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Everything posted by Perri

  1. I will +1 to this, cool for main server if its optimized
  2. Perri

    212th Big Changes

    Name: 212th Battalion Commander Cody Suggestion: Firstly, removal of the 2ndAC sub-unit and all jobs within and instead adding a 2ndAC job too the 212th category.That job will have a DC-15A scoped, DC-15S, DC-17, jetpack. Secondly, removal of Ghost Company Lead Job. The adding of a support job instead, which would use the Boil and Waxer ARF Camo without the markings and have a medkit,repair tool,DC-15A scoped, and DC-15S. As well as adding a jetpack to the Ghost Company ARC similar to green company ARC. The reason for all of this removal is due to 212th having two sub units and by removing one to allow K-Company to be re-introduced into the server. This suggestion was approved and decided by 212th High Command Implementation: Remove 2ndAC category, add 2ndAC Trooper to 212th main category, add support trooper and a Jetpack too the Ghost Company ARC Lore:None? Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Change/Remove Job: All 2ndAC Jobs / 2ndAC Jobs Category Model:N/A Weapons:N/A Other:N/A Add or Change: Remove Job: Ghost Company Commander Model:N/A Weapons:N/A Other:N/A Add or Change: Add Job: Ghost Company Support Trooper Model:The Waxer ARF Model (No idea of its actual name sorry) Weapons:, DC-15A scoped, and DC-15S Other:medkit, repair tool Add or Change: Change Job: Ghost Company ARC Model:N/A (Until new models at least) Weapons:n/a (Current Loadout) Other: Jetpack , Clone mini gun Add or Change: Add Job:2ndAC Trooper(Or just Airborne Trooper) Model:N/A(Until new models at least) Weapons:DC-15A scoped, DC-15S, DC-17, Other:Jetpack
  3. Perri

    K-Company Re-add

    If 212th have to give up a piece of their pie so others can have a piece of the pie too then it will be done. I hope.
  4. Perri

    K-Company Re-add

    212th has come up with something The server suggestion will be up soon. It would allow the space for K-Company,The decision will heavenly impact the 212th but For the better of the community we hope this will work out. -Perri/Cody
  5. Perri

    K-Company Re-add

    -1 to 212th losing a thing. +1 if they added K company anyway.
  6. o7, RexyOleBoy. I wish you the best.
  7. +1 Of course. Alfa is the guy.
  8. o7 @Fours, Hey, Hello,How are you?
  9. Perri

    The rock of peace

    +1. I was a wookie senator and a Talz Senator briefly, great way to pass time. Talz Senator Pearson and Wookie Senator Yazda.
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