I want the battalion to be in the best place it can be when m term is up and am willing to go to great lengths in order to do so. I think my greatest improvement I have at this moment is to build up the 91st numbers and make trainings more common. 

    At the end of my term as Neyo I want my Battalion to be seen as Elite and independent. I want my Battalion to be great at RP and work effectively in everything thrown at them. I want the 91st to be looked up to and seen as an advanced, disciplined battalion. I want the 91st to be an enjoyable experience to be a part of and create a sense of family and brotherhood. By the end of my term I want my battalion to be as harcore and elite as they are in lore. 


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

    yes i understand i will alert you should any problems ever occur


    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

    yep i do plan to reapply aswell

  10. Name: Clorox

    Who helped (If applicable): Brooklyn, undead, unkindled, ping(EJ)  Sleeper *(GH)

    Event Name: Defector

    Summary of the story: a Kaminoan Guard arrives at Anaxes requesting assistance to recapture a defector

    What was the result of the event?: defector escaped anaxes

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot'em up


  11. Name: Clorox

    Who helped (If applicable): Quebec(EJ) Royer(EJ) Qal(EJ) zeke(EJ)

    Event Name:Shady Stuff

    Summary of the story: A restaurant is opened in village inviting CLones to come get stuff to eat little do they know that its  afront for a major deathsticks cartel

    What was the result of the event?: the clones took down the drugees and destoryed the drugs

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: passive rp

  12. Name: Clorox

    Who helped (If applicable): Kell(GH)

    Event Name: nasty surprise

    Summary of the story: a Republic Acclimator enters Anaxes airspace and warns about odd CIS ships that wonder around without making any cort of contact with anything in any way. one such frigate then appears from the atmosphere and slowly moves on a collision course towards the acclimator it collides and the two crash down into the courtyard and infected rush out of the ship hungery for new blood

    What was the result of the event?: they held of the infected long enough for Captain Biff to destroy the ship

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot'em up

  13. Name: Clorox

    Who helped (If applicable): undead(helper) Soccer(helper) Blitz/Sixta(assisted)

    Event Name: shadow introduction

    Summary of the story: blitz goes for a patrol and is captured by a fanatical CIS Spec Ops group. They tie him to a stake and attempt to burn him alive the troops of the Republic secure him but thats not the end more troopers are captured and tied to stakes in an attempt to "purify" more clones . the stakes were found and the troopers were saved.

    What was the result of the event?: luckily no clones were killed in the  "purification's" and were found on time

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up with some passive rp at the end


  14. Interesting idea but if it were to be implemented whats keep that in check

    i did a skim of it so if i missed you explaining that then I apologize 

    best of luck my guy ❤️

  15. Name: Clorox

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:159356456


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 1322:11:02.


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: i'm very good with communication and as of current i help lead the 91st but IRL i'm also in a leadership program

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: ye


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: *breaths in* This event starts with two Kaminoan Guard troopers requesting to enter Anaxes base. When they arrive the inform whoever is in charge at that time that a clone that was sent back to Kamino for signs defections, while there he stole a ship to escape… and codes that would allow the CIS to pass through the planetary sheilds over kamino. Back with the troopers, they chased the rogue to Anaxes where he was shot down while attempting to rendezvous with CIS forces. After explaining the Kaminoan Guards will request to borrow the forces on base to track down the rogue. Eventually he will be found trying to escape under the cover of CIS forces. This is where the event could go two ways: option A the Republic manages to capture or kill the rogue and all this ends there, option B the rogue escapes and a deployment to kamino for certain battalions would eventually follow. 


    anyways have a good day everyone ❤️

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