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Posts posted by Bossk

  1. +1, I 100% agree with Clutch, as long as it takes up a HVO spot I see no reason why this shouldn't be added. It'd be great to give the lore character more utility and let him live up to his title of heavy weapons specialist. W suggestion.

  2. 4 | 3 | 5

    Start with the best and work our way down. Perfect performance during both parts of the event, zero stutters, zero frame drops. If anything, during the Venator area, I actually had MORE frames than usual.

    4 for gameplay. Nothing is ever perfect, and this event wasn't though this was one of the most fun starfighter space battles I have had in a long, long time. The second part was a little more lack luster, more of a shootem up with the comms arrays and what not incorporating as you should, great job there. Jepper not coming in to be arrested is alright, happens sometimes, his HP was very high to have a CIS shotgun, but I personally didn't have a problem with it, so that slides by.

    4 for care and effort. The ways I could see more improvement in effort and care would be more of an RP focus on the second part, where rp with Jepper or another Jawa to get to Jepper would have been available. The first area, the Venator RP, couldn't see much expansion other than possibly some more RP on the providence, or something along those lines. Good job Misfit, this was a fun one.

  3. 3 | 3 | 1

    I crashed 4 times, and every 30 seconds I was literally getting "connection lost" and sitting there waiting for my game to come back, and I was not the only one. Not only this, but when my game was functioning properly, I was resting at anything North of 350 ping. It was not me, my computer was running fine with everything for all of my other applications, just this event.

    Overall, as far as the parts of the event I did witness, really was not anything special or that stuck out. Mediocre at its best and bland of a majority part regarding storyline. Good work though.

  4. 4 / 4 / 5

    Start with the best, absolutely stunning performance, no issues or anything, definitely a perfect.

    4 for care and effort. Honestly, I don't know how to improve it, but there is definitely more to add and more effort to put in. Maybe it was some more Intercom RP I was hoping for, haven't figured it out yet.

    4 for Gameplay. Honestly, the most fun I have had in an event in well over a month or so, this stood out so much and purely because Kaiser catered to me and put the Event Jobs to 7000 hp literally because of my existence, and made it all the more harder. Definitely a fun event, and Kaiser always catering to RP like searching boxes or anything else is always nice to see from a GM. Good work out there. 

  5. Absolutely W Event, I am giving it a 4 | 4 | 5

    I had 30 ping average on the deployment, which is amazing seeing as I typically average in the high 100s on the main server or deployments, and I did not lag a single time during that event, both frames or ping.

    Care and effort, I couldn't see a single thing wrong with that event. Everything that was around you could interact with, from all of the cannons I took hold of, to the little crate I found at the beginning of the map which spawns with the map, and has a bacta kit you cant pick up but Kaiser gave me anyways. Roleplay was encouraged and everything was on us. 

    Gameplay a 4. Only reason I don't give it a 5 is because there were no Event Jobs and in conclusion, no rp with other people. Overall, top 3 event since I've been back on the server which has been a little over a month.

  6. 3 | 3 | 5

    Got to do a buncha flying, shot a bunch of stuff, and never blew up when I was flying. I had no idea what was going on on the ground floor, but that doesn't matter to me. Overall, it was something to do so late at night when nothing else was going on, that's why I rate this so high. Performance never dropped, literally perfect, unheard of.

  7. For me, a 3 | 4 | 4

    Rare I give a 3's on gameplay. I personally had a great experience on a BARC with some odd hundred thousand hp (wont say who did it) and I was doing sick tricks with all of the hills. Overall the gameplay was smooth, concise, and to be honest, not a whole lot of areas you can improve upon besides a lack of general rp, in a sense.

    4 for care and effort. Pong Krell voice carried. That is all I have to say.

    4 for performance, surprisingly didn't lag a single time, and kept like 30 fps which is more that I can say for other events.

    • Friendly 1
  8. 3 | 3 | 4

    Overall, gameplay was fine for the most part. For 212th, a little dead at some points for the people at the main base. Overall, with a mixup of spawns and little downtime, it was fun. Bacta participated in comms rp, and actively kept up with us at the base despite us not really having any integral role like getting the crystals. Did like the difficulty to be frank, some of the times a lot of us got overwhelmed, and I always like it when its difficult. Seeing my entire party of 12 all in the red because we have 1 medic who is in 41st helping us was entertaining.

    Care and effort? Going to go on the lower side. I get its a big map and lots to do and the base wasn't important, but with the lumps of downtime and careless spawning of droids, I was left disappointed but chugged along anyways. I don't put this on Bacta, as when he did spawn and help, he was always there when needed.

    Performance a 4. Would give it a five, but my lag is never impossible to avoid. Nothing is ever perfect. 

  9. Overall, gonna rate it a 4 | 4 | 5 purely because it had guild affiliation, and was a pretty unique idea from the jump since you don't see this all that much anymore. A classic shoot-em up with the addition of the guild members that were enlisted. I'm not delusional I swear, and for the people who participated and understood what was going on, it was fun to do when nothing was going on.

  10. 4 | 4 | 2

    Giving a 4 because I got to be special, but in all seriousness, not all that bad. Definitely could have seen some improvements in some areas I'll list.
    - Being group choked and being shot by the other EJ at the same time wasn't fun, I felt like Bana whirlwinding the EJ except 10 of us were all getting shot.
    - Overall just shoot em up, lack of any sense of rp

    4 for care and effort, because obviously with such short notice, limited EJ's, helpers, and planning, it was still a fire event.

    2 for performance seeing as I crashed from the game twice. I am fully convinced that it was the map. As far as I am aware, there was nothing being spawned or messed with that would've caused that. Good frames and ping though. (I wasnt the only one crashing.)

    Overall, I appreciate having a private deployment, always a treat, genuinely. 

  11. 4 / 5 / 4

    Being Darth Maul and scaring the absolutely piss out of troopers, had a lot of fun. As Kaiser talked me through it, lot of care went into the event, and I can definitely see his effort laid out, especially when he went out of his way to un-boss bar me from "Darth Maul" to "Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir" 

    Computer ran well. Wasn't perfect, so we get the 4.

  12. 0 | 0 | 4

    I'm not entirely sure what compelled an event / encounter that was so wrongfully put together, un-fun, and plain out just an RDM fest. A lack of almost any rp entirely, failrp from all four tuskens, or the outrageous hp Tusken 2 (Vaughn) gave himself. All in all, I'm not even sure if I can give zeros, but I am doing it anyways. There is a reason that GMs exist, and if this is the expectation from an event from a Senior Admin, I'm scared on what the expectation has lowered to since the last time I was on the server. This was a mess.

    • Informative 1
    • Confused 1
  13. 4 | 5 | 4

    I give a 4 for gameplay because there are only a few perfect events I have ever been to, and this wasn't at that standard (Jake's private SOBDE events in question). Not saying this deployment was bad, in fact it's the best event I have seen / been to in the last 2 weeks of coming back to the server. I genuinely enjoyed it, since I've rated every event a 2 or 3 in the past 10 days.


    5 for care and effort. Honestly one of the only well thought out events I have seen, full storyline, level switching and a not too finnicky dupe. Don't have more to say.


    4 on performance because my frames and ping will never be perfect.


    • Dumb 1
  14. So let me just start with a +1 so anyone scrolling through this to count can just figure it out. 
    Anywhoo, I've been under countless Cody's and only 212th or SOBDE at any given time, so I can see both sides of this. 

    I've read through most of this post, and I have seen why people do not want to see Foxtrot with 212th, but most if not all of the counter points have already been addressed by Kaiser, Finn, or another member of the community. 

    When I was in SOBDE, this was a little over a year ago from what I understand when Void was Boss and eventually BCMD. I was grey RC the entire time while in SOBDE, and eventually I was "Foxtrot" which at the time was just grey RC with orange color and all four members were all supposed to be specialized in some capacity. When you were in Foxtrot, you were not anything special, and you were again stated, glorified grey RC. We had no Gregor, and when Sarge tried to get the whitelist he wasn't seen fit for the role and so we never got an official leader of any kind. Foxtrot never inherently did anything special at any point, you had the same qualifications, ranking, and authority as any given grey RC. There was no system where if you were foxtrot, you had more right to a tryout than anyone else, or any system where if you went into Foxtrot Tech, like myself, you would have greater priority for a role such as Fixer. Even the medical trooper of the squad, which wasn't a squad as we had multiple people with the same specialization at one given time, didn't ever get a medkit other than a single time I can recall which was for an event server deployment despite us asking every single event to have a medkit from the GM. Overall, it was just something you could be in SOBDE with no rhyme or reason. From what I observed, in order to rise rank and get to the position of Gregor, you would have to join another subunit, become squad lead, then leave to Gregor which was just a hot mess.

    Now as for my 212th experience when we did have Foxtrot with Shockpoint among others, I see nothing wrong with adding it as 212th is offering to give up whitelists, something SOBDE would not do as stated by Slak a few posts above me when they applied to do so under Iceman's term but was left denied by Marvel. As far as Foxtrot went from my perspective, it worked and functioned fine. I see some people talk about how 212th can't uphold the "SOBDE Standard" which was never a problem when Foxtrot was in 212th. Seeing it from both sides of the spectrum in this conversation, I doubt that with the right people chosen, Foxtrot would be fine coming into 212th. Regarding that, again, I believe that as long as you don't pick out the children that hardly reach the goal of "semi-serious" rp, Foxtrot can be held to the same standard. After coming back to the server about a week ago, I'm not sure what standard Super is referring to either, as I don't see much has changed since the last time I was in SOBDE. Obviously your average 212th member shouldn't be joining, which I whole-heartedly agree with, but Finn, Kaiser, among maybe one other I believe have the correct judgement to at least see who could be considered for the role of being held to a "higher standard." Ever since SOBDE got battalioned, they have lacked a higher standard. 

    All in all, while I have seen claims and counterpoints from both sides, I don't see how adding this can negatively impact the server. +1. Idc how much flak I catch for this post.

    • Based 3
  15. 4 / 4 / 5

    I'll start off strong with the 5, I have no reason not to give it a 5 seeing as my computer ran normal like any other event, the average.
    The 4 rating for care and effort is purely due to a pvp centered event, I pray for the BvB to come back and pvp gives me a breath of fresh air. Wasn't entirely a shoot 'em up, a unique idea in a while.
    4 for Gameplay because the world centers around the 212th obviously, and the 212th were the center of this event. Had fun.

  16. 3 | 3 | 3

    This was an average shoot em up, nothing too special about it. As far as shoot em ups go, pretty good, was hoping for some droid fighters or something, especially since we had two fighters up in the air. Performance gets a 3, I've lagged harder, but with a pretty decent computer I am sitting at a solid 10-12 fps, but that's more or less the rendered in snow particles probably. Care and effort, minor amount of rp, no comms work, but a debut for a coming event so we'll probably see more. No EJ's either, that's another thing regarding my care and effort number result.

  17. 3 / 4 / 2

    3 on gameplay. I am not going to say it was anything out of the ordinary. I do believe that general gameplay was fine, it is late but I rate it how I see it w/ no sucking up. Was nothing special, no hostage rp or anything, but finding an event job this late would be difficult. I didn't see any advertising for an EJ though, might've just missed it. 

    4 on care and effort. It was no where near perfect but for an event this late, it would be a crime to late "care" any lower since not many things happen this late on the server. However, definitely had some more room to do any amount of rp besides the occasional advert that helps direct the event.

    2 on the performance. Kaiser said to keep in the new server in mind, but this part of an AAR rating is for performance and my frames were nothing above 15-20 solid on Geonosis when hardly anything was happening.

  18. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Name: Splinter

    Staff Rank: Admin

    Are you VIP?: Yes

    Date: 11/12/2022

    Reason for leaving: I don't have the time to play on the server anymore, not right now and probably not for a long time. Server just does not hit the same, but that isn't the reason.

    Farewells: Can't think of anything right now. @ Everyone in SOBDE y'all are lit asf, only reason I probably stuck out this long. 

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