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Posts posted by Finn

  1. +1 

    We now have the sustainable population, and most battalions have the numbers, to support a return to form with the old ranks added back. 

    Personally I think all the old ranks should be added back (the 2 NCO ranks, the 3 Officer ranks, and XO), as it allowed a more obvious chain of command, and allowed battalions to establish different responsibilities while also allowing for progression. It'd also be better to add everything at once, instead of adding back some ranks now, and then someone suggesting adding the other ranks back in 6 months.

    • Agree 1
    • Winner 1
    • Dumb 1
  2. -1

    I still don't think anyone in CG is ready to be Fox. The issues your battalion has aren't exclusively the fault of CMD+, and from what I've heard directly from CG members, it doesn't seem like the NCOs and Officers think what they're doing is at fault. You guys need a new perspective on how to run the battalion, and I don't feel you can bring that fresh perspective.

    • Optimistic 1
  3. So I know I just criticized Iceman for doing this same thing in 41st, but I think in this situation it's much more warranted. You have an undisputed proven track record in running the most consistently successful battalion on the server (BOTM 3 times!), and CG desperately needs strong leadership at the top to get them on the right track. I also know from experience that you have the right mindset and work ethic to show you respect CG and will actually try and help them.

    This is an easy +1 for me.

    • Friendly 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, Tide said:

    We are fully preparing for that change in numbers; by the time the suggestion is implemented our NCO core and above will be ready to step up 

    Ok just making sure, cause half your battalion is enlisted, that's a lot of pressure to move to your NCOs.

  5. +1 I think having some sort of long range mic communications would be really cool.

    One of the best events I've ever been part of had everyone  activate the intercom then get into fighters, and it was super immersive and fun. Having a system more concrete would allow that type of roleplay to happen all the time, plus if it can be made sabotageable like the comms chat is, it would give something for engineers to fix, increasing their roleplay potential as well.

  6. Not gonna lie, it's a bit of a red flag to me that you're applying in this manner. You were just BCMD of Rancor, and you've only been in 41st for 5 days. 

    A lot of your goals are also far reaching, for how you say the state of the battalion is. Just to list a few:

    Changing the standard of the battalion from being laid back and fun to professional and more serious is a massive undertaking, especially if the battalion doesn't want the change. Does the rest of the battalion have a similar mindset to you?

    You say you want to enforce officer activity requirements and NCO quotas. Why do you think that will help the battalion in it's current state, and how are you going to combat burnout?

    What do you think needs to improve about the officer team? You mentioned it "isn't bad, but definitely needs more work." 

    Do you plan on running for a second term to continue to push the changes you're suggesting? Most of what you want to accomplish will need longer than 1 term to fully realize.


    Lastly, how can you assure us this isn't just you jumping from power position to power position? Why didn't you spend more time with the battalion before making the app? 

    • Informative 2
  7. -1, for a few reasons

    First, your app is lacking in details IMO. You give ideas and details in some places, but they are sporadic, and missing where I think they shouldn't (NCOs and Battalion are good examples)

    Second, 'A need to improve' is not a good reason to apply for a BMCD position. Everyone can improve things, the fact that you're actively improving yourself doesn't give you any extra qualifications to being a BCMD

    Finally, I don't think anyone in CG is capable of correctly fixing the issues that the battalion currently has, seeing as everyone is either complicit, or unaware of the problems. You guys need someone with an outside perspective, that can make large changes quickly, and I don't believe you're the one to do that.

    If you want to discuss any of this further, my DMs are always open.

  8. On 2/20/2024 at 11:17 PM, Vorix said:

    Hello Finn! I have attempted to resolve battalion relations since I have joined the battalion as a Private. I have done this through my actions of upholding the rules with no bias and with a strong sense of professionalism. I have asked individuals what there issues are with the Coruscant Guard, and every response is that the trooper does not have any issues personally with the Coruscant Guard. This is why I feel a meeting is required between all battalions and Coruscant Guard and we need a concrete list of things we can work on and get resolved. I feel this meeting will have the most impact under the command of a new Battalion Commander.

    I appreciate the answer.


    I'm gonna -1 this for a few reasons.

    Firstly, your application is very bare bones. You talk a lot about where you want the battalion to be, but not nearly enough on how you're going to get them there. Making sure NCOs feel valued or wanting to see DS do more on the base are good areas to start, but that alone isn't enough. How are you going to value your NCOs? What are you going to change about how you operate DS that will allow them to have more agency on the base? These should all be answered somewhat already, and you haven't touched on them

    Secondly, you're filling your app with buzzwords to make it seem longer. Everyone wants to have a dedicated, professional, and respected battalion, you don't need to say a variation of that in every bullet point you make. Saying it once or twice is ok, you're just going overboard.

    Thirdly, your answer to my question was very lackluster to me. Similarly to your application, you aren't telling us what you're doing. Being unbiased and professional isn't actually solving any issues, it's just preventing additional issues. 212th and CG had some pretty public issues in the recent past and you either didn't do anything to help repair the relationship, or you haven't said it here, both of which aren't good. Personally, I've had more conversations with your NCOs about issues between CG and 212th than with you or any other leadership member of the CG, which leads me to my last point.

    I don't think anyone in CG is capable of correctly fixing the issues that the battalion currently has, seeing as everyone is either complicit, or unaware of the problems. You guys need someone with an outside perspective, that can make large changes quickly, and I don't believe you're the one to do that.

    If you want to discuss any of this further, my DMs are always open.

  9. Bro who cares about Senate Commando, that's got nothing to do with running CG


    Before I vote, I'm curious, what have you done so far to try and accomplish any of the stated goals in your app? As a Major, you have the rank to at least attempt to solve some of the issues plaguing your battalion (battalion relations seems an easy place to start)?

    • Dumb 1
  10. 2/2/3

    The gameplay was really generic, with NPCs spawning on top of people, EJs with a shit ton of health, and it went on far too long.

    There was not much effort put into this, with inconsistent spawning, a real lack of roleplay, and you had the audacity to type in advert '/me Hyperspaces out with tech :D'

    There was some noticeable lag, but it was overall not too bad.


    I'm really disappointed in this event tbh.

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