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Everything posted by J.Jefferson

  1. +1 The only downside to this that they will not have a repair tool unless they are a engineer class
  2. Oh god, you can barely hear me in this.
  3. -1 please stop asking for pilot jobs. This is like the third or fourth time you have asked for this. https://gyazo.com/022bab90d39b6ab1a5def3901e685dcf https://gyazo.com/e21c97a8b7906c1788a522d7c2761ea0
  4. -1 These are my reasons why: The first time you made the application you put little no effort into it Most of the lore you put down is incorrect "Keep as serious as it needs to be and over all make it fun for the players" Trust me this has been tried and it has failed
  5. "Grief's Recon Regimental Application (Waived)" "within a battalion & hold a current position of Lieutenant Colonel within a battalion or unit for a minimum of 1 week" @Nade Jones
  6. +1 You might be retarded at sometimes, but you seem like the guy for this position.
  7. J.Jefferson

    Escape Pods

    -1 I wAnT tO bE a OdSt
  8. -1 What IKE said. Also this application seems more like a meme.
  9. Neutral, I agree with the 1st one but not the 2nd one. I do think it should be up to the battalion if they want you as BCMD.
  10. J.Jefferson

    Just Void

    Most of the lore is copied from the lore pages. Also, I would like you to explain a little more about "Why should you become a Battalion Commander/ Reg?" -1
  11. @Bobonater3He edited his post way before you made yours. It doesn't say that anymore
  12. I'm plain and boring. Also, you are a trap -1
  13. Gonna have to agree with some of the stuff Chambers said. -1
  14. +1 One of the best events, I have had in a while
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