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Everything posted by Agent

  1. +1 Chill dude always doing something for everyone else!
  2. +1 Great guy could do very well.
  3. +1 should've PK all of em last night
  4. +1 Bro has to become the big bro!
  5. +1 doing great as scorch so he can as niner!
  6. +1 Go crazy! Good Luck
  7. Name: Agent Who helped (If applicable): Rocksteady ( Shadowed ) Event Name: Rakghoul Main Base Event Summary of the story: 4 CT's were captured by a mad scientist and were experimented on. They escaped on a near by ship when they had a chance to then crash at alpha. They are rescued by clone forces and brought back to base. Although the troopers didn't know that the CT's were infected and they all were doomed by infection. Not to mention 2 security droids following the 4 escaped CT's to eliminate them and any clones witnessing the test subjects. What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory! The clones prevailed. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up
  8. +1 41st needs something to be done as the battalion isn't at its best right now... think draa can change that.
  9. +1 Great RC great fit for niner!
  10. +1 Dets is a great roleplayer and staff member great for the gregor spot.
  11. Yet again can't say nothing but thank you. I appreciate the feedback!
  12. 10/10 I was amazed at the sight you gave us to have fun on.
  13. Thank you all for the positive feedback! Encourages me more everyday to push myself to meet exceptions.
  14. RP Name: TRO 104th ARCX Major Agent Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:142523409 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 16 Timezone: US Eastern Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to become a staff member to be more of a use to this wonderful community. With my various amounts of experience in gmod with me having 7500+ hours in gmod itself with it having 95% star wars rp I think I can be a major help in many ways. The way you guys do things is very different and unique from every single other server on gmod and I not only want to learn from it... I want to add on to it. My sets of skills could be helpful since I've practically been every single staff position before ( not to brag honestly ) I most likely been in someone else shoes on this server at least once maybe more.... meaning I know a thing or two if that said person needed help in a deployment a event, or a simple staff situation with minges. I seen what the server can do with the amazing staff members that are currently I just want to add on to it and make it a much better environment for role play.. and just to have fun. Overall from my determination to get something done which include getting a event kick off for the players that might be bored at the current moment. To my Calm collective head to handle any situation needed with me keeping my cool through thick and thin. Also and most importantly mature self awareness to always be the bigger person and try to resolve things without the means of the worse possible outcome. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well I'm a person from the big apple New York still in high school but plan to do great things when I get older. I am a geek when it comes to star wars knowing a lot of things from what battles was tipping points in the war... to knowing most of the unnamed clone heroes that saved the day. I'm a very mature person that would more or less lose the fight to not prolong it "depending on the situation"... also a very dependable person. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes lots of it. I have countless to name but I'd rather name 2 that is most important in my eyes. First stating my first ever community to become a staff member which is LB ( Last Bastion ). I was there first Yoda/Commander Wolffe as a admin/gamemaster for more or less 2 years. It was great back in the day with church running things but all great things came to a end and things just fell apart.... things were the same no more. During that experience I became a Head Gamemaster as well as a super admin ( I left a couple times due to IRL situations and came back... but for the most part I was a admin/gamemaster ). Anyways moving on a server I owned was one of the first "First Order" servers... it lasted a couple months due to the actions of the streamer zuthar I couldn't keep up with minges with a undeveloped staff team. I was young then I'm older now. That won't happen again but those are my 2 biggest moments. ( Note my first order server did well with 35-40+ a day when it was up zuthar just came a fucked things over... even made a video on us ) How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? Roughly 655 hours at the time of making this application. Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No sadly.
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