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About Acraan

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  1. +1 my guy, i've known you for a while and have seen how efficiently you work in positions like these, Good luck! fameen
  2. if a server suggestion is put up i dont think you should be able to put some shitpost of a fucking video or gif because that shows a degree of immaturity and makes you seem unprofessional and that you dont really care what happens with the server
  3. If you truly want the server to be lore friendly SOBDE a lot of shit would have to change that would upset the community
  4. -1 If you're complaining about how we shouldn't even be here remove 187th with us. There are also numerous sith that follow the rule of two not just two, we have a COMPLAINT form check it out in the sith discord, want the link? I'll supply it. If anything the sith have been more jedi than jedi seeing as we're like we can maybe have a civil conversation and the jedi instantly fucking attack us. We are trying to remove the minges from within the faction but the problem is that people don't use the report form that we made for this exact reason. And yet again if you want us removed for the sake on continuity then remove 187th aswell and find another battalion that appears in the show
  5. +1 haven't known that long but still a great person and could do well as niner
  6. +1 Best BCMD out there it was a great experience serving under kurt as blackout and I feel he is able to propel SO To greater heights than ever before done. (hope you get the position kurt)
  7. 10/10 it was as good as the first 1 could've had more sith though but thats not your issue
  8. 10/10 the event was fun especially at the end when the sith empire betrayed dooku
  9. RP Name:SO JT S34 SGM ApexTank Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:158753595 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age:14 Timezone:GMT Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an administrator so that i can help out new people to the CWRP experience. I can also help out the the older community members who have not been on the server in quite a long time and are only use to the venator. another reason i wish to be an admin is that i can ban those who do not intend to role play and commit banable offences. i also wish to be an admin because when the GMT players are on i can help them seeing as i will be on at those times and other admins might be AFK. i have also seen how useful being an admin is on the server and how helpful administrators actually are to the community. finally i would like to be an admin as it would also expand my knowledge on how to do admin work in the future and make me more of an asset to the server Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I am your average role player, i hop on the server i participate in the events and i have a good time overall. i have also had friends who are admins. i am in the GMT timezone and when i am viable, would like to start my own set of training for those player in the GMT who might not be able to catch the est training sessions. Do you have any previous staff experience? No How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 198:58:02 Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one)
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