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Posts posted by Finn

  1. 17 hours ago, Wheezy said:

    Ok so y’all just gonna say go back to onderon and fuck everyone who already made tryouts/sims/documents it took us all Nearly 2 weeks to actually have nothing claimed so people can actually do trainings and shit I personally don’t want to go through that again. I’m really surprised this is even a thing. Another thing too is the current map is way more optimized than onderon. Events on main map regardless are gonna be the same shit from us GMs but at least we have the planets to mess with if we feel like it. You guys wanted a new map you got a new map now you want to switch back? My suggestion is we have onderon on the weekends only.

    This discussion isn't exactly a new thing. We've had a new map every other year since Synergy started. After awhile things get stale, and the player base wants a change. Server Leadership might be more inactive than I am, but they aren't asleep at the wheel. They know that the community wants change after the same map for an extended period, and this is a healthy way of addressing it. This cycle is a lot faster because Corellia just doesn't meet the needs of a large chunk of the community. 

    As for server performance, based on my (admittedly limited) experience with hammer, Onderon was an incredibly optimized map, it just has far more detail and space that can be accessed.

  2. I didn't read anyone's replies cause that's a lot of readin, but I think we shouldn't do either.

    Corellia is too small, and the planets are only used for tryouts or super niche things (and Coruscant is actual trash for a planet), and the base layout is really bad. It's too cramped, and there's no fluidity between the 2 sections of the base, and it's annoying to only have 2 hallways.

    Onderon is too spread out with a ton of dead space (the area between Thesh, Village, and the base was great, everything else wasn't used. Sector 2 was worse, being even less used aside from events)

    I think we should go back to Anaxes, or get a version of Endor. Both maps have a lot less dead space on the maps, both bases have a much better design (Anaxes is peak base design IMO), and both had a lot of spread out area that allow for more consistent, fluid roleplay.


    Or make a new map but we've made a new may every 2 years now so idk if we want to make another brand new one.

  3. Manual Rosters?



    Ima be real this ain't it chief. A lot of your goals for the battalion aren't what a BCMD should be focusing on, or are just looking at things backwards.

    -NCOs doing things for promotion is generally a good way of getting them to do things. Not everyone is going to enjoy them, but trooper of the week/month/year isn't going to motivate anyone to doing them more. You should be focusing on giving NCOs ideas on fun entertainments/trainings, and get them, to understand that more recruits=more people=better battalion.

    -As the #1 Roster Enjoyer in the community (fite me Mystic), you don't have roster duty as a point on your app. Not only does it show you don't understand how to maintain your backend system (more automation means less people touching, which means fewer people breaking things), it also shows you don't have the right priorities for the battalion (intel is like, bottom tier for goals on a BCMD app)

    -Your subunit goals make no sense to me. Maybe I don't understand them as well as you do, but having both squads be super elite like how you're describing isn't really good. Besides, both squads already have things that make them interesting and unique (I hope), and you should be focusing on their existing strengths, not imagining them as something different. Also keep in mind that if you want new models, there's a very good chance that, even if you suggest them on day 1 of your term, you won't ever see them as BCMD.

    This entire app feels tone deaf to your battalions' actual issues, and more like a list of things you don't like about the battalion on a personal level. 



    • Agree 1
  4. 3/2/2

    Gameplay was a standard shoot em up, with little variation. Hiding EJs in the NPCs was nice.

    Care and Effort was not put into this deployment. You didn't have a dupe planned, and spent the first 10 minutes building a dupe. There also wasn't good communication between you and the EHs, because there was still very active combat happening when the map switched back to Corellia. The spawning of the NPCs was also not thought out, and many times they were spawned right where enemies had just been killed.

    Performance was bad. Many people were lagging and crashing, including you guys running the deployment. I'd advise not pre spawning so much, and maybe plan out in advance the limits of the map so you can coordinate spawns better.

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