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Everything posted by RJTheGod

  1. Well, since the ban is up this appeal is no longer needed. However, it would have been nice to at least have been asked to change my name before I got banned. I honestly had no idea what it was about, but I do now. I apologize for making you feel the name was making fun of Slate, however that was not my intention. I still think the ban was wrongful but there is nothing to be done now.
  2. Funny how you claim I am playing ignorant when they are two completely different words. Allow me to explain if you can't wrap your brain around it. Just stick with me, I promise it won't be a difficult explanation and even you can (possibly) understand. Slate is pronounced as such (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/slate?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=s&file=slate001). You would use it in a sentence such as "I wiped the slate clean." Sleight is pronounced as such (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sleight?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=s&file=sleigh02). You would use it in a sentence such as the common reference of "Sleight of Hand." Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
  3. RP Name/Steam Name: Private Sleight Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:521223420 Date of Ban: 11/12/2019 Length of Ban: 350 Minutes Offense: "NITRP | Name makes fun of Slate" Banned By: Wrecker Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I honestly don't even know what I did. I don't know who Slate is. Evidence to support your claims:
  4. RP Name/Steam Name: Kycer Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:91090591 Date of Ban: Around a year ago (doesn't say when I attempt to join server) Length of Ban: Permanent Offense: Racism Banned By: Don't Know Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I honestly was just a minge and the ban was rightful. However, I have been playing Star Wars RP seriously recently on other servers and have been having a good time. However, these servers are smaller and not as active or well managed. Synergy is one of the most played and most known CWRP servers and so I would like to ask for a second chance to play on the server seriously. If my appeal gets accepted and I happen to minge or misbehave then ban me permanently again. I would just like the chance to play for real. As for the racism, it was solely a part of me being a minge and wanting to disrupt the server. Whatever I said (probably the n-word tbh) does not express my actual views and was merely to "trigger" people. Evidence to support your claims: N/A
  5. RP Name/Steam Name: CT PVT MilkyWay (https://steamcommunity.com/id/Kycerrrr/) Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11101 Date of Ban: 9/21/2018 Length of Ban: 7 days Offense: "Racism" Banned By: Doesn't say and I don't remember Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I didn't actually say anything racist. I and another CT were messing around by only having our visors on and talking about our sunglasses when a CG/ST told us to fix it and when we didn't he arrested us. As I was being arrested I said "what the fuck" and then in jail was banned for racism, with the CG claiming I said the "n-word". My mic isn't the best and does cut out sometimes so I'm not sure if it cut out or distorted to sound like something different, however I assure I did not say the "n-word". Evidence to support your claims: I wouldn't be wasting my time appealing if I actually said it or didn't care about the server. My experience has been pretty good so far and I would like to keep playing. I know I probably shouldn't have been messing around but I don't think it constitutes a 7 day ban from the server. *To clarify, the admin did not even speak to me about the incident. I was in the jail cell and when the admin tped, asked the CG if I was "the guy", and then banned me after confirmation from the CG (low ranking btw) who said I had said the "n-word". The admin did not talk to me at all and ignored my pleas to be listened to and to hear my side of the story.* -added 9/22/2018 8:19pm
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