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Posts posted by Bossk

  1. Name: Splinter

    Who helped (If applicable):  Boris (STEAM_0:0:145157473) & Sixs (STEAM_0:1:604225931)

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N / A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A group of Trandoshan smugglers took it upon themselves to use Thesh as a means to add to their smuggling trade routes. 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N / A

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


    Care and Effort:

    Server Performance:

  2. Name: Splinter

    Staff Rank: New Admin

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:236814962

    Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 10/5/22 -> 10/12/22

    Reason: Been ever so slghtly lacking the motivation to get on, the more hefty reason being that school is catching up to me and I just need a good week to grind it out my classes and get ahead so I can come back strong.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes

  3. 4 / 3 / 5

    Solid event, honestly well placed and spawned droids, I saw nothing wrong with them. The dupe was not bad, didn't even notice you had one down, thought literally everything was apart of the map besides the rayshield, that was obvious. No server problems, ping didn't spike and frames didn't drop.

  4. RP Name: Foxtrot MSG Sparky

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:236814962

    VIP: Yes

    Age: 17

    Timezone: MST

    Tell us why you want to be an administrator:

     I have been on and off on this server for many years at this point, but I have never been able to go the extra mile. I consistently try to be event jobs for GMs who struggle to find people or just helping in general. The problem here is I have always been limited to just an event job since I have never applied for staff. Back when it was around on Venator I was in the TR program but not once took the initiative to go out of my way and apply for New Admin. With all the time I do have on the server there is no large-scale impact I have made on the server, and I was hoping that would change here in the coming months. The first idea that came to mind was what better way to make a positive large-scale impact than applying for staff. It is common that I would find myself with some people in a channel, especially in the past, where one of us would produce an idea for an event but could not do anything about it. None of us were staff let alone something like a senior admin who can place down dupes and build. I am hoping to stretch my ideas I have into something more physical since I will better be able to communicate and assist with events I would like to plan / host. With the addition of being staff, my ability to communicate with other members of the staff team to host these events becomes much, much easier and far more manageable.

    Tell us a little about yourself: 

    I am a 17 year-old high school student in my Senior year working a part time job, it doesn't get more wild than that. Watching Star Wars as a kid I could never fathom the idea of actually being in these large scale battles as a clone trooper or anything of the sorts, I mean who doesn't want to do that? I am currently working on my CompTIA certification for Cybersecurity as well as my Ethical Hacking certification, already having Linux and Windows operating systems under my belt, the plan being to get my foot in the door with the certs and attend a University with a major in either Information Security or Computer Science, though the latter is a bit more flexible.

    Do you have any pervious staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished:

    N / A

    How many hours of in-game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?:

    1,224 hours

  5. Wow, not sure how to go about this. Did not seem like there was too much of a plan, but after sitting on it, the event wasn't all that bad. Definitely way toooo long though, at least with the part with the spore just constantly being there spawning, I mean I earned 30k credits, wasn't trying to pull a Scribbles though.

    2 / 3 / 4

  6. 3 / 3 / 4

    The inital part with the RP on Kamino seemed extremely pointless, definitely could have used better planning. Unsure whether it was a lack of moving it along or a lack of players, though there were a good amount so I say it was missing a whole idea. Definitely question why we were on kamino in general, a goal for the passive rp should have been better defined.

    The shooty shooty part of that event was, not the worst I have ever seen. No doubt in my mind that the rp between the EJs was fun, but it took an extremely long time to make up. A test run with everything would have been a better idea prior to the event, just needs more planning ahead of time of course. I can see the idea for the second part, but it did not pan out the way it was supposed to. Gameplay wise for the second part was fine, I didn't see much of a problem, classic shoot em up with a mass amount of droids. Wished there was some more rp, some sort of drama, or rather another challenge other than droids coming at you. Very good for a GM lacking nothing but experience, so good job.

  7. 1 hour ago, Stockings said:

    I am enjoying Conan Exiles & Need For Speed: Heat 👍😼

    +1, much more fun atm, server feels dry. Everyone already summed it up, basically with less people = less things happening like events etc because staff are less motivated or something along those lines. I still try to stay at the minimum afk to boost pop but it doesnt seem to do much. 

  8. Server performance not so great, Jake you def stretching it hard with this one, but there was not many effects so it wasn't game breaking, 3 / 5 there.

    Gameplay, I want to give it a not so solid 4, but there is some bias behind that. Definitely not one of the more favorite maps of mine, but there was a great job done with the map chosen as droids were placed quite nicely. Got lost from my squad a few times, but that is no one's fault but my own. I actually wish it was more difficult, though I would have had a much more difficult time had SOBDE not had 3 jedi, one of which being a Sage.

    Care and Effort, 5. Cannot put anything less here, there was a goal in mind with clear objectives and defined ideas on the GM side put into play, everything ran without hiccup in my eyes. 


    Great job Jake, can't wait for the followup event.

  9. I was told that someone would be fired, anyways. Solid 3 / 4 / 5 purely based off of the rating system.

    Server I don't believe lagged a single time, and there was clearly a plan in mind that was followed, kind of hard for some people to do that these days so that's what I rate the care and effort area off of. Gameplay is a 3, just your average shoot em up, not unwelcomed at all and for sure a solid event with the low pop at the time. Brook

  10. For something to just pass the time, easy 4 / 4 / 5

    Honestly was just fun to fight a bunch of zombies with the minor rp aspect and the ever so slight amount of lore buildup before they began to spawn. Thank you 

  11. Holy, 5 / 5 / 4

    Easily the best event I have been on in the past week, there is no debate, both event server and main server. Amazing use of effects (PPE), thoroughly thought out and not a single flaw spotted. Extremely hard to top, immserion was A1, definitely supported by the people I was playing with. Impeccable job Jake, especially with no event jobs which I realize there were an absence of, woah.

  12. 4 / 3 / 4

    The crashes completely fucked up my game, but I am not going to change how I rate this on that parameter, so server performance gets a 4.

    The care and effort I can see were there, event definitely could have used some more planning beforehand, or some more prep time. More or less was a mishap of communication though.

    General shooting and all that Jazz was fine, nothing new but nothing unwanted. 

  13. 2 / 2 / 4

    Honestly, event just felt like it was all over the place the entire duration of the event. It all started with republic ships I guess having droids on them? It all became completely irrelevant when two malefocients or whatever they were showed up, bombed everyone for 5 minutes straight, finally dropped pods, and then flooded the courtyard with B1s and two commando droid jobs. Not only did a tank sit on the repair pad as it shot at us, but turned into a jumbled mess when there was just more bombing and vultures with an extremely high hp just coasting in the air. 

    Definitely could have used some better planning and to move the event along much faster, but it was better than doing nothing.

  14. 5 / 4 / 5

    I agree with Hellz here, the bantha needs revenge. The farmer did definitely not get tipped off by the Senate Commandos that the 501st were responsible for killing the Bantha and eating him.

    In all seriousness though, a very very good event. Well thought out from start to finish, even when it did get somewhat confusing on the side of the game master. So so so so so happy to see an rp event, especially one that is an event server deployment where people tend to take it a tad more seriously. Great job Marvel.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Conrad said:

    The biggest issue is inproper use of the map. This map is difficult for a "go find this item" type event, which is what this felt like. It was hard to follow where to go, because this map has so many inate nooks and crannies in it the players fall down one and get lost and then they walk away 15 minutes later having not progressed the story at all. This is a fallout surival map and lends itself better to survival storylines, not ones that are "find item, bring it home". Next time i'd use a more streamlined map, Or edit this map to make it more streamlined. Block off some of the dead ends that players fall into to make it a bit easier to progress the story by reducing wasted time.

    Yeah I just agree with this, rating and all, I'll just add onto it ever so slightly. Definitely not the map for the angle that it was going for lore wise, an abandoned Venator or some other ship might have been a better idea, just something a little more controlled. So I'm told, lore "items" and "structures / consoles" were being used and people were attempting to interact with them, only to be told that they "weren't relevant" i.e the pod of food Hawk blew up (supposedly got no answer ooc or irp). Definitely could have been more engaging, but again I believe that was just a map issue. The storyline was difficult to convey to me at least as, for the most part, I had no idea what was happening. The best lore out of the event I got was interacting with the villagers, honestly the highlight of the RP I was able to do aside from recon as ARF. Great idea, just not the best execution, hope this helps.

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