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Posts posted by Harsh

  1. My rating for Bacta's event setup and his actions as a gamemaster - 8/10

    Alright, I'm going to try and articulate my thoughts on this event. 

    Firstly, the map lagging and crashing was NOT Bacta's fault, and I don't blame the GM team at all for this part. It was a little disjointed, but you guys pivoted and continued the event really well. The event setup and the RP based actions from the GM and his team were excellent (top tier). 

    What killed this event for me was actually the players participating in the event. There was WAY too much powergaming that kind of dragged the event down. Here are some examples: Jedi spamming Diamond storm, using Whirlwind to smash people down, and spamming Force Reflect constantly. The one thing that really pissed me off was a particular individual that supposedly planted an explosive in the generator of the Venator, eventually "blowing it up" and killing everyone on board. This is the essence of powergaming in my eyes. Basically, there's no counterplay to someone "sneaking" into the generator room and putting a charge down there - it doesn't make sense in RP and is really just a scummy thing to do. 

    I acknowledge that this was mostly outside the GM's control, and I give big props to Bacta for rolling with it and adjusting the narrative to just the ship being damaged and a fleet dropping in. Great job with turning a negative event like this into something reasonable. 

    To sum it all up, thanks Bacta for the deployment. I think you should reign in the idea of "anyone can do anything" and more solidly implement the rules. If people aren't doing what they should be and breaking their character RP entirely (like the situation above), it's my personal opinion that  you should warn them and/or kick em out. 

    • Winner 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, Gears said:

    But your suggestion is just encouraging power creep, you know the Shotgun is a problem and adding a weapon like that is just adding fuel to the fire. Theres a reason a weapon update is coming man. 

    I have a question about this.

    If the new weapon update significantly changes how the weapons perform, including the store bought RC shotgun and mando rifle, isn’t that a little unfair? Considering that people paid hundreds of dollars to buy these weapons, is it entirely fair to change how they work and how well they perform? 

    This is a completely hypothetical scenario and is probably more dramatic than the truth, but take a situation where the RC shotgun is nerfed to 1/2 damage per shot and nerfed again to half of its current accuracy.
    People are going to be upset that they paid $90 for a weapon that for all intents and purposes has become useless (in this situation). 

    What will you do in this situation? It’s not feasible to refund people, as that would draw what I am assuming is a massive amount of money away from the server. You could give store credit back, but that would just encourage further perma weapon trouble considering people will likely just want another perma weapon to buy. 

    Just some food for thought. I’m sure you guys are thinking about this, but in case you weren’t, I just wanted to bring it up. 

    • Winner 3
  3. At the end of the day, like Tino said, you have to do what makes you happy. I think you need to sit down and think to yourself what is it you actually want to do with the rest of your life? Now is the best time in your life to commit to a path and build a career that you will be proud of.

    Can you see yourself being happy with and proud of working an hourly wage as a pharmacy tech or unskilled worker for the rest of your life (there's nothing wrong with this, but you have to make sure that this is what you want)? Are you interested in doing something in the medical field? Why? 

    The calculations Guac put forward are interesting, but I think we need more information. Are you willing to go through 6 years of school? Are your academics and your story good enough to get you a scholarship at a Pharmacy school? Are you dead set on pharmacy, or would you also be fine with doing something else in medicine? What is your undergraduate degree. 

    If you're interested in medicine, I'd strongly encourage you to think about applying to medical school to become a physician. I'm doing so this year, and while it is certainly a tough and stressful process, if you can get through the one big step of actually getting in, you'll be well on your way to a satisfactory career that brings with it a lot of fulfillment (through helping people) and economic stability (which it seems you are especially concerned with - as we all should be). 

    If you aren't interested in medicine, I'd encourage you to look deeply at yourself and who you are and ask yourself what your passions are. Do you like fixing things? Do you like computers? Do you like being hands on or off? If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? Shoot to claim your dreams; you're young now and you'll only be young once in your life. Use this time wisely and set yourself up for success and happiness for the rest of your life. 

    Last thing. I'm a huge proponent of higher education. It is becoming increasingly difficult to be competitive in today's job market because of the over-saturation of college-educated individuals entering the job market. If you want to make serious money, you have to do something to set yourself apart. That's why becoming a pharmacist takes 6 years, and becoming a doctor can take 10 to 15 years. Once you find what you're intersted in, find a way to make yourself more competitive than other people in your field. Go to graduate school or find a way to train yourself in an appealing and rare skill. Do what will make you proud later down the line. 

    Sorry for the rant. That was all a bit long and disjointed. Moral of the story: find something that you enjoy doing and that you think will make you proud. Set yourself up for success and make yourself competitive in whatever field you want to go into. You're still young; use this time as efficiently as you can. Good luck!


  4. Man I miss the old days. That was long before I was in SOBDE, so I had the regular old pleb paycheck for the most part. I was still able to buy two cheap (but incredibly effective) perma weapons. One was the DL-44 (which used to be AMAZING) and the other was the DLT-something-or-the-other sniper rifle (also a great weapon). 

    In my eyes, the perma weapon prices right now are absolutely absurd. 25 million for most decent weapons (i.e. cycler rifle) and 40 million (or more) for a good weapon (i.e. the AR that acts like a Westar) is ridiculous pricing. After 3 months of sub and various AFKing on an officer job and on an SOBDE job (when they racked in 800 credits per tick), I've "only" accumulated 20 mil in credits. That's a ridiculous number, and according to store prices, is around $100 worth of credits. What can I buy with these credits, you ask? Literally nothing of value. My kit DC-17m AR, while not the best weapon, is a better weapon than anything the store has to offer right now.

    The player economy on the server is absolutely fucked. It's worse than Venezuela. On the one hand you have the average player, who maybe manages to rack up 1 mil in credits after maxing stats over half a year. On the other hand you have the incredibly high wage players (of which there are maybe 6) who have 100s of millions of credits but can still only afford a few things on the store. It's crazy.

    I can understand the desire to make money - higher permaweapon prices and shitty kit weapon stats (see: 15s, 15x, etc.) - really incentivize buying credits off the store for good money. After all, SR is a business and needs some way to stay afloat.

    Yet, there isn't a balance being struck between making gameplay interesting and making money.

    I would like to see a tiered system of permaweapons. Here are some off-the-cuff prices:

    "Low-Tier" - <1 mil credits

    "Mid-Tier" < 3 mil credits

    "High-Tier" 8 mil credits and greater, with a cap at 15-18 mil. 

    In my eyes, these prices are much more reasonable if we consider the average player on the server rarely (if ever) reaching the "High-Tier" of weapons without buying credits off the store. Especially considering that SOBDE job income was nerfed recently, many fewer players will be able to afford 10 million for a perma weapon. The key to this system would be properly balancing the Tiers of weapons.

    The 15a and S could be considered on-par with the "Low Tier" of weapons (we'd still need to see buffs for these two as in their current state I see them as below "Low Tier")- these weapons can perform adequately enough against enemies but don't bring anything super unique to the table. The "Low Tier" permaweapons could bring something different to the table from the 15a and s by being guns like basic pump shotguns or bolt action sniper rifles, etc. So, there is an incentive to purchase the "Low Tier" weapons, but they aren't GREAT weapons. 

    The "Mid-Tier" of weapons can be where things start to get a little interesting. Maybe semi-auto shotguns, DMRs, a wide variety of weapons that constitute the majority of the lesser-used perma weapons on the store right now. Guns that are somewhat unique in their style (i.e. high capacity LMGs, other kinds of star wars weapons that actual soldiers or bounty hunters or assassins would use). These guns would be very good against the standard enemies we see on the server, deploying a high DPS that makes them efficient and effective choices. The key here is to make these Mid Tier guns VERY attractive options for people to save up for. 

    The "High-Tier" of weapons is where things get real spicy. These can be wacky guns that are rare. Things like verpine shatter rifles (maybe a projectile weapon that deals a huge amount of damage with a low fire rate). Other weapons that add something unique - maybe a grenade launcher with different grenade options or a multi-barrel pistol/AR. These guns are unique options that are somewhat more effective than the "Mid-Tier." To balance these guns properly, they would have to be GREAT, but not so great that they are the ONLY option for players on the server. But, because they are super expensive (up to 18 mil) this means that 99% of players will AT MOST own only one. They have to be good guns that bring something fun and cool to the table. 

    Anyways, that's my rant. Sorry if it took up too much space - I've been thinking about this for a while now. Please let me know what you think!

    • Winner 2
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  5. +1

    Here are my reasons: 

    1) If he wants to give staff a go, let him have that opportunity. For those concerned about his maturity/age, he did get waived by the directors, so they at least are advocating for him. Additionally, New Admin status is temporary, and the New Admin role is inherently one that is meant to act as a trial period. If Bosk does mess up, he'll be removed from staff. Plus, I'm sure he'll be watched closely at whatever Admin rank he gets because of his age. 

    2) This is the only "kid" application I've seen where the person doesn't lie about their age. I'd be willing to bet good money that a lot of the "fourteen" or "fifteen" year old people on the server are much younger - they just lie about their age to slide by. Props to Bosk for being honest. 

  6. -1. 

    Coal, I’m pretty familiar with you from my days back in DU. I think you have the character to be a good leader and I think you’re a good person all around. 

    However, I have a serious problem with Jedi in a battalion going for a BCMD position unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. Jedi simply do not have the same sway or experiences as clones, and don’t work their way up from the bottom like troopers do. Slak was able to get away with this 5 months ago because there were 7 people in the battalion and no one else wanted to run. Right now, there are at least 5 qualified people that can run. 

    Additionally, your application is very cookie-cutter. You’ve not talked at all about what novel things you bring to the table that will help DU. You vaguely mention the problems you see with the battalion, and say that “more” (amount wise) needs to be done in terms of trainings and recruitment. These are ver standard and shouldn’t have to be mentioned in the app unless you have a unique solution. 

    What do you bring to the table that makes you fit for BCMD? What do you actually want to do in the position to address the very real and serious problems in the battalion currently?


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